Giving Kids the Advantage

2012 - 2014 Strategic Plan

785 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12206
Phone # (518) 438-2039
Fax # (518) 453-1040



Revised: December 2011

Table of Contents

Section Page #

Mission Statement and Operating Themes ………………………………………. 2

Strategic Plan Overview …………………………………………………………. 3

Primary Goals 2012 ……………………………………………………………… 4

Strategic Plan …………………………………………………………………….. 5

q  Program …………………………………………………… 5

q  Education ………….………………………………………. 11

q  Fundraising/Finance .……………………………………… 14

q  Public Relations …………………………………………… 16

q  Board Development/Nominating ………………………….. 17

q  Administrative …………………………………………….. 18

Strategic Plan Summary ……...... …………………………………………………. 19

Recap of 2011 ……………………………………………………………………....21

APPENDIX A: 2012 Budget ……………………………………………………... 23

APPENDIX B: Board of Directors, Board Officers, Committees ………………... 24

APPENDIX C: Advisory Board and Staff ………………………………………... 25

APPENDIX D: Program Sites by County. ………………………………………... 26

APPENDIX E: Calendar of 2012 Events …………………………………………. 27

Mission Statement

“To reach out in a loving, caring way to youth of the Capital Region, using tennis as the medium, especially to those in the inner cities”

Operating Themes

Within our overall mission, the following seven themes are emphasized:
q  To stress education
q  To promote good health (both emotional and physical)
q  To instill positive values
q  To foster multi-cultural relationships
q  To encourage good sportsmanship
q  To support family preservation
q  To give back to the community

Strategic Plan Overview

Our Strategic Plan reflects what we want to accomplish (Goals), how we will go about accomplishing our Goals (Strategies), who will be responsible, and when completion is expected.

The Strategic Plan was developed based upon the following assumptions:

q  We will continue to recognize there are always areas for improvement.

q  We will recognize the dynamic nature of the community and of our own organization. Changes will continue to occur and will be an ongoing aspect of our work environment.

q  We place particular emphasis upon those factors that are within our control.

q  We will use the Strategic Plan to keep focused on our Goals.

It is our intention to use the Strategic Plan as an operative tool throughout the year. Each board committee will monitor their own progress. The Board of Directors will review overall organizational performance in relation to the Strategic Plan. It is anticipated that an updated three year Strategic Plan would be prepared by December of each year, with the first year of the three year Strategic Plan being used as the operating plan for the following year.

Primary Goals 2012

For the year 2012, the following primary goals will be used to measure our performance:

q  Attendance: 2,800

§  Summer: 1,700

§  Winter: 1,100

q  Balanced budget of $328,000

q  Instructors: 20 high-quality instructors (USTA trained)

q  Endowment: $400,000 by 12/31/2012

q  Capital Campaign: pay off loan & have an additional $50,000 in reserves by 12/31/2012

q  Scholarship Fund: $80,000 by 12/31/2012

q  Board membership of 23

q  2 P.R. articles


I. Program

A. SUMMER ATTENDANCE / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals [1] / Summer: 1600 © (+350) / Summer: 1700 / Summer: 1800 / Summer: 1850


/ 1. Set attendance goals for each site using consistent and up-to-date record keeping [June] ã
2. Improve quality of programming by continuing parent/participant surveys and instructor evaluations [August] ã
3. Continue to travel to camps to conduct mini-sessions [June] ã
4. Strengthen publicity efforts (see part A in Public Relations section on p. 16) [ongoing] ©
5. Reassess Jamboree date, time, attendance [May] © / 1.  Strategies 1 through 4 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1 through 4 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1 through 4 from 2011
Responsibilities / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors

Note: Applicable deadlines for this Strategic Plan are shown in [ ].

ã = Completed, Æ = Not Completed

B. SUMMER SITES / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / Run 13 sites ã
(see page 21 of the appendix for a complete list of summer sites) / Run 13 sites / Run 13 sites / Run 13 sites
Strategies / 1.  Determine ways new office may be used for summer programming [August] ©
2.  Meet with Jenny Irwin (ETA Northern Region) to identify new sites / initiatives in our region [ongoing] ã / 1.  Strategies 1&2 from 2011 / 1.  Strategies 1&2 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1&2 from 2011
2.  Decide on feasibility of running a Week 9 or full site at either Cohoes, Amsterdam, Lansingburgh, Saratoga Springs or Hudson [April]
Responsibilities / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes
C. WINTER ATTENDANCE / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals [2] / Winter:1000 ã (+500) / Winter: 1100 / Winter: 1200 / Winter: 1300
Strategies / 1.  Identify Boys & Girls Clubs/YMCA’s, and other programs to collaborate with [September] ã
2.  Set attendance goals for each site while utilizing consistent and up-to-date record keeping [September] ã
3.  Strengthen publicity efforts (see part A in Public Relations section on p16) [ongoing] ã
4.  Expand involvement with inner-city schools [ongoing] ã
5.  Get into schools during the day and work with gym classes [September] ã
6.  Work on Middle School programming [ongoing] © / 1.  Strategies 1-5 from 2011 / 1.  Strategies 1-5 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1-5 from 2011
Responsibilities / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Instructors
D. WINTER SITES / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / Run 20 sites ã (+2) / Run 20 Sites / Run 20 sites / Run 20 sites
Strategies / 1. Continue to explore new site possibilities [ongoing] ©
2. Increase school-day programs [ongoing] ©
3. Continue indoor tennis facility partnership research [ongoing] © nothing of interest / 1. Continue to explore new site possibilities [ongoing]
2. Increase school-day programs [ongoing] / 1. Continue to explore new site possibilities [ongoing]
2. Continue school-day programs [ongoing] / 1. Strategies 1 & 2 from 2013
Responsibilities / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Bob Schmitz / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Bob Schmitz / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Bob Schmitz / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Bob Schmitz


/ Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / 18 instructors (16 USPTR certified) Æ (no USPTR training provided) / 20 high level instructors (16 USPTR certified) / 20 high level instructors (16 USPTR certified) / 20 high level instructors (16 USPTR certified)
Strategies / 1.  Recreational Coaches Workshop [June] ã
2.  1 week of in-house training for instructors [June] ã
3.  High-level USPTR[3] training (secure funding) [June] Ø no funding, no training
4.  Identify 5 Excellence Program candidates to be instructors; introduce to instructing through volunteering [ongoing] ã
5.  Keep Excellence / Leadership Programs strong [ongoing] ã
6.  Update the curriculum of on-court lessons [June] ã
7.  Update the off-court manual [June] ã
8.  Complete instructor evaluations [August] © / 1.  Strategies 1 – 8 from 2011
2.  Quickstart Training [June] / 1. Strategies 1 – 8 from 2011
2. Quickstart Training [June] / 1. Strategies 1 – 8 from 2011
2. Quickstart Training [June]
Responsibilities / Domingo Montes, Amber Marino / Domingo Montes, Amber Marino / Domingo Montes, Amber Marino / Domingo Montes, Amber Marino
F. EXCELLENCE[4] / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / 50 participants © / 50* participants / 50* participants / 50* participants
Strategies / 1. Continue with player evaluations ã [ongoing]
2. Identify new candidates at the end of each session ã [ongoing] / 1. Continue with player evaluations [2x / year]
2. Identify new candidates at the end of each session [ongoing]
3. 15 participants involved in college / leadership programs [ongoing] / 1. Strategies 1 - 3 from 2012 / 1. Strategies 1 - 3 from 2012
Responsibilities / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Site Directors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Site Directors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Site Directors / Amber Marino, Domingo Montes, Site Directors

* dependent on availability of indoor court-time

II. Education

A. BOOK POWER CLUB / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / 3 Book Power Clubs Æ (2) / 3 Book Power Clubs / 4 Book Power Clubs / 4 Book Power Clubs
Strategies / 1. Meet Principals, after-school coordinators & Parents [September] Æ not parents
2. Additional books and supplies [September] ã
3. Start program at Carroll Hill in Troy [January] Æ - attempted, school not ready
4. Explore Martin Luther King School- Schenectady [June]Æ / 1.  Strategies 1 & 2 from 2011
2.  Start program at Carroll Hill in Troy [October]
3.  Explore Martin Luther King School in Schenectady [June] / 1.  Start program at Martin Luther King School in Schenectady [October]
2.  Strategies 1 & 2 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1 & 2 from 2011
Responsibilities / Amber Marino, Mary Jean Krackeler, Maureen Klein / Amber Marino, Mary Jean Krackeler, Maureen Klein / Amber Marino, Mary Jean Krackeler, Maureen Klein / Amber Marino, Mary Jean Krackeler, Maureen Klein
B. COLLEGE PROGRAM / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / 25 participants © / 25 participants / 25 participants / 25 participants
Strategies / 1.  Purchase additional resources [ongoing] ã
2.  Explore possible program enhancements / partnerships [ongoing] ã
3.  Continue SAT/Writing Prep. program [ongoing] ©
4.  Look for volunteers to assist the college program [ongoing] © / 1. Strategies 1 - 4 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1 - 4 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1 - 4 from 2011
Responsibilities / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes
C. LEADERSHIP PROGRAM / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / Expand to 15 participants © / Expand to 20 participants / 20 participants / 20 participants
Strategies / 1. Local weekend experience [May] Æ
2. Annual participant service project [ongoing] ©
3. Implement enhanced Leadership Program with certification element © / 1. Strategies 2 - 3 from 2011
2. Weekend getaway [May]
3. Explore possible program enhancements / partnerships [ongoing] / 1. Strategies 2 - 3 from 2011
2. Strategies 2 – 3 from 2012
3. Strengthen partnerships / activities / awareness of new Leadership Program / 1. Strategies 1 - 2 from 2013
2. Strategies 2 – 3 from 2012
3. Strengthen partnerships / activities / awareness of new Leadership Program
Responsibilities / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes, Amber Marino / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes, Amber Marino / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes, Amber Marino / Maxine Brisport, Domingo Montes, Amber Marino
D. DENISE MCCOY LEGACY AWARD / KIDS’ READ / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / Establish Successful Kids Read in Albany / Establish Successful Summertime Kids Read / Improve Kids Read / Continue Kids Read
Strategies / 1. Establish timeline for Little d award process [December] ã
2. Confirm Tulip Queen’s role in Kids’ Read [June] Æ
3. Identify sponsors to assist with Kids Read ã [ongoing]
4. Expand / update Little d portion of website [ongoing]©
5. Update Little d Database [ongoing] ©
6. Try to get included on previous winning authors’ websites [December] Æ
7. Identify & write grants to support Kids Read events ©
8. Identify PR outlets & schedule during event [November] Æ / 1. Strategies 1 – 7 from 2011
2. Run successful summer Kids Read Event [July]
3. Partner with public libraries [ongoing]
4. Partner with other youth-serving non-profits to assist at Kids Read event in summer [June]
5. Identify PR outlets & schedule during event [July] / 1. Strategies 1 – 8 from 2011
2. Strategies 2 – 5 from 2012 / 1. Strategies 1 – 8 from 2011
2. Strategies 2 – 5 from 2012
Responsibilities / Lynn Derry, Amber Marino, Little d Committee / Lynn Derry, Amber Marino, DMC Legacy Award Committee / Lynn Derry, Amber Marino, DMC Legacy Award Committee / Lynn Derry, Amber Marino, DMC Legacy Award Committee
E. ADDITIONAL INITIATIVES / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / Begin Summertime Book Giveaway © / Continue Summertime Book Giveaway / Continue Summertime Book Giveaway / Continue Summertime Book Giveaway
Strategies / 1. Hire dedicated instructor [June] ©
2. Organize books [ongoing] ©
3. Hand out at least 1,000 books [August] © / 1. Strategies 1 - 3 from 2011
2. Explore possible program enhancements / partnerships [ongoing] / 1. Strategies 1 - 2 from 2012 / 1. Strategies 1 - 2 from 2012
Goals / Continue Healthy Living Initiatives / Continue Healthy Living Initiatives / Continue Healthy Living Initiatives / Continue Healthy Living Initiatives
Strategies / 1. Continue with at least 8 healthy cooking classes [ongoing] ©
2. Hold large healthy grilling event in summer [August] ©
3. Create simple healthy tips (nutrition and exercise) to be handed out each week during summer [June] © / 1. Strategies 1 – 3 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1 – 3 from 2011 / 1. Strategies 1 – 3 from 2011
Responsibilities / Amber Marino, Katie Genovese / Amber Marino, Katie Genovese / Amber Marino, Katie Genovese / Amber Marino, Katie Genovese

III. Fundraising/Finance

A. GENERAL PROGRAM / Baseline Year (2011) / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Goals / $325,000 Balanced budget Æ
(balanced at $310,000) / $328,000 Balanced budget / $335,000 Balanced budget / $340,000 Balanced budget
Strategies / 1.  Complete 2010 Annual Report [July] ã late
2. Create 2012 Comprehensive Fundraising Plan [December] ©
3.  Successful FLM event [June] ã
4.  Meet one-on-one with 10 contributors [ongoing] Æ
5.  $50,000 raised of new / lapsed money ©
6.  Secure electronic payment option [March] © late / 1.  Complete 2011 Annual Report [July]
2.  Create 2013 Comprehensive Fundraising Plan [December]
3.  Strategies 3 - 5 from 2011 / 1.  Complete 2012 Annual Report [July]