Public Health Service


and Prevention (CDC)


This is an amendment for CDC-RFA-PS10-10126

The Application Deadline has been extended to April 26, 2010

This funding announcement is not a request for applications. This is a public notice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open competition


Funding Opportunity Number / PS10-10126
Title of Announcement / Strengthening the Capacity of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to Expand the HIV/AIDS Strategic Information, Laboratory Testing and Prevention Programs within the National AIDS Coordinating Committee (NACC) and other Governmental Agencies which are Responsible for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS in Trinidad and Tobago under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
Grantee Name and Contact Information / Ministry of Health, Government of Trinidad and Tobago
#63 Park St Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Ms. Sandra Jones, Permanent Secretary
Approximate Total Project Period Funding / $12,000,000
Approximate Current Fiscal Year Funding / $2,062,543
Award Ceiling / $2,062,543
Award Floor / 0
New Award or Continuation / New Award
Project Period Length / Five years
Budget Period Length / 12 months
Award Mechanism / U2G – Global HIV/AIDS Non-Research Cooperative Agreements
Statutory Authority / This program is authorized under Public Law 108-25 (the United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003) [22 U.S.C. 7601, et seq.], and Public Law 110-293 (the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008).
CFDA # and Title / 93.067 – Global AIDS
Purpose of the Award / To strengthen the capacity of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to fully implement the national strategic goal to scale up HIV/AIDS strategic information, laboratory support and prevention activities.
Single Source Justification Criteria Cited / The Ministry of Health is mandated by Parliament and Office of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago to implement and coordinate the multi-sector response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Grants Management Office Contact information / Ina Jee, Grants Management Specialist
CDC Procurement and Grants Office
2920 Brandywine Rd., MSK-75
Atlanta, GA 30341
Telephone: 770-488-2919
Program Office Contact Information / Hussain Baseer, Deputy Director - Caribbean Region
CDC Global AIDS Program
c/o US Embassy Barbados