DIRECTIONS – Label each of the following performance objectives with the correct level of Bloom’s cognitive domain.

1.  After reading a story concerning how a young person’s values were tested by classmates or neighbors and strengthened by the testing, the student is to prepare a presentation with tape recorder, colored slides, and overlays to show how reading certain books may contribute to the development of one’s values. This presentation to be observed by an English teacher, an audio-visual specialist, a cinematographer, or an author of children’s stories.

2.  After a discussion of the goals, types of organizations, and functions of communities, the learner will express in their own words what a community is.

3.  Following a discussion of the subject, the learners are to list three principles for keeping harmony in the home and neighborhood. They are then to indicate how these principles might be applied to relationships among states and among nations.

4.  The learner will observe an affluent, an average, and a poor community and discern at least two examples of deprivation (parental, social, cultural, or nutritional) in each type of community.

5.  Following the teacher’s reading of most of a story, the learner will explain in writing how he thinks the story might end. Responses should be judged by the teacher as a plausible and logical extension of facts and incidents.

6.  Having developed a basic sight vocabulary, the learner while in a reading group will recognize these sight words instantly when they are included on an experience chart or in a primer. This assessment is to be made by the teacher.

7.  In describing an unfamiliar musical composition the learner in a music class is to use correctly the terms rhythm, melody, harmony, and tone color and form according to an authoritative reference book.

8.  The learner in a health class is to incorporate statistical data about venereal diseases into a written paragraph on the frequency of these diseases among young people.

9.  Given a hypothetical situation about a person who misused drugs and became addicted, the learner will write a paragraph indicating how he might feel and react if he were in such a situation, and what the consequences might be.

10.  When shown a picture depicting a home setting with twenty health hazards, the learner will circle at least fifteen of these hazards, using criteria established by the insurance industry.