Switch Issue #1

Written by young people for young people.

Contribute to Switch!

Switch is a magazine written by young people (12 – 25 years old) and contains articles, news stories, fiction, games and health information aimed at young people and their peer groups.

Switch is managed by an editorial team of young people, who decide content, layout, themes and occasionally write articles. Each issue conveys a positive view of young people on a range of topics and issues they face as young residents of Geelong.

Switch releases issues sporadically. Each issue of the magazine is well over 30 pages of full colour magazine just for you! 1000 copies are distributed free at all local secondary schools, libraries and youth venues.

Each issue receives a launch event, which is also managed and designed by the editorial committee of young people.

Previously known as The Piercing Truth, Geelong’s youth magazine has covered such hard hitting topics as bullying, discrimination, and issues relating to sexuality and young people.

The magazine also receives and publishes many light hearted articles. Content for Switch is obtained in various ways including projects, school programs and through public workshops. These vary each issue.

If you’d like to be involved, want to submit an article or piece of artwork, want us to include your upcoming gig or just want to subscribe to the online version of Switch magazine, send us an email to

Editorial Committee: Alastair McGibbon, Jessica Dickers, Amanda Sherring, Kim Sinnott, Van Nguyen and Hannah Hall Production Manager: Helen Grogan Production Services: Adcell Media Cover: Hannah Hall

Privacy Notice: If you chose to enter or partake in any competitions, surveys or offers in this featured issue of Switch, then you are required to provide some personal details about yourself to us. In case you do, they will not be used or given to third parties, unless contacting you in regard to said promotions.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the young people writing the articles and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the City of Greater Geelong.


Contribute to Switch! 1

Editorial 3

Rant. Make-up or hideaway. 4

Don’t Cross When the Man is Red!!! 5

Tax fraud 5

Dodgy Drivers. There are too many drivers who shouldn’t be on the road today. 5

Cast Iron Pinata 6

Dedicated to Pudge 7

How to Recognise a Selfish Weirdo 8

Cats Good for Community 9

Starving Kids in Australia 9

Teen Pregnancies. 10

Religion and Stereotyping 11

Geelong's Hidden Secrets, Herman’s Cousin Harriet 11

Geelong's Hidden Secrets. Ballyhoo Arts 12

Geelong's Hidden Secrets. Cafe Go! 14

Cafe at Home. Recipe 15

How To...Spot a Tourist and Not Be One 15

Travel. Destination: London 16

Travel. Journey to East Timor 17

Written by Tamika Blake 18

Written by Ainsley Mason 18

Written by Telana Stratton & Sophi Hunt 18

Reviews. Welcome 2 My Nightmare – Alice Cooper 18

Reviews. Sister - by Rosamund Lupton 19

Reviews. The Elder Scrolls v: Skyrim 19

Safety on the Internet 20

So you Want to be a... Journalist 20

Artist Profile. Hannah Hall 21

Learn To Play 22

Phone Numbers You Might Need 23

24 Hour Crisis Support 23


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Switch magazine!! It’s been a while for Geelong’s youth magazine, but now we’re back to rock your socks off and generally look awesome whilst doing so. There’s been some major changes over the last few months– not only have we gained some great committee members, we’ve also completely redesigned the magazine, and hopefully you agree the new look suits us! If you have any ideas for stories, features, reviews or even some tips in regards to the design of the magazine, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at

As usual, we’d like to thank Cr Jan Farrell and Mardi Janetzki for their support, and Helen Grogan for her fantastic job keeping us all on track. Happy reading!

The Switch team

Rant. Make-up or hideaway.

Written by Krystie Gross

I CAN’T remember the last time I walked down the street and saw a group of 14 year olds who actually looked 14. What I could see, though, was two-inch thick concealer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lip-gloss; jeans that barely go over their butt, and tops that show off their mosquito bites. Their hair that has so much hairspray in it, it looks like a cyclone wouldn’t hinder its shape.

I’d have to admit when I was a little younger I splashed out and wore make-up to school. Only the basics though, and only if I had the time. When you have to spend two hours in the morning putting your face on so you can cope when someone else looks at you, there is a problem. The question we should be asking is: why do these young girls want to hide themselves from the world? For attention?

The attention that is received from the gallons of makeup applied is not normally the most desirable. Do you really want your 14 year old daughter catching the bus to school every day, dealing with 18-year-old boys are attracted by the fact they “look” like a 16 year old? A lot of the guys that I knew in my final year at school would go after the 14 year olds. This was because, and I quote: “They are easy and hot.” If you are going to let your daughter go into the world looking like a hooker, then first have THETALK with them; “Not all guys want the same thing, learn to distinguish between them.

”Inform your child of future complications that may arise from a constant use of pharmaceutical products every day. The younger you start, the longer you will have to manage your looks and still have the same feeling when you walk into a room.

Look at Brittany Spears for instance. In her early work, she concentrated on what she had to change about herself, wearing a tonne of make-up. She ended up going crazy. Whereas Avril Lavigne interpreted how other people acted, showing how she felt on the inside in how she dressed, and her make-up was kept to a minimum. People I have talked to thought it would have been the other was around when it came to who would eventually go crazy.

Natural beauty is the best sort of beauty. Covering up blemishes and impurities does not eliminate them. At the end of the day they are still there standing out against your skin as you remove the mask. Some would prefer to hide flaws from others and deal with them alone, rather than be picked on at school. It really makes you think about the world we have all created, where14-year-old girls are hiding their real selves in order to fit in and be accepted by older peers, and even, at times, by their own families. So, I leave you with this question:

Why do these girls want to hide themselves from the world?

Don’t Cross When the Man is Red!!!

Written by Frosina Saplamaeva

IF YOU cross the road when the red man is flashing, by law, you have to pay a fine. I have seen lots of people breaking the law this way, especially in the main streets of Geelong. This is called jaywalking. It can be very dangerous but people do it all the time, mainly because they are too lazy or impatient to wait for the green man. If a pedestrian is hit by a car it is usually considered the driver’s fault for hitting them. That is so unfair if the pedestrian was jaywalking.

Drivers generally tend to obey the laws of traffic lights but people who are walking, and even cyclists, often don’t. Why is this?

Pedestrians need to understand that these laws are solely for their own safety. Thousands of people end up in hospital every year from stupid mistakes like jaywalking. This is why people need to listen and obey the laws to keep themselves safe.

Tax fraud

Written by Stephanie Yakimov

YOU may believe working for cash seems fair and reasonable, but what you are actually doing is cheating the system and committing a crime. Accepting money under the table will stop you from paying the fair amount of tax which you owe the government whether you are a youth or working maturely.

Whilst working under the table may be convenient, there are many reasons why you shouldn’t. When you accept money under the table you could be liable for a custodial sentence or convicted of serious tax evasion. Neither of these would help with employment in the future. You may also suffer from not being able to obtain the money from a workplace accident.

When working and paying tax you can access workmen’s compensation which allows you to receive medical care for injuries whilst working. If you were to work illegally by receiving cash under the table you would find yourself in a disastrous situation; you wouldn’t receive money for medical care and wouldn’t be able to sue your employers.

Dodgy Drivers. There are too many drivers who shouldn’t be on the road today.

Written by Tegan Miller

WHEN was the last time you were on your learners? There are so many road ules and responsibilities to learn and to remember. But it seems that not everybody remembers or even acknowledges these rules. Australia is pretty up there on the road fatality list, and this is because people get too impatient. Nowadays, do you see people getting worried if they haven’t obeyed the road rules properly? No! They are solely focussed on getting to wherever they are going. And this is why people have road accidents.

My sister has just turned 16 years old, and now she is on her learners. She had to sit a learners test and got 100 per cent after studying. The online version of the test is at www.vicroads.com.au. I am 13 years old, and I took the test at random, without studying. I got 63 per cent. However, my uncle took the test - he’s been driving for many years -.and he got 54 per cent. Now this proves that something needs to be done about re-enforcing road rules. Some may argue that certain rules weren’t in place 20-odd years ago. But all I’m saying is that people may need to re-sit the test and have their license cancelled if they fail, and renewed if they pass.

The road is the biggest killer. Even wars, natural disasters, murderers and mafia gangs don’t claim as many lives. So it’s kind of sad how people don’t even seem to realise the risks anymore. And driving is hard too. So many things to concentrate on, so many things to be aware of, so many things that can go horribly wrong when you hesitate for a split second. And yet you see people speeding, texting, drinking, eating, even girls doing their makeup at the wheel! People drive with their elbows, knees, fingers - even no hands at all. They don’t seem to realize that particular drive could be their last. Add to that the minimal knowledge of road rules, and you have the ultimate killer. People need to understand that they are putting everybody at risk when they ignore the rules or become impatient. Passengers, pedestrians, traffic and animals are all endangered. How would you like to be called a killer? Because that’s the harsh reality. One wrong move could kill people. Simple as that.

The Australian Government should also be helping with this problem by making the police harsher on distracted drivers. They should be releasing more campaigns about the importance of road rules and a safe driving environment. The police are already cracking down on speeding and drink driving, but there is nothing about road rules or distractions or re-sitting the test. Why not? These factors are just as important as speeding and drink driving. More so because how can they drive safely without knowing any of the rules?

Cast Iron Pinata

By Jessica Dickers

IN THE FEW short years local band Cast Iron Piñata have been rocking the stages around Geelong they have already played with some well known Aussie names, toured around Australia in their minivan and released two EPs (“Rock/Funk/Awesome”(2010) and “What A Coincidence You Are Insane...” (2011)!

Starting out as four mates who went to school together they have slowly been raising their profile and gaining a solid reputation and fan base. Pepe Raye fronts the band on vocals and guitar with Nathan Henschke on guitar, Jim Grace on bass and Khale Lewis on drums.

I talked with the band recently about their music idols, memorable gigs and plans for 2012.

You can spot straight away the strong connection between the four friends who are all about just having a good time through their love of music. They have a weekly time scheduled where they all get together to practice and write as a group as they acknowledge “It’s very important to us to practice as often as possible, so we also fit in jam sessions whenever we can”.

Describing their style as “hard rock/funk”, Cast Iron Piñata are definitely rockers at heart, admitting to being “pretty in-your-face” in terms of their music. With their distinctive and manic vocals, awesome guitar riffs and very catchy lyrics they also make sure there’s “plenty for you to shake your booty to”.

Their live shows certainly live up to this as they are known for their energetic, crazy and very entertaining gigs. They agree that there has been heaps of memorable moments on stage, including one funny moment in Adelaide while on tour;