MYPLAYERS fare very well at the APA NW Invitational at Chinook Winds over the weekend of Nov. 7-10
Early Bird Scotch Doubles:
9th place finishers $150 - "Git-R-Done" with Dale Crawford and Ken Bladen and "Make it a Double" with Shawn Self and Becky Pike
Singles board for skill level 5s:
3rd place winner $75 - Colby Garvin 2nd place $100 and winner of Singles Qualifier bracket - Angela Franklin
Singles board for skill level 6s:
finishing 3rd $70 - Richard Ohnstad
Weekender Scotch Doubles:
at 17th pl $80 - Justin Kassing and Brian Peck, at 9th place $180 - Dwayne Larsen and Dara Koch also at 9th place - Cisco Cabello and Paul Harbison and highest finishers at 5th place $250 - Amanda Wells and Shane Stamps
But the strongest showing of our players was in the 3 person team brackets.
Out of 100 total teams and 19 MYPLAYERS teams that signed up to participate - THIRTEEN of them made it to the 48 board and NINE of them cashed out in the top 24, SIX of them in the top 12:
at 5th place -"All Bark, No Bite" with Paul Geck, Steve Smith and Mark Brady, (also at 5th place were OPAL/MYPLAYERS players "Jelly Bellys" of Eileen and Chris Read and Rod Bair) at 9th place we lost 5 teams at once: "Sharpshooting Trio" with Andy Sullivan, Ricci Jean-Bart and Verrell Poston, "Eye King Grrs" with Bobby Huntley, Michael Eichinger and Carlos Cadena, "All Chalked Up" with Cindy Garvin and her sons Colby Garvin and Austin Hale "My Wife's A Drunk" with John Russell, Lee Chapman and Brandon Delfino and a thrown together team "Brews & Cues" with Robert Christensen,Jo Phelan and Richard Ohnstad at 17th place was "Prestige Worldwide" with Steve-O Roberts, Michelle O'Malley and Jesse Arismendez (who also won a pool stick in the "Beat the Merle" challenge) also at 17th"We Got Stripes" (lost to their home team of "Eye King Grrs") had Billy Sexton, Holly Gadomski and Kimber Sexton and "Webbed Foot Pirates" in their pirate hats,pirate themed tattoos and Oregon attire with TJ Koch, Tim Koch and Bill Walker.
The other four teams that made it to the top 48 were: "Quiet! It's Ok" Shawn Self, Brande Martinez and Danny Miotke, "Get a Room" James Moore, TJ Wicks and Adrienne Perry, "Nine is Mine" Jodie and Al Erickson with Carleen Natividad and "2 Marmots and A Jeweler" with Larry Draper Jr and Sr and Steve Boucher.
CONGRATS TO ALL MYPLAYERS and hope you had a good time!! The Spring 8-ball Invitational will be April 10-13, 2014