Cricket / Julio / responsible
ambitious / friendly / rotten
appreciative / generous / rude
arrogant (pushy, vain) / gentle / sad
bossy / gullible (easily fooled) / scared
bratty / happy / self-absorbed
brave / honest / self-centered
calm / humble / self-confident
carefree / imaginative / selfish
caring / inconsiderate / selfless
clever / independent / serious
considerate / intelligent / shy
articulate (can speak well) / intimidating (frightening) / respectful
egocentric (thinks the world revolves around them) / inventive (can think of a new way to solve a problem) / resourceful
(can think of a way
to solve a problem)
cooperative / kind / smart


/ leader / snobby
curious / lonely / social
deceitful (dishonest, lie) / loving / strange
demanding / loyal / stubborn
determined / mature / supportive
dishonest / mean / terrifying
dramatic / mischievous / thoughtful
evil / nasty / powerful
fair / obnoxious / unfair
fighter / practical / unfriendly
focused / helpful / ungrateful
conceited / proud / unselfish
competitive / pushy / vain (full of oneself)

Directions: Working with a partner, cut out the words (make sure you include the definitions too). Put Julio at the top left of your Venn Diagram, and Cricket and the top right. Go through each word, and decide if it describes Julio or Cricket. If they both have the same character trait, put that word in the center of your Venn Diagrams. When done, select the “top 9” words from your Venn Diagram that best describe Julio and Cricket. List those words below, sorting them so that whatever word you choose to describe Julio is a good contrast to a word describing Cricket. Write sentences using these key contrast words: although, however, while, but,
on the other hand, yet, nevertheless, rather, in contrast See the examples below:

Julio /



Julio and Cricket both have these traits

kind / selfish / smart

Write contrast sentences below, using the words listed above:

Although Julio is kind to his classmates, Cricket is selfish, and only thinks about herself.

Using the words in your Venn Diagram that both Julio and Cricket shared, write some compare sentences on the back of your paper, using these key words:

both, too, and, similar, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, at the same time, like, just as (fun, sad, etc.) as Example: Both Cricket and Julio are smart people.