FE Exam Review (Computer Science)

1.  The pseudo-code for a computer program contains the following segment:

VAR = 0



What is the value of VAR at the conclusion of this routine?

a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6

2.  In a spreadsheet, the number in cell A4 is set to 6. Then A5 is set to A4 + $A$4, where $ indicates absolute cell address. This formula is copied into cells A6 and A7. The number shown in cell A7 is most nearly

a. 12 b. 24 c. 36 d. 216

3.  The program segment


S = 1

T = 1

FOR K = 1 TO N

T = T*Z/K

S = S + T


Calculates the sum,

a.  S = 1 + ZT + 2ZT + 3ZT + … + nZT

b.  S = 1 + ZT + (1/2)ZT + (1/3)ZT + … + (1/n)ZT

c.  S = 1 + Z/1 + /2 + /3 + … + /n

d.  S = 1 + Z/1! + /2! + /3! + … + /n!

4.  The octal representation of the decimal number 578.6 is most nearly:

a.  1103.46 b. 1202.46 c. 1102.46 d. 1203.64

5.  The numbers -3, 5, 2, -6, -1, 3, … are in a file to be read and processed by the pseudocode shown below. The number after the pseudocode is executed is most nearly:

Set I=1 and Y=0

While I<=3

Read a value from the file and set X equal to that value.

If X < 0 go to 1

Else Y = Y + X*X

1 Increment I by 1


Z = Y/I

a.  7.3 b. 9.7 c. 19.5 d. 26.0

6.  What is the base 16 equivalent of the decimal number 739.7?

a.  739.3B b. 397.3B c. 2143.B3 d. 2E3.B3

7.  Consider the following program segment:

X = 0

Y = 0

Z = 0

FOR K=1 TO 3

X = X + 1

Z = Z + ( X*Y )

Y = Y + 1


This program segment produces what final values for X, Y, and Z?

a.  3,3,8 b. 3,4,8 c. 2,3,8 d. 3,3,16

8.  A given CPU takes 4 cycles to execute an average instruction. Approximately how many instructions can be executed in 1 second if the CPU is running at 133MHz? Express the answer in MIPS.

a.  b. 532 c. 3325 d. 33

9.  What is the minimum number of bits required to address 8KiB if addressing occurs at the byte level?

a.  13 b. 16 c. 8 d. 12

10.  In a standard spreadsheet format, cells B3 through B7 contain the values 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 respectively. Cell B8 contains the formula B3*3 + SUM(B4:B7). The value in cell B8 contains the value:

a.  19 b. 45 c. 50 d. 218

11.  For a spreadsheet, the cell located at row 23 and column C is typically described as

a.  23C b. C.23 c. C23 d. 23.C

12.  Which of the following is not correct?

a.  A computer can’t write information to a CD-ROM device.

b.  Data stored in a batch processing mode is always up-to-date.

c.  The time needed to access data on a disk drive is the sum of the seek time, the rotational delay, and the data transfer time.

d.  The methods for storing data in secondary storage are sequential file organization and direct file organization.

13.  Which of the following is false?

a.  Flowcharts use geometric symbols to represent input/output, decision branches, process statements, and other operations.

b.  Pseudo-code is a step-by-step description or explanation of how a program works.

c.  Pseudo-code uses geometric symbols to represent steps in a program.

d.  Structured programming organizes groups of instructions into reusable modules.

14.  A particular computing system is processor limited when sorting small tables of between 100 and 1000 values. Which of the following would likely speed up the sorting?

a.  Adding more main memory.

b.  Adding virtual memory.

c.  Increasing the cache memory size.

d.  Adding peripheral memory.

15.  The flow chart symbol for a branch decision is a

a.  rectangle b. diamond c. oval d. parallelogram

16.  Consider the following transmission protocol specs: Serial, synchronous, 8-bit ASCII, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, 1 parity bit, and 9600 bits/sec. How long will it take for a 1-KByte file to be transmitted through the link.

a.  0.85 s b. 0.96 s c. 1.07 s d. 1.15 s

17.  The hexadecimal number 2DB.A is most nearly equivalent to the decimal number:

a.  731.625 b. 731.10 c. 453.625 d. 341.10

  1. The decimal number 1938.25 is most nearly equivalent to which hexadecimal number?

a.  b. c. d.

19.  A spreadsheet contains the following formulas in the cells:

A / B / C
1 / A1+1 / B1+1
2 / A1^2 / B1^2 / C1^2
3 / Sum(A1:A2) / Sum(B1:B2) / Sum(C1:C2)

If 2 is placed in cell A1 what is the value in cell C3?

a. 12 b. 20 c. 8 d. 28

20.  A digital phone call has a maximum frequency of 4KHz for voice. What is the minimum sample rate required to avoid aliasing?

a.  4 samples/second

b.  4K samples/second

c.  8K samples/second

d.  1K samples/second