Sixteenth-century art in Italy



1. ______and Michelangelo were in the service of Pope Julius II in the early years of the sixteenth century.

A. Raphael

B. Pontormo

C. Brunnelleschi

D. Tintoretto

Page reference: 659

2. Charles V was elected ______in 1519.

A. King of France

B. Duke of Milan

C. Holy Roman Emperor

D. Duke of Florence

Page reference: 660

3. Leonardo was strongly influenced by the Roman architect ______.

A. Publius.

B. Constantine.

C. Augustus.

D. Vitrivius.

Page reference: 665

4. Michelangelo’s Pietà (figure 20-9) is one of the great tomb markers in the ______.

A. Gesù.

B. Palazzo.

C. Vatican.

D. Tempietto.

Page reference: 669

5. In Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling (figure 20-12), the spandrels and the ______depict the ancestors of Jesus.

A. rails

B. pedestals

C. lunettes

D. posts

Page reference: 673

6. Michelangelo made the sculpture Moses (figure 20-15) for the Tomb of ______.

A. rails.

B. pedestals.

C. Julius II.

D. posts.

Page reference: 675

7. Michaelangelo made the sculpture Moses (figure 20-15) for the tomb of ______.

A. Clement.

B. Ferdinand.

C. Julius.

D. Leonardo.

Page reference: 675

8. ______used the Doric order for the Tempietto(figure 20-17) because Vitruvius had specified it for temples.

A. Raphael

B. Michelangelo

C. Bramante

D. Buontalenti

Page reference: 677

9. The first architect of the Palazzo Farnese (figure 20-18) was ______.

A. Sangallo.

B. Bramante.

C. Michelangelo.

D. Maderno.

Page reference: 678

10. Federigo Il Gonzaga enticed Guilio Romano to build a palace in ______.

A. Florence.

B. Mantua.

C. Rome.

D. Siena.

Page reference: 680

11. The Tempest (figure 20-23) is the most famous work of ______, a short-lived painter.

A. Romano.

B. Corregio.

C. Rossi.

D. Giorgione.

Page reference: 683

12. Venetian art of the 16th -century is characterized by luxury, idealized style, and ______.

A. oil painting technique.

B. widespread use of gold.

C. the return to tempera.

D. the reemergence of painted terra cotta.

Page reference: 682

13. The current attribution of The Pastoral Concert of Allegory on the Invention of Pastoral Poetry (figure 20-24)is to the artist ______.

A. Titian.

B. Giorgione.

C. Corregio.

D. Pontormo.

Page reference: 684

14. Titian created one of his great paintings of a ______for the Duke of Urbino.

A. Pietà

B. nude

C. Madonna

D. landscape

Page reference: 686

15. Mannerism was the first style supported by the Catholic Church as propaganda for the ______.

A. Protestants.

B. Sack of Rome.

C. Counter-Reformation.

D. Inquisition.

Page reference: 687

16. Though she collected art by many artists, Isabella d’Este was a great patron of ______.

A. Raphael.

B. Pontormo.

C. Mantegna.

D. Bronzino.

Page reference: 688

17. Michaelangelo abandoned the clear separation between the saved and the damned in ______(2 words) with his complex composition.

A. Last Judgment

B. Last Supper

C. thePietà

D. Rondanini Madonna

Page reference: 688

18. Pietà (or RondaniniPietà) is one of Michaelangelo’s great ______works.

A. nonfinito

B. Vatican

C. 4100

D. 2300

Page reference: 690

19. ______was the first architect of Il Gesù.

A. Romano

B. Michelangelo

C. Vignola

D. Bramante

Page reference: 691

20. GiacomodellaPorta’s design of Il Gesù (figure 20-32) was widely influential because of its two-story ______.

A. projection.

B. cantilevering.

C. corbelling.

D. design.

Page reference: 692

21. ______is the style marked by its self-aware elegance and grace to the point of artifice.

A. Venetian

B. Renaissance

C. Veneto

D. Mannerism

Page reference: 692

22. The Capponi Chapel contains Entombment (figure 20-34) by the artist ______.

A. Pontormo.

B. Romano.

C. Tintoretto.

D. Veronese.

Page reference: 693

23. Francesco Mazzola, otherwise known as ______, painted in a manner calculated to unsettle viewers.

A. Corregio

B. Veronese

C. Tintoretto

D. Parmigianino

Page reference: 694

24. Bronzino’sAllegory with Venus and Cupid (figure 20-37) could stand alone as a summary of ______.

A. Veneto.

B. Renaissance.

C. Mannerism.

D. Inquisition.

Page reference: 695

25. The ______permits us to date The Farnese Hours (figure 20-38) by GuilioClovio.

A. colophon

B. ink

C. vellum

D. gilding

Page reference: 696

26. SofonisbaAnguissola’s father consulted with the artist ______about his daughter’s artistic talents.

A. Tintoretto

B. Michaelangelo

C. Cellini

D. Veronese

Page reference: 696

27. Cellini made his most famous work in the French court at ______.

A. Fontainebleau.

B. Avignon.

C. Nice.

D. Paris.

Page reference: 697

28.The city of ______was especially hospitable to accomplished women painters and sculptors.

A. Florence

B. Venice

C. Bologna

D. Rome

Page reference: 698

29. By the end of the 16th -century, the city of ______was regarded as the “Queen of the Adriatic.”

A. Florence

B. Venice

C. Rome

D. Bologna

Page reference: 699

30. ______was called before the Inquisition for placing Jesus in the company of unsavory characters in the painting Feast in the House of Levi (page 700).

A. Michelangelo

B. Romano

C. Tintoretto

D. Veronese

Page reference: 700

31. The artist ______proclaimed he wanted to combine Titian’s color with the drawing of Michelangelo.

A. Michelangelo

B. Romano

C. Tintoretto

D. Veronese

Page reference: 701

32. Palladio’s Villa Rotunda (figures 20-46 and 20-47) is a perfect articulation of his idea of ______.

A. ideal proportion.

B. irregular proportions.

C. asymmetry.

D. curvilinear design.

Page reference: 704


33. Pope Julius II’s private library was painted by______.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 659

34. The Catholic Church responded to the ______with the Counter-Reformation.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 660

35. Charles V sacked ______in 1527.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 661

36. Giorgio ______wrote the first survey of Italian art in 1550.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 661

37. The use of temperagave way to ______painting technique in the High Italian Renaissance.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 662

38. The Last Supper (figure 20-2) by Leonardo was painted at a monastery in ______.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 663

39. A full-scale drawing called a ______is a model for a major painting.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 664

40. The ______is a small shrine over the spot where the apostle Peter was believed to have been crucified.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 677

41. The ______was described in 1530 as a small landscape in a storm with a gypsy woman and a soldier.

Answer: ______

Page reference: 683