Q1: What is the PLQM and how long is it valid for?

A: The Primary Languages Quality Mark (PLQM) is an accreditation system that has been developed to audit, evaluate and embed primary language provision in school. As such, it enables schools to: see where there are in meeting the national requirements for statutory language provision, assess the impact of teaching and learning in languages and raise standards as they work towards best practice in KS2 languages. The PLQM is a national award and is valid for three years.

Q2: Why should my school apply for the PLQM?

A: The PLQM recognizes high quality primary languages provisionand celebrates the hard work and achievement of both pupils and teachers. Even more importantly, it helps schools to identify how they can become even better at what they do and to constantly raise standards. Teachers and Head Teachers whose schools have applied for and achieved the award say that it has had a positive impact on their language provision as a school and on their practice as teachers.

Q3: How much does the PLQM Award cost?

A: Applying for the PLQM Award costs £355; the price includes a 60-page support pack and the cost of assessment. Schools applying for the PLQM are eligible for discounts on some other publications. Please contact us for further information.

Q4: There’s not enough money in the Languages budget for the PLQM.

A: The awarding of a Quality Mark contributes to whole school improvement and Head Teachers are, therefore, often able to access other budgets in order to fund the PLQM.

Q5: How much time and extra work will be required to apply for the PLQM?

A: The PLQM is intended to be a process that complementsyour provision in school and much of the evidence required will come from the language teaching and learning activities in which teachers and pupils are already engaged in class. The award has been designed in such a way that any work involved in preparing for the PLQM is an investment in improving the quality language provision in school.

Q6: How do I know which level of the PLQM to apply for?

A: The application support pack has been designed so that teachers can read through and tick where they feel they are meeting the criteria across the three award levels: bronze, silver and gold. Schools that feel, for example, that they are already meeting all of the criteria for bronze and some for silver can either apply straight away for bronze or use the application pack to put an action plan in place to work towards applying for silver. A school can apply for any level they wish provided they have met the criteria.

Q7: How easy is it for Special Schools to apply for the PLQM?

A: Special schools are eligible to apply for the PLQM if they are involved in the delivery of languages in Key stage 2 and they feel that they are likely to meet the criteria for the award. Schools are welcome to contact the Languages Adviser for further advice.

Q8: Can we apply if we teach more than one language?

A:Schools are free to teach as many languages as they wish provided they meet the requirement of the Programme of study for KS2 for substantialprogress to be made in one language. For the purposes of the PLQM, in order for an award to be made, we would therefore expect applying schools to be teaching at least one language throughout all four years of the Key stage. Additional language teaching and learning in school will also provide excellent evidence against award criteria.

Q9: How do we show progress inPrimary Languages?

A: Levels for national curriculum subjects have been removed. The important thing is that schools are able to show progress, whatever system they use. For the purposes of the PLQM evidence portfolio, it is not expected that progress needs to be shown for every pupil. A sample of pupils from a range of pupil profiles will be enough to show evidence of progress. We have a Progression and Assessment Framework if schools wish to purchase this. Schools applying for the PLQM receive a 50% discount.

Q10: How long will we have to wait to find out if our application has been successful?

A: We aim to advise you of the outcome within 3 to 4 weeks of applying for the award. To avoid any delays (for example requests for clarification and/or further evidence), there are some simple steps you can follow: 1.check that you have provided evidence for each heading and that this evidence supports the teachers and teaching and learners and learning criteria, 2. complete the self-evaluation form which cross-references evidence to the award criteria, 3. label all evidence appendices clearly and 4. annotate evidence supplied where necessary in order for us to find information quickly and easily. Long evidence statements are not required but some narrative in the self-evaluation form boxes (e.g. a comment or two describing how the evidence meets the criteria) is very helpful and helps avoid delays in awarding.

For further information and support, please contact:

Sam Payne


Robertson House
Six Hills Way