THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.

Commissioners present:Anna Baucom, Chair

Bobby Sikes

Dr. Jim Sims

Claude Spencer

Jarvis Woodburn

Staff members present:Andy Lucas, CountyManager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

Holly Berry, Finance Officer

Rita James, Data Processing

Scott Rowell, ACTS

Jonathan Marshall, Collector

George Bower, Jr., CountyAttorney

Chairman Baucom called the meeting to Order, welcoming those present. Reverend James Smith of KeslerChapelAMEZionChurch, Wadesboro, North Carolina delivered the Invocation.

Chairman Baucom recognized Kim Kilday of the NCACC for a special presentation. Ms. Kilday announced that in 2006 the Association embarked on a new business in order to quickly respond to the needs of North Carolina counties. Ms. Kilday expressed appreciation for AnsonCounty’s participation in the group benefits pool as well as the workers comp and liability/property pool. Ms. Kilday shared that a resounding statement from counties was to have a program to keep employees active. Ms. Kilday offered that in January of this year they developed the county lifestyle wellness program. Ms. Kilday explained that a part of that program was the initiative called Ten Thousand Steps a Day with a goal to provide a program devoted to behavioral lifestyle change. Ms. Kilday shared that they are also adding a health education coordinator to be responsible for adding additional programs for county lifestyles and to analyze health claims of members to understand what the health needs of our counties are. Mr. David Thompson, Executive Director of NCACC, felt strongly about getting employees active and in January issued to all CountyManager’s of the county health plan a challenge to get in step with 10,000 steps a day. Ms. Kilday recognized County Manager Lucas, one of the top five Managers of the county health plan, for walking 221,000 steps for an average of about 6900 steps in a thirty-two day period. Ms. Kilday expressed gratitude to County Manager Lucas not only for participating but for motivatingAnsonCounty employees to participate. Ms. Kilday shared that 88 employees are registered or 42% of our overall employee population and they have walked four million steps for 1600 miles. Ms. Kilday likened this to walking three times between Murphy and Manteo. Ms. Kilday stated that employees have burned 214,000 calories. Ms. Kilday, on behalf of the Association President Terry Garrison, issued a challenge to the Board to join with him in getting in step with 10,000 steps a day. Ms. Kilday presented pedometers to each Board member and a certificate of appreciation and a gift certificate to County Manager Lucas. CountyManager Lucas received a round of applause from those in attendance. Ms. Kilday thanked the Board for giving her the time to honor Mr. Lucas. Chairman Baucom shared that she walked from her car through the parking lot to ride the elevator to the meeting.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Commissioner Sikes added to Commissioner Concerns a discussion of a new person at 9-1-1. Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Sikes, to approve the Agenda with the addition. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearings:

Amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance: Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Sikes, to open the Public Hearing for the Amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.

In the Public Hearing, Chairman Baucom explained that the hearing was to account for airport subdivisions. CountyManager Lucas stated that given the amount of money and improvements put into the Airport the Airport Commission and the CountyManager feel they should be involved in the process of approving any subdivision of land at the Airport. County Manager Lucas stated that they want to make sure it stays in step with the standards set with the new terminal building and some of the new hangars and they don’t want things being done out there that are not consistent with the airport operation. CountyManager Lucas shared that it was a recommendation from the CountyManager and the Planner to involve these folks in the process. Chairman Baucom asked if this applies to property of the Airport or property surrounding the Airport. CountyManager Lucas shared that it applies to private property located around the Airport. Chairman Baucom called for comments from the public. Hearing none, motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to approve the Airport Subdivision Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.

Financing Contract for the Purchase of Property: Chairman Baucom shared that the hearing deals with the financing and purchase of the B.C.MooreBuilding. Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Sikes, to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In the Public Hearing County Manager Lucas shared that this was required per General Statutes anytime we enter into installment financing. CountyManager Lucas stated that this lets the public know we are using this method of financing and that we are borrowing money to purchase the building. CountyManager Lucas stated that a separate hearing was required for the renovation. CountyManager Lucas shared that we would be going to the LGC on two separate occasions for the project. Chairman Baucom mentioned an item from last month with County Manager Lucas stating that so far we have approved a Resolution to allow us to repay ourselves for any cost incurred in the general fund from the capital fund and a Resolution stating why we are using installment financing pursuant to General Statutes 160A-20. Rev. Smith inquired as to what this project would do for the citizens of the county. CountyManager Lucas explained that many county offices currently located in the courthouse would be moved to the new location. CountyManager Lucas shared that this was the result of issues from Superior Court Judge Beale who is saying their current space is not adequate for court functions. CountyManager Lucas shared that Judge Beale has been putting pressure on this Board for several years and it has gotten more aggressive in the last year. CountyManager Lucas stated that all county functions would be moved from the Courthouse including the CountyManager’s Office, Finance, Data Processing, Register of Deeds, as well as Tax Collections and Assessing. CountyManager Lucas stated that the plans call for the Board to have a public meeting room in the new building and we may be able to put the Board of Elections in the building. CountyManager Lucas stated that this would be a building where county residents can go for a multitude of services. Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to approve the contract for the purchase of the B. C. Moore property and the Resolution authorizing the Finance Agreement. Commissioner Sikes voiced that he is for the project but he still wants us to press the issue to find parking for customers. Commissioner Sikes wants dialogue to continue with Wadesboro about making East Wade Street one way. Commissioner Sikes shared that he has been approached by citizens voicing a concern for parking. Commissioner Sims was of the opinion that diagonal parking with a one-way street would be the best solution. Commissioner Sims feels it will solve the problem and not cost anything. Chairman Baucom stated that parking would still be available around the courthouse with County Manager Lucas stating that employees will continue to utilize their present parking spaces and walk the additional one hundred yards. Motion carried unanimously.



WHEREAS, Anson County, North Carolina desires to purchase real and personal property known as the former B. C. Moore Administrative Office Building to provide administrative office space for county related functions through installment financing (the “Project”) in order to better serve the citizens of Anson County; and

WHEREAS, Anson County, North Carolina desires to finance the Project by use of an installment contract authorized under North Carolina General Statutes 160A, Article 3, Section 20; and

WHEREAS, findings of fact by this governing body must be presented to enable the North Carolina Local Government Commission to make its findings of fact set forth in North Carolina General Statutes 159, Article 8, Section 151 prior to approval of the proposed contract;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Anson County, North Carolina, meeting in regular session on the 6th day of March, 2007, make the following findings of fact:

  1. The proposed contract is necessary or expedient because of the county’s mandated responsibility to provide adequate court facilities as well as proper, efficient and adequate office space for County administrative functions.
  2. The proposed contract is preferable to a bond issue for the same purpose because (1) the cost of a special election necessary to approve a general obligation bond financing, as required by State law would result in the expenditure of significant funds; and (2) the cost of bond counsel for a general obligation bond or COPS would result in the expenditure of significant funds; and (3) the time required for a general obligation bond election would cause unnecessary delay which would thereby render the County in default of the purchase contract for the building and (4) no revenues are produced by the facility as to permit a revenue bond financing.
  3. The cost of financing under the proposed contract is greater than the cost of issuing general obligation bonds because the cost of bond counsel for a general obligation bond would result in the expenditure of significant funds and the time required for a bond election would cause unnecessary delay which would thereby render the County in default of the purchase contract for the building.
  4. The sums to fall due under the contract are adequate and not excessive for the proposed purpose because the interest rate and terms are favorable to the County consistent with the current financial market.
  5. Anson County North Carolina debt management procedures and policies are good because they have been carried out in strict adherence to the law and the county has not been censured by the Local Government commissioner (the “LGC”), external auditors or any other regulatory agencies in connection with such debt management and contract obligation policies.
  6. The County does not anticipate a future property tax increase tied to the direct repayment of the installment financing Contract.
  7. Anson County North Carolina is not in default of any of its debt service obligations.
  8. The attorney for Anson County, North Carolina has rendered an opinion that the proposed Project is authorized by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of North Carolina.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman is hereby authorized to act on behalf of Anson County, North Carolina in filing an application with the North Carolina Local Government Commission for approval of the Project and the proposed financing contract and other actions not inconsistent with this resolution.

This resolution is effective upon its adoption this 6th day of March, 2007.

The motion to adopt this resolution was made by Commissioner Woodburn and seconded Commissioner Spencer and passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

Financing Contract for the Renovation of Property: Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Sikes, to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In the Public Hearing, County Manager Lucas stated that because of the timing and the fact that counties have to get approval for financing above a certain dollar through the Local Government Commission in Raleigh and the way the sale is structured, we were not able to get all the bids in so this could be done as one project. CountyManager Lucas stated that we are financing the purchase and we will subsequently go back to the LGC for approval to finance the renovation once the board approves the architectural design and contractors have time to bid. CountyManager Lucas explained that the LGC will approve the renovation once they have a firm number on the cost. Chairman Baucom feels the process has been somewhat convoluted to acquire property on behalf of the citizens but feels it is very much needed. Chairman Baucom feels we need to get as many county functions under one roof as possible as it is not effective to have one function in a building down the street and the others in the courthouse. Chairman Baucom shared that in looking at construction cost for new buildings the most comparable thing she found was from Georgia to build schools and the average cost per square foot was around $50 to $60 to build a school in Georgia in 2004. Chairman Baucom feels we are getting a 20,000 square foot building for about half the cost of new construction. Chairman Baucom stated that she is not convinced new construction is better than something that has been there for a long time. Chairman Baucom feels this is a good investment and sees this as a good use of money. Chairman Baucom shared that a citizen’s committee would walk through the space, look at the design and work with the CountyManager to make sure the building is user friendly. Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to close the Public Hearing. CountyManager Lucas shared that another meeting would be necessary in late March to meet with the architects to review the courthouse study as well as the design of the B. C. Moore building. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to approve the contract for the purchase of the B. C. Moore property. Commissioner Sikes commented that while he was in favor of the purchase he wanted to continue to press the issue to find parking for the customers. Commissioner Sikes stated that he wanted dialogue to continue with Wadesboro on the possibility of making East Wade a one-way street. Commissioner Sikes shared that citizens have shared with him their concern for parking. Commissioner Sims was of the opinion that diagonal parking and a one way street would solve the problem at no cost. Chairman Baucom voiced that parking was still available around the courthouse. CountyManager Lucas stated that employees would continue to utilize parking behind the courthouse. Motion carried unanimously.

Financing RFP Approval-B. C. Moore Purchase: County Manager Lucasreferred to the chart showing the interest rates and various cost provided to us. County Manager Lucas pointed out that BB&T not only has the lowest interest rate but they also have the lowest closing cost. Chairman Baucom commented that we would end up paying the lowest amount of money using BB&T. Commissioner Sims commented that there was no penalty for early payment with Ms. Berry stating that was true if we consolidate both loans. Chairman Baucom asked if there was a penalty for accelerated payments with Ms. Berry answering no. Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Sikes, to approve. Motion carried unanimously.


Vail Carter, Centralina Workforce-Survey Summary & Findings: Mr. Carter reviewed with Board members findings from the recently conducted skill survey for Anson County Economic Development. Mr. Carter stated that the survey was conducted last month with about 44% participation among companies that were asked to participate. Mr. Carter stated those participating were some of the county’s largest employers as well as a couple of smaller ones. Mr. Carter called attention to the key findings and the technical skills found on page 3 of the report. Mr. Carter noted the top technical skills as electrical/electronics, machining and welding. Mr. Carter stated that in talking with three employers he found that employees were promoted through the ranks but had never had any formal training to be a supervisor. Mr. Carter found that SPCC has actually been involved in some level of training with all employers surveyed. Mr. Carter noted a shortage in health skills and understands there is no resource in the community to fill those skills. Mr. Carter stated that employers voiced problems filling positions due to criminal records, drug history and noted that poor presentation and poor attitude toward the job also created a problem. Mr. Carter shared that written in the survey was a concern for work ethics. Mr. Carter stated that this was an opportunity to start a dialogue to focus on what could be done now to start planning on how to fill the skills needs and how to connect employers with resources already in the community. Mr. Carter stated that they want to link employers with the AnsonCountyJobLinkCareerCenter, SPCC, AnsonCountySchools, Anson County Economic Development, the faith based community and the Department of Social Services. Mr. Carter stated that they look forward to working with officials in AnsonCounty to identify and address issues from the dialogue. Commissioner Sims commented that attitude and presentation seem to be almost as much of a problem as skills and asked Mr. Carter to define presentation. Mr. Carter shared that in talking with employers he found presentation involved dress, body language and communication skills. Chairman Baucom asked Mr. Carter if he had a theory why employers were not using Job Link. Mr. Carter said that as a Workforce Development Board they did a separate survey of the entire region and found most folks were not aware of the service or they looked at the CareerCenter as the unemployment office. Mr. Carter stated that their survey indicated that 52% of the employers were familiar with the career center and what it does and the services provided. Chairman Baucom asked for more information on how to develop a forum on workforce development. Mr. Carter stated that he talked with Kevin Gullette about this and noted that their development board would help in the planning of the forum. Mr. Carter stated that 60% of the employers indicated they were open to participating in the forum. Chairman Baucom voiced a concern for how you teach work ethics and wondered where you begin to start addressing the issue. Mr. Carter was of the opinion that one good place to start was with preschoolers with character development. Mr. Carter stated that he hears from employers that this was a community issue and a problem primarily among the younger generation. Chairman Baucom voiced a concern for putting something else on the school system to try to teach work ethics. Chairman Baucom voiced appreciation for Mr. Carter’s work and thank him for appearing before the Board. Commissioner Sims commented that with younger people self esteem has become more important than respect for others. CountyManager Lucas asked if, in jurisdictions similar to AnsonCounty, there were things that seem to be working or if there was a best practice we could look at and possibly model. Mr. Carter offered that the Workforce Development Board has a youth component that has set out partnerships to prepare the young kids for the job workplace. Mr. Carter stated that the most successful project was in RowanCountycalled Geared Up for Success.