Downloading Youtube Videos for student use in your classroom:

  1. Find the video on Youtube you want your students to watch.
  2. Highlight and Copy the URL (address) of the Youtube video.

  1. Open a new tab and go to one of the following websites:
  2. (or just type
  3. Right click the text box next to the Download button and select Paste to put your URL in from your Youtube Video

  1. Click the Download Button and wait
  2. You will scroll down the page to find the link to the video you want to download. PLEASE NOTE: If a new page pops up you want to cancel any pop up message and close the new page

  1. Right click on the link to the video you want (Most likely an MP4 file and possibly at 720p or 720 pixels). Click Save Link As and a window will pop up to choose the location and for you to rename the file if necessary/desired.
  1. Pick your location (possibly your Desktop) , change the name if desired, never change the file type.Click Save to download the file to your computer.
  1. Watch the lower left corner of your browser window. A tab will show up displaying the progress of the download and when it reaches 100% the file will be on your computer.
  2. Right click where is says Just insert a link and select paste from the menu . Wait while the webpage finds the video.

  1. Don’t press any of the advertisements on the page. Look for the link to download video in browser and click to follow the link.

  1. The window will expand to display a link to Download. Click the link and the video will show up as a tab at the bottom of your browser window. (The video is automatically downloaded to your Downloads folder on your computer.).
  1. The video is automatically downloaded to the Downloads folder on your computer. Here is a trick to find the file quickly and to move it to a different location. Click on the up arrow on the tab next to the name of the file to reveal a menu. Select show in folder to open the downloads folder and highlight the name of the file you downloaded. Right click on the highlighted name and select cut. Maneuver to your desktop or the folder where you want to save the file and right click and select paste.