Minutes of the Meetingheld on 6th June2016

Present:-Parish Councillors Healy (in the Chair), Breen,Huzzard, Metcalfe-Thompson, Scruton, and Welbourn.

6 members of the public.

Apologies for absence –Cllr Danby and Vidal

Declarations of interest –None.

38/16 / Minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2016 were agreed and signed as a complete record.
39/16 / Matters arising
Flood Scheme Walkabout
This had been undertaken by Cllrs Huzzard & Danby with Mr Charlton and Mr Towse from ERYC. There is still remedial work that needs doing. Cllr Huzzard had pulled together a report about the meeting and went through it.
A resident queried the new houses who had turfed up to the edge of the scheme and then put in a fence that did not seem to be safe by keeping children away from the water.
Resolved – Cllr Huzzard agreed to take a photograph and email it around.
Seat on Old Road
Seat had been delivered and is to be installed.
Resolved – Cllr Huzzard agreed to investigate.
Village Walkabout
Cllr Metcalfe Thompson had undertaken the walkabout with Ruth and had prepared a report that was discussed.
The road surface on the bend near to the Barracks is to be resurfaced but not with the same quality of surface
Resolved – to chase up with Cllr Pollard.
The front of the Rec Club was overgrown and the Basketball court. Ashley Briggs was happy to do the work.
Resolved – to ask him to do the work.
There was a discussion about doing an audit of all the village seats.
Resolved – Cllr Huzzard agreed to do this.
Grant to Leconfield Pre School
No response from the Pre-school as yet.
Scorborough Noticeboard
This has been ordered and should arrive soon.
40/16 / Planning
No applications this month.
41/16 / ERYC matters
Parish Council Plannng Liaison Meetings
The meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 7th June 2016 at County Hall.
Flood Liaison Group Meeting
This is due to take place on Friday 10th June 2016 at County Hall.
42/16 / Correspondence Received
Crime Statistics April 2016
Burglary to un-occupied house on building site.
Salary scale increase
ERNLLCA had sent the new salary scales for Clerks, payable from 1st April 2016. With the increase and a scale point increment the Clerk’s salary would rise to £215.63 per month.
Resolved – this was agreed.
Transparency Code Website Funding
Information had been received about the funding available for the setup of the website, training for the clerk and extra hours per month for the Clerk to maintain the website.
Resolved – to submit an application.
Carbon Capture Pipeline
Details of this had been received.
43/16 / Accounts for Payment
The following payments were agreed:-
(a) Clerk Salary and expenses April2016 £ 161.88
(b) PAYE £ 121.20
(c) Society Local Council Clerks £ 51.50
(d) Internal Audit £ 50.00
(e) Arram Noticeboard £ 198.00
(f) Newsletter May & June £ 338.00
(g) P.Welbourn Village Hall repairs £ 391.08
44/16 / Any Other Business
Cllr Huzzard –looking into getting new switch for the hot water boiler in the Village Hall kitchen, rather than replacing it.
The Squadron painting is now with Cllr Huzzard and he will attempt to contact the Church to get them to agree to where it is to be displayed.
Cllr Healy – discussed ambulances going through the village late at night using their sirens.
Resolved – to find out the legislation.
Cllr Breen –had got a quote for the painting of the Millennium Green fence and another was awaited from Paul Hoe.
A resident highlighted the Bring and Buy sale at the Church and felt that the newsletter had not given much detail. Cllr Scruton clarified that the information would be in the July newsletter.
The Recreation Club representative reported that someone had been driving on the Playing Field again and suggested putting a chain and lock across the field entrance, but ERYC need access.
Resolved – to enquire with ERYC.
The overgrown footpath from Main Street has been photographed by ERYC and there was a discussion about the width of the path.
Date of next meeting of the Parish Council– Monday4th July2016.