Write your own Creation Myth

Due: Friday, September 19th, 2014

A creation myth “explains how the universe, earth, and life began.” It has four functions noted in your textbook on page 31. Creation myths are meant 1) to inspire a sense of amazement in the mystery of the world 2) to explain the way things work in the world 3) to support social customs and traditions and 4) to guide people. Write a three to four-paragraph creation myth that includes some of these functions.


_____ 15 points

Choose several mysteries in the world that your myth will try to explain (Can be something in nature or the modern world). Choose wonders that you have been awed by. Describe the series of events that led to the creation of these mysteries. It is not expected that they be realistic; you may be creative and even extreme. You do not have to use human characters.

Be sure to include most of these elements (5 out of 8) in your creation myth:

·  A creator who controls the birth of a new world, human, animal, etc.

·  The medium (materials) used for creation such as clay, sand, fluids, and a supernatural power

·  A main character who is human with supernatural powers or supernatural ‘being’

·  A decision between good and evil that the main character must make

·  A “trickster” who will try to lead the main character down the wrong path or cause trouble

·  The relationship between people and nature

·  A sin man has committed against nature/animals/etc. or to anger the “creator”

·  An underworld and/or heaven-type place.

_____ 6 points

Include some of the features of Native American culture that you have been reading about. You could illustrate a respect for nature, values like generosity and family, concepts like good and evil, concerns like hunting and rain for crops, the acceptance of balance and equality of all living things, etc. (Minimum of two)

_____ 4 points

Write the story in the style of a Native American Creation Myth. The style is neither flowery nor hyper-descriptive, but straightforward. Type the paper in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font and double-space it. Use MLA format. Be sure to have a polished piece with no spelling errors and complete sentences.

_____ Total

How your paper should look: MLA Format

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