Chapter 12 Questions Coach Williams

Section 1

  1. What is nativism?
  2. What is isolationism?
  3. What is communism?
  4. Under communism, who would control all property and business?
  5. Which three groups were targeted by the Palmer Raids?
  6. What is an anarchist?
  7. For what reasons did many Americans want to limit the number of immigrants coming into the US?
  8. What did the KKK say they were devoted to?
  9. What things did the KKK believe in?
  10. What did the quota system do?
  11. Why didn’t the gov’t allow strikes during WWI? How many strikes occurred during 1919?
  12. What four things were the steel workers striking for? How many went on strike? Did they succeed?

Section 2

  1. What did Warren G. Harding mean by “normalcy?”
  2. Why was Russia left out of the Washington Naval Conference (1921)?
  3. What two things did Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes call for at the Washington Naval Conference?
  4. Why did French troops march into Germany? What was going on with the German economy after WWI?
  5. Why did the US propose the Dawes Plan? What did the Dawes Plan do?
  6. Who was Harding’s Secretary of the Treasury? What did he do to taxes and the national debt?
  7. What was the Ohio Gang?
  8. Who was Harding’s head of the Veterans Bureau? What was he caught doing?
  9. What was the biggest scandal of the Harding presidency?
  10. What did Fall secretly do with the oil lands? What did Fall get in return?
  11. What did Fall become the first cabinet member in US history to do?

Section 3

  1. How many Model T cars were produced?
  2. What product was the backbone of the US economy from the 1920s to the 1970s?
  3. Was Calvin Coolidge pro-business or anti-business? Give one reason as to why or why not.
  4. Did Coolidge want high taxes or low taxes (income)? Did he want high tariffs or low tariffs?
  5. In what ways did the automobile help to end rural isolation?
  6. How did the automobile lead to young people becoming more independent?
  7. What was the average annual income in the US in 1920? In 1929?
  8. In addition to gasoline, what else powered the US economy?
  9. List four electrical devices that were popular products in the home in the 1920s.
  10. What happened to factory productivity between 1920 and 1929?
  11. What was the national income in 1921?What was the national income in 1929?