The Director of Education is an elected and voting board position reporting to the President. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, the Director of Education should avoid actively teaching APICS’ certification classes during their term, nor should they be affiliated with any teaching institution currently administering the Chapter’s Education classes.

Main Duties:

  1. Coordinate and facilitate the transition when transition of office occurs.
  2. Develop, administer and coordinate a future rolling schedule of certification classes, which are typically offered in the Fall, Winter and Spring of each fiscal year.
  3. Develop and maintain an inventory of qualified instructors from new member information and/or member surveys.
  4. Measure the quality of instruction, maintaining records of instructor performance ratings and providing corrective action and feedback to the instructors.
  5. Publicize local class schedules one to two months in advance of their offering.
  6. Maintain a library tracking system for consigned Educational Materials.
  7. Benchmark instructor pay to local Educational Institutions.
  8. Aggressively seek in house educational classes.
  9. Explore partnerships with local educational institutions for administrating APICS classes; evaluate these partnerships and report findings to the board yearly.
  10. Maintain mailing list of non members pursuing certification via the Chapter’s educational courses.
  11. Submit an operating budget for the upcoming year for review at the August board meeting.
  12. Work with the Director of Marketing, Director of Communications and the Systems & Technology Advisor to utilize the Chapter website, mailings, local radio & TV stations, etc. for the communication of class schedules and cancellations.
  13. Appoint and direct committee person(s) to assist in the work associated with the development, advertising and execution of Educational Programs.
  14. Each board member shall report on actual expenses versus the budget at each monthly board meeting.
  15. Update/maintain the Director of Education “Detailed Position Guide” and forms, contracts, etc. related to the Chapter and on file with the chapter Secretary.

Technical Requirements:

  1. E-mail, internet and phone access.
  2. Good understanding of the various APICS certification programs available to members.
  3. Understanding of how to contact the National for information and materials etc. related to Educational Programs.
  4. Have read and fully understand the job description, APICS Cleveland Chapter by-laws, and rules set forth by the National Organization.

Required Skills:

  1. Leadership, motivation, delegation, teambuilding, communication, organization, project planning, negotiation.
  2. Typing and computer skills: word processing, spreadsheets, Internet skills, databases, graphs and charts.
  3. Familiarity with APICS body of languages.
  4. Writing skills (grammar, spelling, proofreading).
  5. Public speaking and presentation skills.

Minimum Time Requirements:

  1. BOD meetings: 1 per month, 2 hours per meeting
  2. Transition meeting: 1 per year
  3. Professional Development Meetings: 1 per month, 8 per year, attend as many as possible
  4. Development, advertising and execution of Educational Programs:

(1)Fall, Winter, and Spring certification programs: coordinating sites and instructors – 4 to 8 hours per session, advertising flyers – 5 to 8 hours per session, monitoring registrations and decisions to hold or cancel classes – 16 to 24 hours per session.

(2)In-house Company classes: 2 to 4 hours per quarter, as required

Last Update: August 23, 2005