Subject Area: Social Studies Grade: 4th

Explorers: Day 2

Objective: Students will recall information about Christopher Columbus, discuss the discoveries of Francisco Coronado, contribute to a PowerPoint presentation, convert Francisco Coronado’s story into a graphic organizer timeline, and implement what they have learned by creating an interview.

Target vocabulary for the lesson: Francisco Coronado, Mexico, gold, Indians

Speech, audition, and language elements targeted for lesson: Students will say target vocabulary words during pre-teach activity. Students will listen for their names and key terms during the lesson. Profoundly deaf students will recognize these words from lip-reading. Examples of English language will be modeled during the PowerPoint. Students will write in complete sentences for the interview and graphic organizer.

Reference: TEKS 2B: Identify the accomplishments of significant explorers such as Cabeza de Vaca, Christopher Columbus, Francisco Coronado, and Rene Robert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle and explain their impact on the settlement of Texas.

TEKS 23A: Use social studies terminology correctly.

TEKS 23D: Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies.


·  Review Christopher Columbus using a PowerPoint presentation.

·  Images on the screen should elicit information from the students.

·  Using the SmartBoard, students can write phrases and facts on the images they represent.

·  Pre-teach vocabulary words.


·  PowerPoint presentation about Francisco Coronado.

·  Students will complete graphic organizer timeline during the presentation.


·  Divide students into partners.

·  Create an interview with both questions and answers for Francisco Coronado.


·  Students will be chosen to come to the board and answer individual questions taken from the lesson. Questions will range from background, route, discoveries, and more.


·  Interview questions will be presented on the overhead.

·  Students will respond as if they are the explorer.

Explorers: Day 5

Objective: Students will distinguish the discoveries of each explorer, compare and contrast explorers using a graphic organizer, research using three sources, and produce a comic strip.

Target vocabulary for the lesson: same, different, important, comic, Texas

Speech, audition, and language elements targeted for lesson: Students will say the names of each explorer during the Venn diagram lesson. Students will listen for their names and key terms during the lesson. Profoundly deaf students will recognize these words from lip-reading. Examples of English language will be modeled on the teacher’s Venn diagram. Students will write in complete sentences for the butcher paper introductory exercise and comic activity.

Reference: TEKS 2B: Identify the accomplishments of significant explorers such as Cabeza de Vaca, Christopher Columbus, Francisco Coronado, and Rene Robert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle and explain their impact on the settlement of Texas.

TEKS 22B: Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

TEKS 23D: Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies.


·  Each explorer will have their own sheet of butcher paper around the room.

·  Students will write facts about each explorer.

·  Graphic organizers, books, textbooks, etc may be used for reference material.


·  Compare and contrast the explorers using the Venn diagram graphic organizer template.

·  Consider explorer background, why they explored, what they discovered, and their significance or importance to Texas.

·  Students will announce the name of the explorer associated with the fact or characteristic before adding it to the Venn Diagram.


·  Students will be divided into groups of 3.

·  Each group will be assigned one explorer, based on their journal entry from the previous day.

·  Groups will create a comic strip about their explorer.

·  They must use information gathered from 3 sources in the comic.

·  Clip art images from the computer can be printed and cut out.


·  Students will come to the board and answer a question about one of the four explorers, pulled from a hat. Another student will determine if his or her response was correct or not. If not, they will provide the correct answer.


·  Comics will be presented to the class.