Pursuit of Happiness
Multi-Genre Semester Final
Pursuit of Happiness
Multi-Genre Semester Final
Group 1: (Narrative/descriptive)
short story
journal entry plays myths fables folk takes dialogues
Group 2: (expository)
essays: compare/contrast, report of information, how-to, cause and effect, etc newspaper article
magazine article
research report
manual interview
reference document
encyclopedia article instructions survey
Group 3: (persuasive)
letter to the editor
reviews (movies, books, etc)
persuasive essay
persuasive business letter
advice column advertisements
Group 4 (Poetry) found poems sonnet limericks free verse symbol poems cinquain ode ballad concrete poetry extended metaphor poem song lyrics (not copied, original) two-voice poem any type of poem is fine!
Group 5: (Technology)
Photo Story
Movie Maker
SnapChat story
Video that you produce
Group 6: (media) do not count as pages of writing, but will enhance the paper and can be used as much as you wish…..
photo-journalism drawings (self-made)
movie poster
Pursuit of Happiness
Multi-Genre Semester Final
Multi-Genre Research Paper
Junior English
As your Final for this semester, you will be writing a multi-genre research paper. In order to get you acquainted with this project, let’s start off with some FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions):
1. Why are we doing this? What standards does it relate to? This is a culmination of the major English 11 Standards!
2. What is a multi-genre research paper? A multi-genre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece self-contained, making a point of it’s own, yet connected by theme or topic and sometimes by language, images, and content. In addition to many genres, a multi-genre paper may also contain many voices, not just the author’s. It blends research skills with creativity.
3. How many pages does it have to be? The final paper will be anywhere between 10 to 15 typed pages. This is an estimate.
4. How many genres must I use? You will write a minimum of 6 pieces, 1 of each selected from 4 “writing” categories (see genre selection sheet), 1 technology and 1 completely of your choice that will help improve your grade the most!
5. Is this a process piece? Of course it is. You cannot produce a quality product with one or even two drafts – I will expect to see multiple drafts and re-writes.
6. How will this be graded? Using the rubric you will be given. You will be graded on your knowledge and insight of your subject, and how well you convey that knowledge to your readers.
Numerous participation grades will be given as we progress on the project.
7. How do I cite my sources? Through reflective endnotes (in Springboard). For each chunk of your paper, you will provide a brief explanation of the section and its origin. Why did you choose to include this? What was your purpose? What sources helped you to create this chunk of your project? What did you learn from those sources? Which “Genre/Group” will it be connected to?
8. Do I have to include a bibliography? Yes. Alphabetize it. Follow the MLA style format (see your pink handbook or you may use one of my resources). IT must be ANNOTATED . . . example is in your Springboard.
9. How should the paper be formatted? Pages should be formatted in a way that is best for the particular purpose for writing. Remember anytime you write an essay, it’s always in MLA format!! Each different piece should have its own page! There should be a Table of Contents, Notes Section, Project Section, Reflective Section and Annotated Bibliography.
10. So, how do I get started? These are the basic steps you should follow:
o First, find a subject (person, event, situation, etc.) that deals with the Pursuit of Happiness then find a novel that INTERESTS YOU!!!
o Find purpose/focus. What will you narrow your topic down to? Your topic cannot be too broad or your project will seem disjointed. Do you have a motif and theme that you could focus your ENTIRE project around?
o Begin research. Study/gather secondary sources. Maintain a research log to keep you organized; this will go in the Notes Section.
The Most Important… (a place to brainstorm as you read! RECORD PAGES!!)
/Literary Elements
Types of Genres:
The genres here are linked to examples or descriptions. Use real life examples as models whenever you can.
autobiography / diary / interview / one act play / travel poster
advertisement / encyclopedia entry / job application / personal commentary / wanted poster
announcement / eulogy / letter / photo w/description / Tickets
book jacket / informative essay / mandala / poems / pamphlets
campaign speech / narrative essay / map w/ legend / quiz / Brochure
Comic strip / persuasive essay / memory / radio broadcast / Certificates
CD cover / eyewitness account / menu / recipe / Ransom note
character sketch / graph/chart / monologue / resume
collage / greeting card / movie review
descriptive paragraph / grocery list / newspaper article / storyboard
Pursuit of Happiness
Multi-Genre Semester Final
Types of Genres:
The genres here are linked to examples or descriptions. Use real life examples as models whenever you can.
autobiography / diary / interview / one act play / travel poster
advertisement / encyclopedia entry / job application / personal commentary / wanted poster
announcement / eulogy / letter / photo w/description / Tickets
book jacket / informative essay / mandala / poems / pamphlets
campaign speech / narrative essay / map w/ legend / quiz / Brochure
Comic strip / persuasive essay / memory / radio broadcast / Certificates
CD cover / eyewitness account / menu / recipe / Ransom note
character sketch / graph/chart / monologue / resume / storyboard
collage / greeting card / movie review / newspaper article / grocery list