Youth Support Services Monthly Statistics

TemplateGuidance and Instructions


Following feedback from providers, stakeholdersand thequestionnaire via Survey Monkey the YSS monitoring return process will change from 1st April 2013. The following guidance explains the process and requirements of all YSS commissioned services.

New Templates

Please note for 2013-14 returns there are two templates

  1. YSS service user data word document template -The YSS data word document must be completed by all YSS Providers and should be emailed monthly to Children’s Services Procurement Team and your CDF.
  1. NEET data excel spreadsheet. To ensure we comply with confidentiality and data protection regulations the NEET data spreadsheet will continue to be sent to the Hampshire County Council data team. All providers who engage with any young people identified as NEET must complete the excel spreadsheet as per the NEET data guidance document provided.

1. Guidance on how to complete the YSS Service User data word document:

1. Do not delete or amend any section on the template

2. If you operate several LOTs, use a separate return for each LOT service i.e. if you deliver several services in different areas please return a form for each individual commissioned LOT.

3. Submit your return monthly and no later than the 20th working day of each monthwith the previous month‘s datai.e. the first return is due before 20th May evidencing support delivered throughout April.

4. Using the case study template provided a quarterly case study for each service LOT will also be required for each LOTand must be received before the following dates:

July 20th 2013

October 20th 2013

January 20th 2014

April 20th 2014

5.Email copies to and your local CDF

6. If you require support to complete this form please contact your CDF


Number of contacts: a ‘contact’ is defined as a service user who has accessed the service. For example if you are delivering a Hub then this table can be used to evidence the total number of young people who have attended the service during the month and include any young person who has been in contact with the service but not necessarily received YSS support.

Total number of young people supported: each young person accessing the lot is counted once, no matter how many sessions they have attended that month.

Total number of new young people this month: a ‘new’ young person is someone who has accessed their first lot session in the grant year (from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014) - hence a young person can only be recorded in this section once in the year, not once a month.

One to One work:

Primary support – the issue/topic(or if multiple, the main issue/topic) that the young person (not staff member) had first identified that they required support with.

Other support provided – any other support issues/topics that were identified and support given in that intervention by either young person or staff member.

[One to one work is every intervention outside of group work where support is given to a young person. (One to one work can follow or result from a group work session, but cannot happen at the same time)]

2. Youth Support Services (YSS) NEET data return Guidance Notes

The excel attachment is the 2013 version of the NEET data return Form.

What’s the purpose of this form?

This form is used in order to collect information about young people. It will be stored on the Core+ NCCIS database within the council and will comply with confidentiality and data protection regulations.

The data you provide will allow the Youth Analysis Service to maintain accurate data related to the young people in Hampshire and potentially provide further assistance where appropriate. We will only use the personal details such as name, date of birth and postcodes in order to match the new information with our databases.

In line with data protection regulations we will not pass collected information to any third parties.

We ask you to fill this form out for every identified NEET young person that uses your service.

How do I complete the form?

Step 1

Complete the three boxes on the left hand side of the page, shown below.

Step 2

Fill in the personal details, including the most recent date of contact. This information will only be used to update to correct record in our database.

Step 3

Next complete the area to the right, with the young persons’ Current Activity. Some fields have drop down options (e.g. Education, Employed, Unavailable etc.). As various options are selected grey boxes may become active, however if the box is grey then move on to the next available box. The title “Employer/Educational Establishment” relates to the name of the employer or school. See example in Appendix A.

When using the “Full-time?” drop down menu the definition of part time hours is up to 16 hours.

Step 4

If you select “Yes” for “New Activity Proposed”, then the row below will become active. You can then include details of the client’s New Activity. See example in Appendix A

When should I return the form?

The current format has space for 100 clients, it is not necessary to populate all these rows on the spreadsheet, however if you have more than 100 entries you can complete second document.

The return dates are as follows:

Submit your return no later than the 20th working day of each month i.e. the first return is due before 20th May detailing information collected throughout April

Once you have completed the form please email to d should be titled: Organisation name and Lot number.
Appendix A

Below are some examples of clients. As you can see the grey boxes have changed as earlier answers have been populated.