Story Time Spice-ups

Little Mouse

For this you will need:

  • A Flannelboard
  • 4 felt houses – each a different color*
  • Felt mouse*

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Are you in the (color) house?


For this you will need:

  • A white cotton ball for each child
  • A small square of blue paper for each child

Wind, wind, blow the clouds
Fast across the sky.
Blow the branches back and forth
In the trees so high.

Leaves Are Drifting

For this you will need:

  • Paper Ellison leaves in fall colors – one for each child

The leaves are drifting softly down.

They make a carpet on the ground.

Then swish! The wind comes whistling by,

And sends them dancing in the sky!

Pea Soup

For this you will need:

  • Small green pompoms
  • A frying pan from the Dollar Store

One little pea jumped into the pot,

And waited for the soup to get hot.

Two little peas…etc,

Finally, the soup got so very, very hot

That all the little peas jumped out of the pot!

Kitten’s Lost Mitten

For this you will need:

  • Flannelboard
  • 8 Ellison mittens cut from felt:
  • 1 of each color: red, yellow, brown, green, black, pink
  • 2 blue mittens

My poor little kitten lost her mitten

And started to cry, “Boo-hoo!”

So I helped my kitten look for her mitten

Her beautiful mitten of BLUE.

I found a mitten just right for a kitten

Under my mother’s bed!

But, alas, the mitten was not the right mitten,

For it was colored RED.

I found a mitten just right for a kitten

Under my father’s pillow.

But, alas, the mitten was not the right mitten,

For it was colored YELLOW.

I found a mitten just right for a kitten

Under the laundry so clean.

But, alas, the mitten was not the right mitten,

For it was colored GREEN.

I found a mitten just right for a kitten

Inside a grocery sack.

But, alas, the mitten was not the right mitten,

For it was colored BLACK.

I found a mitten just right for a kitten

Under the kitchen sink.

But, alas, the mitten was not the right mitten,

For it was colored PINK.

I found a mitten just right for a kitten

Inside my favorite shoe.

And this time, it was just the right mitten

For it was colored BLUE!

Songs and Finger plays:

Walking Through the Forest

Walking through the forest,

What do I see?

A squirrel – flip, flap!

Come and follow me!

Walking through the forst,

What do I see?

A crow – Caw! Caw!

Come and follow me!

Walking through the forest,

What do I see?

An Owl – Whoo! Whoo!

Come and follow me!

Walking through the forest,

What do I see?

A skunk – PEW! PEW!

Never follow me!

Dino Ditty

Here he comes just a stampin’ with his feet

Singin’ “Dino Ditty, ditty dum, ditty do.”

Searchin’ all around for something good to eat,

Singin’ “Dino Ditty, ditty dum, ditty do.”

He’s Huge! He’s Huge!

He’s Strong! He’s Strong!

Won’t be hungry very long!

Singin’ “Dino Ditty, ditty dum, ditty do.”

Tooty Tooty Tah

Thumbs Up (put your thumbs up)

(kids repeat)

Tooty Tooty Tah (shake your body)

Thumbs up, elbows back

Thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart

Thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together

Thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together, bottoms up

Thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together, bottoms up, eyes shut

Thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together, bottoms up, eyes shut, tongue out

Thumbs up, elbows back, feet apart, knees together, bottoms up, eyes shut, tongue out, turn around

Tooty tooty tah

Tooty tooty tah

Versions of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”:

Farm Animals

If you’re a cow and you know it, then say Moo. MOO! MOO!

Scary Monster

If you’re a monster and you know it wave your arms

…show your claws

…gnash your teeth

…stomp your feet

…growl out loud

Versions of “Heads, Shoulders”

Horns and fangs,

Knees and claws, Knees and claws

Eyes and ears and tail and paws

My Hand Says Hello (to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”)

My hand says hello

My hand says hello

Every time I see my friend,

My hand says hello.

Other verses: the whole litany of body parts!

Finger Family Song

Tommy Thumb is up and Tommy Thumb is down

Tommy Thumb is dancing all around the town.

Dance him on your shoulders, dance him on your head,

Dance him on your knees, and tuck him in to bed.

Other verses: Peter Pointer, Toby Tall, Ruby Ring, Baby Finger

The Bubble Gum Song

Sticky, sticky bubblegum,

Sticky, sticky bubblegum,

Sticky, sticky bubblegum,

Stick it on your ______.



(Then just keep repeating until you are tired of it. I have a whole leadup thing I do where we get out our pretend bubblegum, and then after we all throw our dirty pretend bubblegum in the trash. Good times.)