Meeting held on Friday, 1 August 2014 in the Dudhope Centre


Stewart Murdoch DCC/Leisure & Culture Dundee (Chair)

Billy Gartley Leisure & Culture Dundee

Sabrina Logan Bharatiya Ashram

Peter Noad Scottish Enterprise

Clive Gillman DCA

Laura Simpson Hospitalfield Arts

Gillian Easson Creative Dundee

Kenny Christie DCC Education Department

Alison Fullerton WASPS

Scott Rodgers DCC Communities Division

Sarah Cameron Senscot

Brian Kelly Dundee Heritage Trust

In Attendance:

Ben Twist Creative Carbon Scotland

Clare Cooper Misson, Models, Money


Laura Wilkie Dundee Science Centre

Clare Brennan Hannah Maclure Centre

Matthew Jarron University of Dundee

Sophia Hao University of Dundee

Richard Gourlay Dundee Science Centre

Gemma Nicol Dundee Rep

Zena Chan Dundee Amateur Dramatics Society

/ Action /
1. / Welcome
Stewart welcomed Clare and Ben in particular to the meeting and there was a round of introductions.
Sabrina then took group members round the Dudhope Centre and talked about the challenge of developing the centre and its programme.
Sabrina highlighted the development of the new community garden, the film nights and the eclectic programme which operated out of the centre.
Group members noted the potential of the accommodation in the east block to assist with the sustainability and also as a base for creative industries/cultural projects.
2. / Note of Meeting Held on 25 April 2014
3. / Updates
3.1 / Community Resilience Conference
Stewart had written to Dr Alex Baldacchino and has asked for an update on the conference and in particular information about what was expected cultural organisations. / Stewart
3.2 / Business Improvement District
A meeting has still to be set up with Neil Cooney to discuss the potential of the Business Improvement District to contribute to Dundee’s cultural regeneration. / Stewart
It was understood the BID proposals would go to a vote in November 2014.
3.3 / Commonwealth Games Cultural Programme
The significance of the weather to the outcomes for the Commonwealth Games programme in the city centre was noted. The film night which had been heavily promoted by Creative Dundee had attracted around 250 of an audience who had enjoyed a balmy evening. The following evening the dance along to Grease event had had to be cancelled due to torrential rain.
Overall, feedback on the cultural programme suggested that publicity had been inadequate and that this had resulted in low attendances.
There had been a lot of lessons from the event and group members suggested that some form of evaluation to capture this learning should take place.
3.4 / Dundee Heritage Trust – High Mills Project
Brian confirmed that contractors were onsite and work was progressing with the restoration of the High Mill.
The funding applications for the restoration of the Boulton Watt engine had also met with considerable success.
There was one remaining grant outstanding and as soon as that was secured, the procurement of restoration contracts would be progressed.
3.5 / UNESCO City of Design Application
No further update. The decision will be announced in November 2014.
3.6 / Cultural Strategy 2015-2025
A range of consultation meetings have now taken place and are continuing.
These have provided rich feedback on information relating to the aspirations in the cultural sector for the future strategy.
It also confirmed strongly a desire to retain the roots of the existing Cultural Strategy and be less “driven” by the City of Culture bid. Stewart indicated the Bryan Beattie, Creative Services Scotland, had been tasked with drawing together this consultation into a document which could be discussed with the core group and strategic partners. The intention was still to have a working draft available for final comment and consultation later this year and to have the document approved prior to Christmas.
In parallel with the strategy consultation the City Council was in discussion with Creative Scotland about the formation of Place Partnership.
3.7 / 2016 Year of Architecture, Innovation and Design
V&A Dundee had hosted an initial scoping meeting in Dundee. It was not clear who will be taking the lead on this initiative. Organisations in the network are interested in contributing and are waiting for clear instruction of what the opportunity to contribute looks like.
3.8 / West Ward
DC Thomson Limited have appointed Bryan Beattie to carry out a specific and focused piece of consultation to determine what potential level of interest there is in Dundee in using the West Ward building for creative industry/cultural purposes. Stewart asked that anyone who was specifically interested in contributing to that consultation contact either himself or Bryan Beattie directly.
There was a brief discussion about the impact that the development might have on the sector and from the perspective of cultural agencies, there was a strong desire to ensure that the development did not put further pressure on the already stretched revenue budgets, i.e. that the business model for the development had within it financial sustainability from the outset rather than grant dependency.
4. / Creative Carbon Scotland
Ben Twist circulated a briefing paper and provided a summary of the background to Creative Carbon Scotland.
Member organisations were encouraged to sign up for the capital’s Green Arts Initiative which has already been joined by a number of arts organisations in the city. / All
5. / Education Department Arts Strategy and ASPIRE
5.1 / Arts Strategy
Kenny summarised the Arts Strategy which was one of nine strategic themes adopted by the Education Department.
As a strategic theme it had equal status with other priority areas for Education and the strategy impacted on Dundee’s nine secondary schools; 35 primaries; nurseries and early year provision; Kings Park School; and offsite provision.
The strategy focused on the expressive arts across the curriculum and the way in which drama; dance; art and design; and music could help deliver Curriculum for Excellence.
Kenny emphasised the importance of creativity and design in all aspects of curriculum development.
5.2 / ASPIRE Dundee
ASPIRE is now going into its second curricular year. It has focused on the nine primary schools with the highest uptake of free school meals and clothing grants. 2,000 pupils have benefited in some way from the initiative which is focused on providing a high level of cultural content within the curriculum through tuition, dance, musicianship, or theatre skills.
The key strength of the initiative was its local focus.
The key weakness its low profile.
The key threat its dependence on temporary funding.
The key opportunity to extend across art forms and to build on the earlier success achieved.
6. / Information Exchange
Due to the shortage of time, it was agreed that group members would circulate a brief paragraph of key issues which would be incorporated into the record of the meeting before it was circulated outwith those who had attended.
6.1 / Creative Dundee
Screen in the Square - showing 36 local films, animations, music videos on the outdoor screen in City Square, was a great night. We estimate around 250 people came along to watch during the 2 hour evening slot. Films ranged from contributions by youth groups, charities, established film makers and bands, from Dundee, to NYC. The weather was good, but significant efforts to promote the event by multiple methods online ensured the night was a success:
CD recently ran an event with Creative Edinburgh and Creative Stirling at Creative Scotland's office, on the impacts of the recent EKOS review of the 3 networks. 70 people attended from all over Scotland to hear about the work of the networks. All videos, presentations and summary of the review available online in Sept.
Creative Dundee are keen to encourage more guest bloggers on the CD website (like Colin Anderson's recent post), do get in touch if you would like to contribute. Please also sign up for the regular CD news mail out to get all the latest monthly news across the city.
6.2 / Hospitalfield Arts
16mm Film Course *last few places!
29 - 31 August 2014
Tutor: Mat Fleming
The course introduces participants to the processes and techniques involved in filming, processing and screening 16mm film. You will have the opportunity to film on site and then process the film during the weekend course.
This is a residential course with accommodation provided on the estate and delicious meals prepared by Hospitalfield's chef.
The cost of this course is £275.
Full details of the course content and booking procedure:
Interdisciplinary Residency Programme 17-30 November 2014
Deadline 22 September 2014
Due to the high quality applications we received for the previous interdisciplinary residencies we have created another opportunity between 17-30 November 2014.
Planned as an opportunity to support those working across across all artforms and areas of cultural work who recognise that they require some time to focus on the development of their practice or who have a specific piece of work to complete.
Open for application from artists, writers, producers, dancers, choreographers, commissioners, curators, educators, researchers and others developing their working lives within the scope of contemporary cultural practices.
Cost for a full 2 week residency is £560 full board. Shorter residencies within this period can also be accommodated.
There are around 8 places available.
More information about the residency and the application procedure can be found online
6.3 / Cashback for Creativity
DDP in partnership with Dundee Rep and DCA have submitted an application to Creative Scotland’s Cashback for Creativity Fund. The 3 strands of proposed activity within the application focussed on: continuing and developing the successful dance projects which emerged from previous Cashback funding; developing a Young Creatives pathway hosted by organisations for young people aged 19-25; developing a series of ‘One Stop Arts Shops’ which will be led by young people and give young artists a platform to show their work alongside offering free taster sessions to children and young people within the city. The One Stop Art Shops will look to use disused retail spaces and transform them into a creative, dynamic and welcoming city centre arts hub – potential for these to be toured to community venues also?
7. / Date of Next Meeting
Friday, 31 October at 10.00 am. Alison Fullerton offered to host the next meeting at the WASPS Studios, Meadow Mill (4th Floor, Meadow Mill Studios, West Henderson’s Wynd, Dundee, DD1 5BY).


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