Sports Club Proposal Form

Student Name
Student Number
Phone Number
Preferred Email Address

Function of the Society

What will the club be called?
What will be the purpose of the club?
What will the aims/objectives of the club be?
What will be the activities of the club?
How often will the club meet?
How many people will you need to function?
How will you go about recruiting throughout the year?
How will you make this club accessible?
Will this society be available to members across the Learning Network Centres?

Operational/Membership Requirements

Will the club need a venue to operate?What type, how often and why?
Are there any licensing/governing body/affiliation requirements? If so, with whom and what for?
Will the club need any equipment? If so, what for and what quantity?


Will there be any costs associated? Outline start up and on-going costs in as much detail as possible.
How will these costs be covered?
Will the club raise these funds themselves?

Requirements of the Union

Please outline if the club will need any support from the Union.
Any other information.

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In order for a society to be ratified, there must be a minimum of 10 members.

Please give the names and student numbers of 10 people who will be members of the society. (Along with their signatures)

Name / Student ID / Signature / Email Address / Phone Number

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Please use this space to do research on what similar sports clubs at other unions may offer to students and what ideas you can take from them for your club, i.e. What are its main activities; where will they take place and at what time of day; how you will make it accessible to all students; and how you will make students aware of your club.

It might also be a good idea to take down the contact names and details of other clubs

After returning this form to the Union office, we will review your research and help you to organise your first meeting. At this meeting, potential members will discuss aims, strategy and activities of the club; as well as plan and develop the next meeting/event.This will also be an opportunity to vote in the 3/4 lead members of the Society who will act as main contacts between the members of the society and the Union, as well as take responsibility for the organisation of the group.

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