IBS04 / Ismo

A compilation of our today’s (Oct 1st, 04) .doc material.


New (innovative) product) product for new, and emerging markets
Old (non-innovative) product for old, or saturated markets

Figure: Igor Ansoff’s Matrix (from 1950:s).




* = / ? =
Cash cows / Dogs =

Figure: Boston Consulting Group Model

Source: Kotler, 1997: 72



analysis / planning / Implement-
ation / Con-trol
Leadership, or management; international human resource management

The Kotlerian thinking and the three diciplines of business science.

Can the previous one be applied on the latter one ? A holistic approach to business science.

4. M E Porter’s competition strategies (2, 3, or 4 alternatives)

- best in quality, or

- best in price

- best in service

- best in communication (?)

General purpose of a competition strategy: to obtain a monopolistic position on the market making avoidance of competition possible.

- being different in a positive (a negative ?) way makes success possible.

5. M E Porter’s Diamond model

Purpose: to evaluate the possible international competitive advantage a firm has.

See illustration (will be delivered to you during the next session).

6. “While Aristotle was interested in the unchanging properties of things, Galileo was interested in the unchanging relationships of things, we are now interested in the changing relationships of groups of people” [8]. I have changed the last ‘things’ to ‘groups of people’.

[8]. Keloharju, Raimo (1983). Relativity Dynamics. Helsinki: The HelsinkiSchool of Economics.

- how does this relate to what we have discussed during the sessions ?

7. IBS04 / IK / Oct 1, 2004

Sources of today’s –printed on paper - material:

  1. Summary. ”Perhaps, the most…” (Douglas & Craig, p 104).
  1. The Corporate Mission Statement. ” Many firms, especially…” (ibid, p 83).
  1. Figure 2.1. ”Developing an inter…” (Ellis & Williams, p 49).
  1. Cross-border market entry decisions. ”…a rapidly expanding…” (ibid, p 48).

The books:

Douglas, Susan P. and C. Samuel Craig (1995). Global Marketing Strategy. New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Ellis, John and David Williams (1995). International Business Strategy. London, Pitman Publishing.


Political / Economical / Social / Technological / Environmental / Legal
Opportunities / XXX / XXX / XXX / XXX / XXX / XXX
Threats / XXX / XXX / XXX / XXX / XXX / XXX

pesteli = infrastructure; note, that “T”, already, is part of the infrastructure.

X =

XX =


Do the conditions, or factors (P/E/S/T/E/L/(i)) support the consumption of our product(s) ?

9. IBS04 / IK / Oct 30th, 2004

Jobs of today:

Task 1. Please, analyse your own product or a product that you find interesting. Discuss the matter with somebody trying to develop your arguments. Model of product analysis:

Product or brand -> properties -> general advantages -> specific benefit.

- OEH-analyysi, in Finnish.

Prepare a presentation.

Task 2. Please, analyse your own organization or an organization that you know using SWOT and PEST. You may also use “Porter’s Diamond” as a tool of analysis. See e.g. page 16 of my paper (Internationalization of SMEs), please. Prepare a presentation.

-this ‘my paper’ does not exist as a word file, it is not e-mailable (sorry); please, search the Internet for “porter’s diamond”, if you wish to study it in advance, before our next session; thank you.

-added the file CompAdvant to our mutual folder; it contains the a.m. paper – with the diamond – scanned page by page.

Task 3. Group work. Discuss the concept of “Mintzbergian Entrepreneur”. Anything special? Try to evaluate the usefullness of the ideas for your own International Business Project. Use e.g. Liisa Lintunen’s dissertation as a source of information, please. Prepare a list of the most important ideas.

- please, remember that we are supposed to study a Mintzberg (and Quinn) book as course material.