Sabrina Blair


March 19, 2009


Chapters 24 -25 – Study Guide

1. Where does Van Helsing believe that the Count is going?

Van Helsing believes that Count Dracula is going back to Transylvania as a last resort. (pg. 434)

2. What news does the man from Doolittle’s Wharf share with Van Helsing?

The man from Doolittle’s Wharf tells Van Helsing that a tall, thin man, in a hurry, came and asked when the next ship was to head for the black sea. He resembles the Count. He also says that the mysterious man promised to pay the captain well, and comes back with a horse and carriage, and a large box. (pg. 437)

3. Why does the Czarina Catherine not sail out on time?

The Czarina Catherine does not sail out on time because of a thin mist that rolls in. This makes it impossible for them to leave. (pg. 438)

4. Why do Jonathan Harker and the others feel so compelled to follow the Count even though he is leaving the country?

Jonathan Harker and others feel so compelled to follow the Count for Mina’s sake, and the sake of all humanity. They know that the Count has done so much wrong. They feel they must stop him before he does any more. (pg. 440)

5. Explain Van Helsing’s comparison of Dracula to a tiger.

Van Helsing compares Dracula to a tiger because once a tiger tastes blood, it always wants more. Dracula always wants more blood. (pg. 441)

6. What is a constant reminder that the events surrounding Dracula are real and not a dream?

A constant reminder that the events surrounding Dracula are real is Mina’s scar on her forehead. (pg. 443)

7. Why does Van Helsing propose to keep Mina in the dark about the group’s plans for the Count?

Van Helsing proposes that the group not tell Mina of their plans because they fear that the Count might channel her thoughts and learn what the men are planning. (pg. 445)

8. What weapon does Quincey Morris suggest the group should add to their arsenal?

Quincey Morris suggests that the group should add a Winchester rifle to their arsenal. It is to keep them safe from wolves. (pg. 447)

9. What request does Mina make regarding the group’s journey to follow the Count?

Mina requests that Jonathan not tell her anything about their journey to follow the Count. (pg. 449)

10. What solemn promise does Mina ask of Jonathan Harker and the other men?

Min asks Jonathan and the other men, that if the time ever comes, to kill her if needed. (pg. 445)

11. What does Mina ask Jonathan to read for her?

Mina asks Jonathan to read the burial service for her. (pg. 457)

12. What does Mina claim to hear when Van Helsing puts her into a hypnotic trance?

Mina hears the waves and wind. This means that the ship is still at sea. (pg. 459)

13. Who is “Judge Money-bag” that Jonathan Harker refers to in his journal?

Judge Money-bag is a metaphorical term for bribery. Jonathan means that money will end up settling the case because bribery is a useful tool in the area. (pg. 460)

14. What news does Van Helsing and the others receive about the Czarina Catherine?

Van Helsing and the others receive news that the Czarina Catherine was reported near Dardanelles. (pg. 461)

15. How did the Count find out that Van Helsing and the others were chasing him?

The Count finds out that he is being followed by the group by using Mina’s mind. (pg. 468)

16. What makes Van Helsing so absolutely certain that the Count is returning to his castle in Transylvania?

Van Helsing is absolutely certain that the Count is returning to his castle. He is certain about this because that is what he has always done in the past. (pg. 470)