1. corpor body

Corporal punishment, or physical punishment of the body, is rarely used in U.S. schools today.

2. aud , audit hear

An auditory learner is a person who retains information best if he/she hears it thorough lecture, discussion, or music.

3. vid, vis see

A visual learner is a person who retains information best if he/she sees it through charts, maps, or pictures and diagrams.

4. spec, spic, spect look at; examine

At a sports event, the bleachers hold many spectators who come to watch (look at) the game without participating in the game themselves.

5. teg, tect cover

Literally translated from Latin, protect means to cover before; therefore, to protect something is to cover it, or shield it, before danger can cause harm. Likewise, literally translated from Latin, detect means to remove cover; therefore, to detect something is to remove that which covers or hides something in order to discover it, as in detecting a clue.

6. palp feel; touch

Palpable means that something can be felt or touched; it is often used to describe strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or tension being so strong that they are palpable.

7. tang, ting, tag, tig, tact touch

A tactile learner is a person who retains information best if he/she can use his/her sense of touch by participating in activities such as labs, artistic projects, mechanics, or building.

8. tic, tac silent

A tacit understanding is a silent, unspoken agreement; for example, it is tacitly understood that one is to behave in a serious manner in a church or a library.

9. gust taste

Disgusting is used to describe behavior or food that of poor or bad taste.


10. fer, ferrous bear, carry, produce

The Northwest has many coniferous trees, which are trees that produce cones. We also have many ferry systems, which carry people and vehicles over large bodies of water.