Course: Français 1
Text: D’accord1!
On-line textbook- website:
Teacher: Madame Goza
Room 1407
4th period conference
Tutorial Wednesdays & Thursdays during Oiler B lunch and Wednesdays from 2:25-255pm
Course Description
This course is an introduction to French language and culture. Students learn basic vocabulary and basic language structures through speaking, writing, reading, and listening in the target language. This class requires oral participation in the target language at all times.
Themes covered
ABCs & survival French
School life
Family and friends
Café – Places and activities around town
Past times and hobbies
Course Objectives
Students will be able to discuss topics dealing with their own lives; such as, likes, dislikes, personality traits and physical features, school, subjects, family, the city they live in, activities, food, sports, and hobbies. Students will demonstrate control of common basic grammatical structures, present tense regular verbs, irregular verbs, and vocabulary in the four skill areas; speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In addition, students will learn basic cultural information about Paris and France in general.
Course Expectations
The student will demonstrate:
· Knowledge of daily French language by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts.
· Understanding of facts and ideas of French culture and language
· Application of the French language in grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, writing and reading
· Analyze the French language by breaking down and examining language, grammar, and vocabulary.
· Synthesize the French language by combining vocabulary, grammar and cultural aspects into speaking, reading, writing, and listening activities
· Evaluation by listening, speaking, reading and writing in the target language
A list of beginning “survival expressions” will be given to you so that you can ask clarifying questions. This is a language class, it is imperative that students strive to make a meaningful oral contribution on a daily basis – in the ultimate end being able to communicate in the target language!
Materials: Due by Aug 28 2017 – Please see me if you cannot complete this by the due date.
· Folder Green (5th Period), Yellow (6th Period), Blue (7th Period)
· Pen/pencil
· Paper
Grading Policy: academic integrity and strict honesty is expected
A = 90-100%
B = 80-90%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = below 60%
Daily work/quizze/pop quiz - regular classes - 40%
Major grade/test - regular classes - 60%
Tests will be given regularly. All students present will take the test. Any tests missed due to absences MUST BE MADE UP within one day per consecutive day of absence.
NO CHEATING- Automatic ZERO/ NO Make up
Semester grade = Average Grade of the two 9 weeks Period (80%)+ Final Exam(20%). Final exam is 20% of the semester average.
Exams are cumulative; they cover material that has been studied throughout the entire semester. It is recommended that students retain notes and assignments and review them periodically during the semester in order to be prepared for the exam.
Talking is not permitted during testing. Any violation of this rule, regardless of the content of the conversation, will result in a grade of a zero.
Cell phones, MP3 players, and other electronic devices must be turned off and put away during testing. Any violation of this rule, regardless of the content of the conversation, will result in a grade of a zero.
One class day per day of absence is allowed for makeup work for excused absences. It is the student's responsibility to ask for any make-up work after an absence. If you know you will be absent, please check with your teacher Madame Goza ahead of time to pick up your work.
Late work is accepted with the following late work penalties for regular classes:
1 day late: 25 points off of evaluated grade
2 days late: 50 points off of evaluated grade
3 or more days late is 0
EXTRA CREDIT: Students can earn extra credit by doing independent research on element of Francophone culture and writing about it, learning and reciting a French song or poem or learning extra vocabulary or grammar outside of the curriculum. *Extra credit submitted during the final week of the grading period will be reflected on the next grading period.
You, the student, are expected to do your work during class time, participate in all activities/assignments.
In addition, students in French class should be:
Fun Students, who are fun display enthusiasm in the classroom, express their interests and have a positive attitude.
Respectful Students who are respectful show tolerance for differences in opinions and cultures and treat both teacher and fellow students with kindness.
Engaged Students who are engaged make their best effort at participating fully during class time, do their homework to the best of their abilities and study for tests.
Neat Students who are neat treat school and personal property with care.
Courteous Students who are courteous demonstrate good manners not only with the teacher, but also with everyone at school (administration, staff, custodians and schoolmates)
Helpful Students who are helpful always bring necessary materials to class, take notes for friends when absent, encourage and praise other students and are good citizens
Most of the work will be done during class time. If the student is not able to complete the work in class, the assignment becomes homework DUE at the beginning of class the next day- the teacher may not grant work to be taken home if the student was observed doing other work non-related to French Class or socializing.
Regular and timely attendance is a critical part of learning a foreign language. If you must be absent, it is YOUR responsibility to check with your teacher and/or call a buddy student in class to make up the work missed. Handouts for the day missed are the responsibility of the student. Please speak with teacher before or after class.
Teacher Recommendations:
It is highly advised—especially for students interested in AP—to self-advocate for themselves. A great way for students to practice French at home is by watching children’s shows on youtube in French such as Peppa Pig, Caillou, Babar, and Trotro. Another great way to practice is by downloading and playing the free app called Duolingo to practice grammar and vocabulary.
Setting up on-line curriculum
The textbook includes an on-line interactive learning site with activities that will be used for homework and studying. In order to activate your account please register at and be sure to remember your log-in and password.
Classroom Behavior Expectations and Consequences
It is important to RESPECT the learning rights of all your peers.
Classroom Procedures:
Beginning of Class
· Students will greet teacher at the door by saying: Bonjour Madame and the “mot du jour” provided by your teacher the day before.
· After walking into the class quietly, students will pick up their folder and/or notebook.
· Students will then sit down at their assigned seat, and immediately begin bellwork projected on board.
Ending of Class
· In order to properly end class, students will leave all of their materials out until instructed to put them away.
· For the students’ benefit, every class period will end with a formal conclusion to tie together the day’s lesson—students must be aware and respectful of this procedure.
· When closure is finished, students will be cued to put away materials and leave the class once the bell has rung.
Classroom Rules:
French Class ______Period ______DUE BY Wednesday Aug 30
Student’s name ______
I acknowledge receiving the French 1 Syllabus 2017-2018 and discussing it with my parents/caregivers.
Signature Student ______
Signature parent / caregiver ______