Handbook for Instructors


FOUN 1008 Rhetoric II: Writing for Special Purposes
Rationale and Objectives

This handbook serves as a guide for instructors of FOUN 1008 Rhetoric II: Writing for Special Purposes. It outlines the policies, procedures and best practices of teaching and assessing the modules of the course. The objectives are:

1.  To assist with standardisation

2.  To serve as a valuable reference point

3.  To formalise rules and policies

Table of Contents

Overview of the course

Description of the course ……………………………………………….. 3

Aim and objectives ………………………………………………………… 4

Teaching and learning outcomes ………………………………………. 5

Required and recommended texts ………………………………………. 6

Assessment and evaluation ……………………………………………….. 6

Principles and Strategies

Process (drafting and peer editing) ………………………………………. 8

Audience analysis ………………………………………………………… 12

Problem-solving ………………………………………………………… 14

Ethics ………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Teamwork ………………………………………………………………… 18


Document design ………………………………………………………… 24

Use of illustration ………………………………………………………… 31

Research methods ………………………………………………………… 36

Language ………………………………………………………………… 43

Documentation ………………………………………………………. 52

Oral presentation ………………………………………………………. 57

Correspondence ………………………………………………………. 66


Description (of a mechanism) ………………………………………………. 68

Analysis (of a process) ………………………………………………. 74

Proposal ………………………………………………………………… 79

Annotated bibliography ………………………………………………. 80

Report (research and problem-solving oriented) …………………….. 80

List of Illustrations

Description of FOUN 1008 Rhetoric II: Writing for Special Purposes

Technical writing or technical communications (because it includes oral skills as well) is writing about any technical topic. The word “technical” refers to any knowledge that is specific to a particular field or specialty and is not widespread. As students work towards their major, they are developing an expertise – becoming a specialist in a particular technical area. This course serves to inform students that, whenever they write or say something about that area of expertise, they are engaged in technical communications. Further, it serves to instruct them in how they can effectively communicate that specialist knowledge to a wider audience.

Regardless of their area of interest or expertise, students will have to communicate frequently, often in writing and often technical information. Learning and practicing the basic (and not-so-basic) technical-writing skills covered in this course will mean that they are likely to communicate better and more effectively in any career. The skills learnt in FOUN 1008 can be applied to other academic work and projects, as well as current and prospective careers.

This course targets a specific kind of writing and as such, assumes students possess necessary proficiency with basic language skills of Standard English grammar, syntax and vocabulary. This course will NOT teach students about parts of speech, spelling or grammar.

Aims and Objectives of the course

This course is designed to help students recognise, and use effectively, the particular techniques and strategies of technical (business, scientific or professional) writing needed for effective communication in their given disciplines. By the end of the course, they should be able to:

Understand the techniques of information gathering and information presentation appropriate to their field

Students will be introduced to the most important elements of communicating in the world of business, science and technology – that is, writing for the ‘real world’ of work. They will be writing and speaking about the area of technical specialisation they are learning about, interested in or already know and doing so in language that anyone can understand.

Produce high quality, well-written technical literature

The primary focus will be the technical report, due at semester’s end, which focuses on problem-solving. Most, though not all, of the other tasks, activities and assignments throughout the course will be aimed at developing the skills needed to produce that report. They will start with smaller writing tasks, such as short technical papers, to get used to using technical writing elements like headings, lists and graphics, and then build to more and more complex and involved tasks.

Write with an understanding and appreciation of an intended audience and their needs.

Technical writing also assumes that one does not write or speak in a vacuum, as that would not be a very practical application of learnt skills. So, another integral element of technical communication is the audience. Technical communication delivers technical information to readers, listeners or viewers in a way that is conforms to their needs, level of understanding, and background. This ability to translate technical data to a lay audience of non-experts is a skill highly sought by employers.

Teaching and Learning Goals

Instructors are expected to work closely and collaboratively with students in a workshop environment to help them achieve the following learning outcomes:

1.  Using the resources of observation, conversation, reading and creativity relevantly

2.  Using graphics correctly

3.  Gathering information from sources other than written texts

4.  Documenting sources responsibly and ethically

5.  Choosing and using appropriate language and expression

6.  Formatting documents correctly and effectively

7.  Executing a task as a member of a working group

Required and recommended texts

Students are required to purchase the following course text:

Cunningham, Donald, Elizabeth O. Smith, and Thomas E. Pearsall. How to Write for the World of Work. Seventh Edition. Boston: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005.

Other useful texts are:

Gerson and Gerson

Keller, Arnold


Recommended online sources:


This course is 100% coursework, comprising a series of writing assignments, using the writing process, culminating in a long report on a topic influenced by the students’ particular disciplines. Specific pieces will be graded as follows:

Section A

Description (of a mechanism) 15 marks

Analysis (of a process) 20 marks

Proposal (oral presentation written research) 25 marks

Section B

A long report and portfolio 40 marks (16 indiv, 24 group)

Students must receive a pass in both Section A and Section B in order to pass the course.

Before teaching students about the specific skills used in the course, and its deliverables, it is important that we establish ground rules about the objectives of technical communication (writing for special purposes) and expectations of the business, professional or scientific context. Each of these components, listed below, is referenced in the required text (Pearsall et al) in the first chapters.

o  The writing process

o  Audience analysis

o  Problem solving

o  Ethics

o  Teamwork

The following table provides a quick guide to the text reference and/or other resources that may be accessed for useful information for instructor guidance or for adaptation for lesson plans.

In Pearsall et al. / Other resources
Writing process / Ch. 1 esp. pp.9-21
Audience analysis / Ch. 1, pp.6-8
Problem-solving / Ch. 14, pp.391-397
Ethics / Ch. 1, pp.27-32
Teamwork / Ch. 1, pp.22-26

The Writing Process

The benefits for students of learning and practicing the writing process is that it helps:

o  organise their thoughts;

o  avoid frustration and procrastination;

o  use their time more efficiently and productively.

Mastering the process enables them to apply those advantages to their other work, both on campus and beyond. It also teaches them important academic expectations.

The writing process consists of three stages: pre-writing, writing and re-writing. Each of these is broken down in further steps, as shown below.

Figure 1. The basic stages and steps of the writing process


Pre-writing allows the thought process to work at maximum efficiency, by getting down all possible ideas before one feels ‘locked in’ to any one idea. Faced with a blank page (and mind), we have to actively seek out ideas. Used correctly, pre-writing helps the writer accomplish a finished product that is more thoughtful, confident and organised. There are three main steps in pre-writing:

Invention: Discovering topic, purpose and audience

Getting it down on paper provides more options for topics that are appropriate and manageable as well as interesting

Methods of invention include brainstorming; listing; clustering/mapping; asking and answering questions (reporter’s questions) and viewpointing.

Collection: Gathering ideas, data and discourse information

Using physical and online library databases

Evaluating sources for academic reliability and credibility

Focus: Narrowing topic to thesis according to allotted space (word limit) and time (deadline) as well as according to specifications or interest. One can focus on a particular time, place, event or occurrence or context (whether social, cultural, political etc.)

Organisation: Setting objectives – determining what are the goals, problems, limitations and scope of the project

Deciding what information to include and what to omit

Planning where to put what information, in what order

Structuring an outline so that you have a pattern of ideas to follow


The writing stage is not ideally a linear one, but involves drafting and re-drafting as constant research and analysis bring fresh ideas for content, structure and expression.

Drafting: Making sure there is ample time to complete project (time management)

Finding comfortable environment, tools etc.

Avoiding distractions

Taking breaks

Free writing

Not feeling compelled to write chronologically

Revising: Constantly re-reading what was written in order to improve it

Asking yourself the following questions for your essay:

·  Are the ideas clearly communicated?

·  Is the paper efficiently and logically organised?

·  Are the paragraphs/chunks well structured?

·  If any information superfluous?

·  Should more be included to support claims?

·  Are the introduction and conclusion strong?

Continuing research to add new ideas

Looking at ordering of ideas in paragraphs

Revising the outline as need and re-applying structure to essay


This is the stage most students forego, tending to hand in an assignment as soon as they put the last full stop in the conclusion. In academia, peer review is a necessary gauntlet the writer undergoes to ensure that their work is rigourous and original enough to merit being recognised as scholarly.

Peer editing: Getting feedback from colleagues as to appropriateness and effectiveness of content, structure and expression

Revision: Using that feedback to self-analyse and realise the potential for improvement in the essay.

Asking oneself more of the questions posed in the drafting stage (bulleted above)

Proofreading: Re-reading essay to ensure that elements of language (i.e. sentence structure, syntax and vocabulary), mechanics (spelling and punctuation) and documentation style (in-text citations and Works Cited) are correct

Writers should proof their own work

Effective proof-reading strategies include:

·  Reading essay slowly out loud

·  Reading paper backwards

·  Using word processor’s spell or grammar checks but NOT relying on them to fix all but the most basic errors.

Audience analysis

Awareness of the context of audience is fundamental to effective technical communication, and is often the first consideration before any steps of the process are followed. In all the stages of document preparation, whether it is development, reading/listening or action, writers should gather as much information as possible about the people reading the document or listening to the presentation, to more effectively assess their different needs and expectations. We should show students how to consider the following audiences:

o  Primary audience – decision maker, primary point of contact, project lead

o  Secondary audience – technical/budget expert

o  Shadow audience – other potential readers

o  Stakeholders – people who may read but those who will be affected by decisions based on information you provide.

One could make broad assumptions about audience and produce a generic communication but it is better to customise writing to a specific audience. For example, here are three pitches for the same copier, targeting different audiences:

To a comptroller: In a time of escalating prices, your company can save 30% on copier costs with the economical Blurro 2008.

To a production person: Being able to produce crisp, clear, and easy-to-read copy – up to 11% more readable according to the Ratchett Clarity Scale – shows your client that you are a professional.

To a service manager: The Blurro 2008 self-test recognizes over 15 faulty settings, making it easier for you to trace and correct problems.

Students can use simple exercises to conduct either a brief profile or an in-depth analysis or something in between. The more that is known about the potential reader, the more persuasive and user-centred the document can be. Students should consider:

q  Who is reading/listening?

q  Why are they reading/listening? With what attitude?

q  Where and when are they reading/listening?

q  How are they reading/listening?

The following table can help with audience analysis.

Table 1. Audience analysis chart

Readers / Needs / Values / Attitudes

Problem solving

The application of problem solving skills underscores most of what students do in FOUN 1008, especially for their final research project, which will likely be a recommendation report. As such, we should aim to teach them effective methods for assessing, approaching and resolving issues. Using the text as a guideline, the steps followed are:

o  Defining the problem, which involves:

·  Analysing the context

·  Breaking down the problem

·  Setting objectives

·  Knowing limitations

o  Creating solutions

o  Testing solutions

o  Choosing/recommending a solution


Teaching students about the three basic ethical theories can help them consider applications of each in their own disciplines and personal experiences. The immediate relevance is where they understand how ethical decisions affect their own work in the course.

·  Utility-based or “the greatest good”,

·  Rule-based or “essential rightness or wrongness of motives”

·  Rights-based or “appealing to basic human rights”

It is useful to consider ethics in technical communication and provide instruction based on its application, in terms of:

o  personal ethics

o  employer ethics

o  communication ethics

o  legal issues

Personal ethics

·  misstating credentials, experience or taking credit for work

·  using company supplies for personal gain

·  divulge company secrets

·  receiving bribes, kickbacks or excessive moonlighting

Employer ethics

·  Contractual obligation the product or service does what it is said to do

·  Due-care guarantees a product will be designed, manufactured and tested for safety, advertised honestly and supported by relevant manuals and warranties