Component 3 – Session 2 – Teaching Practice & Learning Environment

Videotaping: General Portfolio Instructions

Before You Get Started: Getting Permission
(General Portfolio Instructions – Bottom of page 28)
  • Find a student release form on the website.
  • Suggest ways for candidates to get these from students/families as quickly as possible
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Before You Get Started: Equipment
(General Portfolio Instructions –page 29-top of page 30)
  • How can the members of the group be reassured that they can obtain the equipment they need?
  • Other resources: Arizona K—12: Mac vs. PC 1:07

Video recording your class / How to practice Video Recording
(General Portfolio Instructions page 29 – top of page 30)
  • Give pointers on why candidates should practice videotaping as soon as possible.
  • Other resources: Teaching Channel – Using video to reflect on teaching & learning (2:36)
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Video Recording Tips: Improving
Video Quality
(General Portfolio Instructions page 32)
  • Make a chart listing key points on audio/video quality.
  • Other resources: Teaching channel – Using Video to improve practice: Video 101 (5 min)
Video Recording Tips to Improve Audio Quality
(General Portfolio Instructions pages 32 & 33)
Whole Class Video Recording
(General Portfolio Instructions page 34)
  • Read & discuss this section.
  • Make a list of key elements candidates can keep in mind while videotaping the whole class.
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Small Group Video Recording
(General Portfolio Instructions page 35)
  • Read & discuss this section.
  • Make a list of key elements candidates can keep in mind while videotaping the whole class.

Video Editing and Audio Enhancement &
Submitting Your Video Recordings
(General Portfolio Instructions pages 36)
  • Make a list of reminders on videotaping editing but remind your colleagues that Component 3 Instructions will have differences between certificate areas on video taping details.
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Analyzing Video Recordings: What is Important?
(General Portfolio Instructions: Bottom of page 30 – most of page 31)
  • How might you use the questions listed on page 31?
  • What insights did you have when you read the video analysis questions?

Copyright © 2015 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved. Component 3 Resource- - 2.14. Draft 7/15/15