B130 Reproduction Management -Anatomy

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On the left hand column click on Section A: Herd Health Management

Scroll down to A710 Reproductive Management - Anatomy and Physiology

Read the information and answer the following questions.

1. Introduction: The difference between a successful cattle operation and one that struggles, is often the number of healthy calves produced in a given year. Obviously, more calves mean more income. The challenge is trying to manage all the possible influences that can affect the reproductive health of a given herd or animal. List eight factors that play a role in reproductive health?

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.

The information that follows will give the producer a basic background in cattle reproduction and physiology, and then identify the major management issues that need to be considered when evaluating reproductive health.

2. Define the following Female Reproductive terms:

1.  Ovary –

2.  Ovum (Ova = plural) –

3. Ovulation –

4. Estrus (heat) –

5. Follicle –

6. Oocyte –

7. Corpus Luteum (CL) –

8. Luteinization –

9. Uterus -

3. Define the Following Male Reproductive Terms:

1.Testes (testicle) –

2. Spermatozoa –

3. Seminiferous tubules –

4. Spermatogenesis –

5. Semen –

6. Accessory sex glands

7. Epididymis –

8. Vas (Ductus) deferens –

10. Bulbourethral gland –

11. Seminal vesicles –

12. Prostate gland

13. Penis -

4. Both Male and Female Terms:

1. Puberty –

2. Pituitary gland –

3. Hypothalamus –

4. Urethra -

5. Label the parts of the female reproductive system.

/ A.

6. Define vulva:

7. What are the three main functions of the vulva?




8. How will the vulva change as the animal approaches heat or estrus?

9. During natural mating where is the semen deposited?

10. What is the purpose of the cervix and how does its design help accomplish this purpose?

/ Close-up view of the cervix.

11. How long and what is the purpose of the uterine body?

12. Where is semen deposited during artificial insemination?

13. What is the main function of the uterus?

14. What does the hormone oxytocin do?

/ The short uterine body divides into two long uterine horns.

15. What is the function of the oviduct?

/ The UTJ, isthmus, and ampulla are functionally different regions of the oviduct.

16. What is the function of the infundibulum?

17. What are the two primary functions of the ovaries?

18. What two hormones are produced by the ovaries?

19. What is a follicle?

/ Blister-like follicles on the ovaries.

20. What is the corpus luteum?

21. How did the name corpus luteum originate?

/ Cross-section of bovine ovary with a corpus luteum.