
Disaster Response Contingency Services



2:00 p.m.
February 16, 2011
Castro Valley Library
3600 Norbridge Avenue
Chabot Room
Castro Valley, CA 94546 / 10:00 a.m.
February 17, 2011
General Services Agency
1401 Lakeside Drive
Conference Room 228
Oakland, CA 94612

For complete information regarding this project see RFP posted at or contact the person listed below. Thank you for your interest!

Contact Person: Jennifer Chan Ngo, Contract Specialist II

Phone Number: (510) 208-9604

E-mail Address:



2:00 p.m.


March 28, 2011


Alameda County, GSA-Purchasing

1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907

Oakland, CA 94612





Disaster Response Contingency Services


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A.  Intent 6

B.  Scope 6

C.  Background 8

D.  Vendor Qualifications 10

E.  Specific Requirements 10

F.  Performance Surety 39

G.  Debarment / Suspension 39

H.  General Environmental Requirements 40


I.  County Contacts 41

J.  Calendar of Events 41

K.  Networking / Bidders Conferences 42

L.  Submittal of Bids 43

M.  Response Format 45

N.  Evaluation Criteria/Selection Committee 45

O.  Contract Evaluation and Assessment 51

P.  Notice of Award 51

Q.  Bid Protest / Appeals Process 51


R.  Term / Termination / Renewal 53

S.  Quantities 53

T.  Pricing 53

U.  Award 54

V.  Method of Ordering 55

W.  Invoicing 55

X.  Account Manager/Support Staff 56

Y.  General Requirements 57





Disaster Response Contingency Services


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Exhibit A – Acknowledgement

Exhibit B – Bid Form

Exhibit B-1 – Informational Rates

Exhibit C – Insurance Requirements

Exhibit D1 – Current References

Exhibit D2 – Former References

Exhibit E – Intentionally Omitted

Exhibit F – Intentionally Omitted

Exhibit G – Intentionally Omitted

Exhibit H – Intentionally Omitted

Exhibit I – Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments

Exhibit J – Standard Services Agreement Template

Exhibit K – Environmental Certification

Exhibit L – RFP Vendor Bid List

Exhibit M – Response/Content Submittal; Completeness Check List

Exhibit N – Debarment and Suspension Certification

Exhibit O – Instructions – Description of the Proposed Disaster Contingency Services

Exhibit P – Association for Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Studies

Exhibit Q – Bidder Information

Exhibit R –Alameda County Emergency Plans

Exhibit S – Davis Bacon Act


Specifications, Terms & Conditions

for Disaster Response Contingency Services


Unless otherwise noted, the terms below may be upper or lower case. Acronyms will always be uppercase.

AB 500 / Shall refer to Assembly Bill 500, which refers to the maximum weight limit for vehicles
AB 939 / Shall refer to the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1998
ABAG / Shall refer to Association for Bay Area Governments
ACFD / Shall refer to Alameda County Fire Department
AMP / Shall refer to Amperage
BI / Shall refer to bodily injury
Bid / Shall mean the bidders’/contractors’ response to this Request
Bidder / Shall mean the specific person or entity responding to this RFP
Board / Shall refer to the County of Alameda Board of Supervisors
C&D / Shall refer to Construction/Demolition
CA / Shall refer to California
CEQA / Shall refer to California Environmental Quality Act
CGS / Shall refer to California Geological Survey
Contracting Officer / Shall refer to the Purchasing Agent
Contractor / When capitalized, shall refer to selected bidder that is awarded a contract
County / When capitalized, shall refer to the County of Alameda
CR / Shall refer to Contractor Representative
CSC / Shall refer to County Selection Committee
CSLB / Shall refer to Contractor’s State License Board
Debris / Debris is typically defined as scattered items and materials broken, destroyed, or misplaced by a natural disaster. Example: trees, construction and demolition material and personal property.
DMS / Shall refer to Debris Management Site(s)
Environmentally Preferable Products / Products manufactured in a manner such that the impact on the environment is minimized throughout the entire lifecycle of the product by implementing sustainable practices during material sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, and by providing products that can be used and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner
EOC / Refers to Emergency Operation Center
EPA / United States Environmental Protection Agency
Federal / Refers to United States Federal Government, its departments and/or agencies
FEMA / Shall refer to Federal Emergency Management Agency
F.O.B. / Shall mean without charge for delivery to destination and placing on board a carrier at a specified point (Free On Board)
GPS / Shall refer to Global Positioning System
HHW / Shall refer to Household Hazardous Waste
IAP / Shall refer Incident Accident Plan
Labor Code / Refers to California Labor Code
MSDS / As used herein shall refers to Material Safety Data Sheets
NEPA / Shall refer to National Environmental Policy Act
NIMS / Shall refer to National Incident Management System
OES / Shall refer to Office of Emergency Services
Op-Area / Shall refer to Operational Area
OSHA / Refers to California Occupational Safety and Health Administrations
PBTs / Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxins including compounds such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, and mercury as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and listed on the EPA’s website at
PD / Shall refer to property damage
Proposal / Shall mean bidder/contractor response to this RFP
PO / Shall refer to Purchase Order(s)
PPDR / Shall refer to Private Property Debris Removal
QAR / Shall refer to Quality Assurance Review
Recover / Shall mean to utilize materials which can be used as raw materials in the manufacturing of new products, or as values which can be converted into some sort of fuel or energy source. Recover may include reuse, recycling, waste-to-energy, composting, and/or other components
Request for Proposal / Shall mean this document, which is the County of Alameda’s request for contractors’/bidders’ proposal to provide the goods and/or services being solicited herein; also referred herein as RFP
Response / Shall refer to bidder’s proposal or quotation submitted in reply to RFP
Right of Way / Right-of-way is typically defined as the portion of land over which a facility, such as highways, railroads, or power lines are built. This includes land on both sides of the highway up to the private property line.
RFP / Request for Proposal
RPA / Shall refer to a request for public assistance
ROE / Shall refer to Rights of Entry
SEMS / Shall refer Standardized Emergency Management System
SLEB / Small Local Emerging Business
Source Reduction / Refers to products that result in a net reduction in the generation of waste compared to their previous or alternate version and includes durable, reusable and remanufactured products; products with no, or reduced, toxic constituents; and products marketed with no, or reduced, packaging
State / Refers to State of California, its departments and/or agencies
TDSR / Refers to Temporary Debris Staging and Reduction
UL / Refers to Underwriters Laboratory
White Goods / Shall refer to major appliances



It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions to describe timely and coordinated disaster response contingency services to support incident objectives as defined through the County Operation Area Emergency Operation Center (EOC) following the Incident Command System structure.

The County intends to award a 5-year contract (with options to renew for two 5-year terms) to the bidder(s) selected as the most responsible bidder(s) whose response conforms to the RFP and meets the County’s requirements.


The County of Alameda is located in the San Francisco Bay Area and is at high risk of involvement in either natural or man-made disasters. The County not only faces the likely prospect of storms, wildfires, and earthquakes, but also has major highways, air, sea and transportation routes, a highly diverse population, suburban and rural agricultural lands, and significant commercial industries using hazardous materials. The purpose of the County’s Disaster Response and Recovery Contingency Contract is to ensure timely and coordinated operations that support incident objectives as defined through the County Operation Area EOC following the Incident Command System structure.

Services may be delivered using a combination of the County’s, jurisdictions within the County, and Contractor’s workforces. The Contractor must have the capacity to manage large projects with sufficient workforce and to cover expenses associated with a major recovery operation prior to and between payments as well as to provide necessary insurance coverage. The Contractor must have an established management team, and an established network of resources both within and outside of the impacted County area, to timely provide necessary supplies, equipment and personnel. Furthermore, the Contractor must comply with all federal, state and local laws, codes and ordinances.

Given the uncertainty surrounding the type of potential disaster, the scope of services is broad and the contract is therefore structured as a usage contract that will be invoked only in an emergency. No compensation will accrue to the Contractor unless and until the contract is invoked by any collaborating (requesting) city EOC or the County EOC either in anticipation of a natural disaster, manmade disaster or after such a disaster has occurred. It is unlikely that all services as described would be required in each response activity supported by the selected bidder. The Contractor will be reimbursed for certain labor, materials and equipment on a unit cost basis using a mutually agreed upon formula, inclusive of, but not limited to, the requirements set forth in the Specific Requirements section of this RFP.

The scope of work, as fully described in Section E. Specific Requirements, includes the following major on-call emergency response services and management practices to be performed in accordance with all federal, state and local requirements, laws, ordinances and codes, and consistent with existing Alameda County Emergency Operations Plans (please see Exhibit R - Alameda County Emergency Plans)

1.  Disaster Debris Management Services – Contractor will be on-call for Disaster Response and Recovery operations to collect, process and dispose of disaster-generated debris from public and private property and rights-of-way, vehicle and marine vessel containment and disposal, dead animal and livestock collection and disposal, and to set up and operate temporary debris staging and reduction (TDSR) sites after a natural or man-made disaster.

2.  Emergency Services – Contractor will be on-call to provide emergency water, housing, feeding and support services for mass care operations, power generation, communications, transportation, roof repair, fire suppression ancillary services support, marine restoration and remediation, and mass decontamination, as necessary.

3.  Contract Management and Qualifications – Contractor will provide management and monitoring of all personnel, material, equipment, labor, facilities for response and recovery activities described under this contract. Contractor is solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and safety procedures used. Contractor shall be duly licensed to perform the work in accordance with applicable laws, and shall obtain all permits necessary to complete the work.

4.  Reports and Meetings – Contractor will provide liaison staff to the Operation Area (Op-Area) EOC as requested. Contractor will provide daily Situation Status reports to the Op-Area EOC Plans Section Chief and coordinate all response/recovery activities with the Operations Section Chief, or on-call EOC duty officer.

5.  Documentation – Contractor will be responsible for providing documentation of all permits and licenses, and all invoices for activities performed by Contractor or subcontractor, to the County following the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines in order for the County to process for state/federal reimbursement. Contractor will provide documentation, reports and assistance in preparing for, submitting and appealing State and Federal reimbursement claims such as through FEMA Public Assistance applications.

As this is a usage contract, the quantity of work required is not known at this time but all work must comply with FEMA requirements to maximize grant reimbursement. Payment will be made at the negotiated contracted rates specified in the bid form, Exhibit B. The output will be verified by the County and/or the participating cities in the daily operational report. All rates to include all related costs inclusive of personal protective clothing, fringe benefits, small tools, supervision, transportation, traffic control and other costs. FEMA may modify the requirements for grant reimbursement during the term of this contract, however all provisions of state and federal laws are considered adopted in full. Contract specifications are subject to change based on legally binding requirements imposed by entities, agencies, etc.

Please see Exhibit M, Item I, Description of the Proposed Contingency Services for instructions on how to format your response to this RFP.


The Alameda County General Services Agency is responsible for coordinating the disaster response and recovery efforts of the County’s Operational Area EOC Logistics Section. As part of those duties and in collaboration with the Office of Homeland Security, Disaster Response Services in the Sheriff’s Office and with the Public Works Agency, the County, in its capacity as the Operation Area, is seeking a Contractor to provide disaster response and recovery services for all of Alameda County, including all incorporated and unincorporated areas. The County of Alameda faces considerable natural and man-made risks and hazards that may overwhelm locally available disaster response resources. Furthermore, the socio-economic characteristics of the County must be considered in determining the extent and scope of resources that may be necessary to serve the public following a disaster.

Alameda County is the seventh largest county in the state of California with an estimated 2008 population of 1.4 million. Alameda County encompasses most of the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area region. The County’s total area of 822 square miles includes 738 square miles of land and 84 square miles of water, and is bordered by the San Francisco Bay on the west. The County includes a coastal plain, populated hillsides from the Berkeley Hills south to the Diablo Range, and to the east includes the Castro and Livermore valleys.