User Manual

Avatars, Classes & Guilds

At the beginning of the game you will be given a sheet of paper (included in this package) that will be used to create your avatar (game player). You will come up with a name for yourself (i.e.: I will be known as “Master Heebs”) that you will use throughout the game. Your avatar will also be a certain class of player. This player class contains a hidden ability that only that class is capable of using. You will have to discover your class ability as you go. Can you uncover them all?

Once you have created your character you will be randomly put into a guild (team) that you will be playing with throughout the duration of the game. You guild can be helpful or it can be detrimental but of course how your guild functions is up to you all but working together will always be key.

Inventory & Items

Throughout the game you will be awarded, or earn, a variety of different items. These items can help you throughout the game during battles, with crafting, unlocking different perks or even to mess with other players. You can earn items by winning battles, completing quests, earning badges and a few other special ways you will soon come to discover. Items range from basic and common to elite and rare and they all hold a variety of different powers. You can sell and trade items throughout the course of the game to anyone you choose whether they be friend or foe.

The items that you earn will be stored in your inventory. Your inventory (9 pocket card holder) will be located in your satchel (binder) and will be capable of holding 9 items at a time as they cannot be stacked. If you earn a 10th item while you have 9 in your possession you will have to choose to sell or discard one of your other items in order to accept the new one. You will have 2 minutes to make that decision or lose the newly discovered item.

Items are categorized by colour and style…

Laminated & Coloured = Green – Access, Gold – Attack, Red - Modification – Blue – XP
Not Laminated & Multicoloured = Basic

Forging & Crafting

Throughout the game you may uncover certain items that pose no obvious benefit to the player at first, however, you will quickly come to learn that these items can be forged and crafted together (combined) in a special location of the land in order to create useful items. How many combinations can you discover?

Experience Points & Leveling

Throughout the game you will be earning experience points while you quest. Instead of a unit project you will be completing a variety of small, medium or hard quests throughout each unit. These quests will be worth a variety of different experience points. There will be a set amount of XP to earn during each unit to earn a grade of 100 percent. There is also the opportunity to earn more XP than you need. You can then use this extra XP and trade it in for money to be used in the game.

The game master (Mr. Hebert) will track the progress of the XP earned and it will be kept on a digital display for game play purposes. You will be able to see where you stand against others, where your guild stands and what level your player is currently at. It will be available on the class website as well as in the classroom.


During the course of the game you will be earning money by completing quests, engaging in battles or completing challenges. This money can be used to buy a variety of different items that will help you along the way. You can also buy items from other players in the game using the money you collect.

You will be given a track sheet to keep track of your money. Fraud will not be tolerated and illegal entries could result in a total wipe of your money stash.


Throughout the duration of the game there will be hidden achievements you can unlock as you play. These achievements will be named – the name being a clue as to how to obtain them – but how to obtain them will not be discussed. These badges contain with them a variety of different perks from items to money or even experience points!

You will also be given an achievement badge sheet in order to store your achievements (included in this package)


Quests will be a key part of this game. Each class will contain some lore and tutorials (teaching) but will also contain a lot of hands on, self-directed work which I call quests. These quests, as mentioned above, can be sorted as either: easy, medium or hard. Each different quest is worth a different amount of XP and this XP will be directly translated into a portion of your grade. You will not be required to complete each quest during each portion of the game to earn the maximum XP required to earn 100% as there will be more quests and XP available then you need.

In order to discover the quests you must first crack a series of puzzles, as a guild, in order to obtain the quest code. The quest code will then be input into the tablets of truth (iPads or iPhones) and you will begin searching for your quests. Can you find them all and defeat the evils that lurk within this widespread land?

Boss Battles

At the end of approximately each month of game play you will be faced with a boss or final boss battle (chapter or unit test). These battles are where you can use certain items to help you defeat the boss in question. Each boss possesses a certain number of hit points that need to be eliminated before they are defeated. How many bosses can you defeat along the way?

Mini Games

Throughout the game players will partake in a variety of mini games. These games can be physical, mental, strategic, team based or individually played. You can earn money, XP, items and maybe even badges by participating in these games. Some of these mini games will also be optional or even secret so always be sure to be paying attention!

The Story

The land of Scientia Terra was a calm and tranquil place. The land was abundant in resources and therefore many different trades people, from mining to carpentry and masonry, along with their families, called this land home. Its people lived happily and without worry until the accidental discovery a rare and powerful gem stone by a local mining group.

The discovery was first thought of as wondrous but word of its discovery quickly spread across the land. Soon, many different unwanted guests were entering the kingdom of Scientia Terra. Knowing the power that this gem possessed and worried for the safety of his people, Master Heebs, the king of Scientia Terra, hid the gem in the hopes that it would not land in the wrong hands thereby bringing no harm to anyone.

For months, the gem remained hidden and the kingdom and its people safe. Thisregrettablydid not last...

During a stormy evening, a sight not too uncommon in this land due to its ample water,a scout for the evil Minotaur King, a previous outcast from this land, was able to infiltrate the castle of Master Heebs unbeknown to all. As he secretly progressed throughout the castle he was able to discover the secret location of the gem stone and reported back to his evil master. This was the moment the history of this great land would forever change.

With this newfound knowledge the Minotaur King began to plan his attack on the land of Scientia Terra in the hope of attaining the stone. His army began to grow and fully aware of the 5 major cities that make up Scientia Terra he recruited 5 different generals to help him execute his master plan. Each general would be responsible for the sudden, yet systematic, destruction of these 5 major hubs.

The attack was successful and the land of Scientia Terra was seized and its major cities held hostage. The gem however was not found in the castle. To this day, Master Heebs, who is being held hostage by the Minotaur King, refused to reveal its whereabouts. He has been given 1 year to disclose its location or he will beeliminatedand his kingdom burned to ashes if it is not found. Until that time he, along with hundreds of others, are being held hostage, imprisoned in an outpost camp secured with 5 different keys. The location is these keys is unknown and must be discovered...
Can you, before time runs out, discover the location of the keys, defeat the generals, eliminate the Minotaur King and save the people of Scientia Terra?

Their fate is in your hands...

Good luck as you enter the land of Scientia Terra!

May the odds be ever in your favour!