Department of Decision Sciences

BMA5232 Strategic Information Technology

Lecturer:A/P Thompson Teo


Room: BIZ1-02-20

Session:Semester II, 2007/2008

Course Objectives

In this module, the strategic roles of information systems and technology (including the Internet) in business organizations are examined. Frameworks for analysing the strategic impact of information technology on organizational and industry structures are introduced. Information systems that support or shape an organization's competitive strategy, as well as information systems that are used to re-engineer business processes in organizations are discussed.

This course is directed at business managers who must have a basic understanding of the current and potential strategic impacts of information technology and the Internet. Business managers do not need to be experts in information technology. Rather they need to be comfortable with using information technology applications as well as to have the necessary knowledge to exploit information technology to achieve strategic business objectives. In particular, business managers need to understand the benefits as well as the pitfalls in exploiting information technology for competitive advantage.

Course Outline

The topics covered will fall in these major areas.

1. Achieving business success through information technology.

2. Managing information for business initiatives.

3. Enhancing business decisions

4. Creating collaborative partnerships in business

5. Transforming organizations

NOTE: This course is taught seminar style where students are expected to come prepared for classes, having read assigned readings. Students are required to participate actively in discussion, failing which they will receive low marks for participation.

Main Textbook

Haag, Baltzan and Phillips. Business Driven Technology. 2nd edition. 2008.

Reference Textbooks

Pearlson, K.E. and Saunders,C. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, Wiley, 2004.

Teo, T. and Ang, J. Leveraging Information Technology Among Small and Medium Enterprises: A Singapore Perspective. Prentice-Hall, 2000.

Teo, T., Wong, P.K. and Lim, V. Issues and challenges in e-commerce: A casebook. McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Neumann, S. Strategic information systems: Competition through information technology, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1994.

Further references can be obtained from ISworld SIS Homepage


Participation: 20%

Article presentation: 10%

Individual assignment25%

Group presentation: 15%

End of term test: 30%