

Subculture Project Presentation:

100 point Major Assessment

Late projects drop one full grade for every late day*

Select a subculture that you are part of. This could be a team, peer group, club, a group outside of school,work, fan of something, etc. Please get your sub culture approved by me because I would prefer not to have duplicates. This means that if more than one person wants the same subculture, they must work together.

You may work alone or with others that are part of the same sub group. However, you must belong to the group. For example, if you are a cheerleader and choose this subculture, but your friend is not, you may not work together on this project as both of you would have to be part of the subculture.


You are going to examine your subculture and think of examples. You mustinterview at least one other member of your subculture (outside of those working on the project) to verify or expand on your perception. (It may help you to talk to a few people.) Once you have your information, you will create a presentation to share with the class. You might want to start out with a brief description of your subculture, overall values and then get more specific. You should have some type of visual aid to go with your presentation (Google Slides, poster, clothes, pictures, symbols,or whatever might be useful to help your audience to understand.) The presentation should be 3-4 minutes per person. (i.e. group of two would be 6-8 min and a group of three would be 9-12 minutes, etc.. Whenpresenting as a group, ALL members must equally share the time spent presenting. ALL members will be penalized if the presentation is not distributed equally. You MUST use the terms below to help you focus. Please submit a copy of the term table at the end of your presentation.


* On time means that all materials have been brought in and are complete. I will collect a copy of the project’s materials (visual aids and Terms Table.) If this material is not turned in on the due date, but you or your group is not asked to present on that day, your work is still considered to be late.




1 / 2 / 3 / Your score
Introduction / No introduction was given or it was ineffective. / An introduction was clear but did not capture the audience’s attention. / A clear introduction to the topic or person was evident and the audience was immediately interested and attentive.
Eye contact (separate grade for each member) / Student did not look at the audience very much / Student sporadically looked at the audience / Student made and kept eye contact with the audience for the vast majority of the presentation /
Speaking (separate grade for each member) / Most of the content was read to the class OR voice was mostly monotone in delivery / About half of the material presented was read to the class OR voice was monotone at times in delivery. / Vast majority of the material presented was delivered without reading and voice was dynamic, captivating the audience. /
Conclusion / It was not clear when the presentation was over / It was clear when the presentation was over. / It was clear when presentation was over AND it ended with the audience being impressed, inspired, motivated, or intrigued.
Visual Aid / Visual aid did not contribute to the presentation in a meaningful way. It did not aid in understanding the subculture. / Visual aid contributed to the presentation in a meaningful way. It did provided aid in understanding the subculture. / Visual aid contributed to the presentation in a very meaningful way. It helped students understand the subculture in a clear manner.
Timing(grade for the group) / Group fell short of their required length OR did not present for equal amounts of time. / Group went over their required length / Group presented within the range of time required (based on how many members,3-4 minutes per person)
3 / 6 / 9
(notice this category holds triple the weight) / The subculture was not well established OR not thoroughly presented. SOME important and necessary areas for understanding the subculture were covered but many were missing. Fewnuances were provided. / The subculture was established and presented satisfactorily. MOST important and necessary areas for understanding the subculture were covered. Some nuances were clearly provided. / The subculture was well established and thoroughly presented. ALL important and necessary areas for understanding the subculture were covered. Many clearnuances were provided.
Terms Table
(notice this category holds triple the weight) / Terms Table withsome appropriate details all filled in related to your subculture is tuned in, is accurate and follows the directions BUT more than one important idea, term, concept, etc. is missing. / Terms Table with MOSTappropriate details all filled in related to your subculture is tuned in, is accurate and follows the directions BUT at least one important idea, term, concept, etc. is missing. / Terms Table with ALLappropriate details all filled in related to your subculture is tuned in, is accurate and follows the directions. No important parts of this subculture appear to be missing.

Raw Score conversion

36 / 35 / 34 / 33 / 32 / 31 / 30 / 29 / 28 / 27 / 26 / 25 / 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12
100 / 98 / 96 / 94 / 92 / 90 / 88 / 86 / 84 / 82 / 80 / 78 / 76 / 74 / 72 / 70 / 68 / 66 / 64 / 62 / 60 / 58 / 56 / 54 / 52





DIRECTIONS FOR THIS TABLE- This table must be typed and must be thorough. This table should end up being several pages long. For example, if I can think of things that belong and you don’t include them, points would be deducted. You do not have to write this in sentences and paragraphs. You could put the term in bold with explanations after them not bolded. Or you could do bulleted lists. The format is up to you, but your goal is to be thorough and clear. If you only put a few examples under each category, you will only earn partial credit. Finally, if you need to use symbols or pictures to illustrate concepts, such as gestures, you should do that.

Term / Examples
Symbols: something to which people attach meanings and then use to communicate with others
Gestures: the ways in which people use their bodies to communicate with each other
Language: a system of symbols that can be strung together in a number of ways to communicate/terms
Values: standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable
( good or bad, beautiful or ugly)
Norms: the expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop out of values
Positive Sanctions: reward given for following a norm (ranging from a smile to a prize)
Negative Sanctions: disapproval for breaking a norm (could range from a frown to prison or execution)
Material Culture: objects that distinguish a group of people ( art, buildings weapons, machines, hairstyles, clothing and jewelry)