CSM No. 154

January 25, 2011

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TO:All IV-D Agents and StaffCSM No. 154

Department of Income Support

Child Support Enforcement

FROM:Steven P. Veno

Deputy Commissioner

DATE:January 25, 2011

SUBJECT: Child Support Lien Network (CSLN)

The Kentucky Child Support Enforcement program has entered into an agreement to participate in the Child Support Lien Network (CSLN) to match child support records of noncustodial parents who owe past due support against insurance company’s Personal Injury and Workers Compensation claim data. This process began on January 23, 2011. The file contains information for all open IV-D cases in interstate status K or R that have an arrearage balance of $500 or more.

When a match is identified through CSLN, all required forms will be issued by CSLN. For personal injury claims, the Notice of Lien (Form CS-85) will be sent to the insurance company and a copy will be sent to the noncustodial parent along with the Noncustodial Parent’s Notice of Lien (FormCS-119). A event will be created in KASES to reflect that the CS-85 was sent by CSLN and the event note will list the name and address of the insurance company, address used to mail the noncustodial parent’s copy, and claim number. The contact information on the CS-85 and CS-119 will list the address and telephone number of the Administrative Enforcement Section (AES) located in Central Office.

For Workers Compensation claims, the CS-89 will be sent to the insurance company and a copy will be sent to the noncustodial parent. An event will be created in KASES to reflect that the CS-89 was sent by CSLN and the event note will list the name and address of the insurance company, address used to mail the noncustodial parent’s copy, and the withholding amount. The contact information on the CS-89 will list the address and telephone number of the AES located in Central Office.

When CSLN issues a form, AES will be notified via a website that only CSLN and AES staff can access. An electronic copy of the form that was issued is available on this website and will be retrieved by AES staff and sent to the worker in the local Contracting Official’s office by email to be filed in the hard copy case file.

The AES will monitor these cases regularly and will update case events accordingly, as they communicate with the parties involved in the case or the insurance company. AES staff will also create a case event if/when a payment is posted that is as a result of an action taken by CSLN.

Contracting Official staff should direct any questions they may have or receive to the AES in Central Office. The intent of CSLN is to collect the full outstanding arrearage due. Therefore, if the noncustodial parent is currently making payments toward the arrearage they will not be exempt from

this process. CSE will not enter into payment agreements or agree to a reduced lump sum payment to avoid collection of the full settlement amount. If there are extenuating circumstances to consider, please contact AES staff.

Although this project is modeled after other state projects, updates to the process will be necessary and your suggestions and input are welcome. Contracting Official and Field Staff are expected to provide assistance that may be necessary such as arrearage calculations, administrative hearing, etc.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Doris Moore, Administrative Enforcement Section Supervisor at (502) 564-2285, ext. 4465.