Austin High School Campus Advisory Council (CAC)

Monday, October 6, 2014

5:30 P.M. in the Library

Present: Sandy Compian, Cathy K. Smith, Lawrence Huang, Henry Guerra, Diane Harrison, Greta Gonzales, Robin Levatino, Martin Lizarraga,Barbara Scroggie Knaggs, Fred Campillo, Carolyn Paloski, Frances Thompson, Shannon Cameron, Lisa Christian, Kevin Gillion, Jocelyn Satterwhite, Trina Barlow, Annie Dragoo, Sonny Stephens, Jenny Stevens

Call to Order: Approval of Minutes – Minutes were approved with a change to reflect Ms. Harrison’s comments about receiving documents to review before meetings.

Public Comments: No public comments.

Student Council Report:

Mr. Stephens provided the following update. The student council met in August to discuss goals for the year one of which was to provide students a stronger voice. All students voted on the homecoming theme this year, which is Mardi Gras. The council conducted their first cabinet meeting and student retreat. New for this year is a homecoming tailgate on 10/17/14 to bridge the gap between the game on Thursday and the dance on Saturday. First general assembly and student concerns were presented to Ms. Compian. Mr. Stephens attended the state of the district today where he recorded and tweeted information. The council polled students about pep rally issues and those recommendations will be presented to Ms. Compian later this week.

New Business:

Pep Rally Safety

Ms. Compian reported on an issue that occurs when pep rallies are dismissed. Students rush to the center of the gym and as a result we have had two students and one teacher injured.

Ms. Compian has met with teachers for solutions. Some ideas were to have the pep rally in morning before school starts; put players in front on chairs of juniors/seniors so that all students are on bleachers. Students suggested opening up the cafeteria for students who don’t want to go. Other feedback is being compiled from the student council, which will meet with Ms. Compian later in the week to review.

CAC members had the following suggestions:

Ms. Dragoo suggested having the pep rally during first period so that most students can attend. Mr. Giliion suggested an 8:45 start date

Ms. Harrision suggested that there be a more orderly dismissal.

Mr. Guerra said that at his school the football players formed a chain to control the crowd.

Mr. Stephens said sitting the juniors/seniors in the bleachers is a good idea. Students don’t necessarily like to stand (not a privilege).

Mr. Campillo suggested lines to exit. Ms. Paloski wanted to know if there was going to be a consequence if kids don’t follow rules. If after this next pep rally rules are not followed is the next one cancelled. . Kids were not told that pep rally could be cancelled.

It was noted that It is difficult to discipline kids when there are so many not following the rules. Ms. Stevens suggested a pep rally right before game but then only the football players are being honored. Ms. Stevens suggested that those other teams could go on the field but it was noted that there would probably be too many conflicts with schedules.


This item was moved to next month as Dr. Bedford was not able to attend today.

Unfinished Business:

CIP Review and Finalization

There were no comments from group. Ms. Compian passed around the signature card to for establish formal approval of the CIP.

Principal's Report

·  CAC Diversity

Ms. Compian emphasized the mission of the CAC is to make decisions for the students, not departments, parents, athletes, etc. Not all feeder schools are represented in the CAC and we need to keep in mind the population that we serve.

Ms. Smith wanted to know if there is anyone that we should be targeting to invite.

Ms. Thompson suggested that people who are leaving can recruit from a school we are missing. Mr. Huang suggested marketing at middle schools to get parents involved, have principals to put information in newsletters, and go to CAC’s that we represent.

Ms. Smith will send something in April to principals and PTA presidents to recruit people. Also CAC members are encouraged to recruit individuals.

Ms. Gonzales suggested that we use the members of the Principal’s Support Group to recruit from other schools that are underrepresented.

·  Security

Ms. Compian reported that there is a security camera on first floor and a there is a rover at all times that has direct communication with the office. There is also a police car presence at both ends of the school. Principals should be asking people where they are going when they see parents or others. She said that is working with coaches to keep the doors to the locker room locked.

We do not have the call boxes due to budgetary constraints. Ms. Levatino suggested that we submit a request to the Excellence Fund.

Mr. Huang asked if breach drills are conducted. Yes they are.

Mr. Guerra asked about taking donations to pay for this. We cannot take donations at games, etc..

Mr. Huang asked about money from bond package. Ms. Compian is working with Ms. Elenz on this. We will look at this first and then use the Excellence as an alternative plan.

·  Area Traffic Study Update

A traffic study was conducted in mid-September in 7 different locations around the school. The study looked at current traffic as well as estimates of future traffic. A presentation will be made to the City Council in November after meeting with area stakeholders.

A community meeting is scheduled for October 22 in the AHS cafeteria. City transportation dept. will be here to provide all information on the Pressler extension. There is a meeting tomorrow with the team to discuss next steps. Note: After the CAC meeting took place, the community meeting was rescheduled to a later date.

·  Attendance

Attendance is better for the first six weeks than last year. ACL Friday was 91%.

The school will encourage afternoon appointments since the school receives funding if a student is in school before 10am.


Mr. Campillo noted the difficulties that teachers are encountering in the new system and that it is not working as intended.

Ms. Compian stated that district officials are aware of the problems and are working on resolving them. Teachers will be receiving additional training

Mr. Stephens said that it is a big issue with students that some still cannot see their grades. Ms. Compian said she will have all teachers publish the link in the classrooms.

·  Vertical Team Meeting

Ms. Compian reported that the group is sending a STEAM application to the district to receive 3 year grant. We will also combine with HB5. She noted that we have a lot of initiatives and need to be careful about what we take on so that we can accomplish all of our goals.

STARR English Test Feedback Update

This item was moved to next month as Mr. Dagar was not able to attend today.

Donor Recognition Update

Martin passed out committee report. (see attached)

The group decided to make exploring additional funding a future agenda item.

Ms. Thompson noted that the Excellence Fund has matching donor for $50,000 that will match funds raised through the Excellence Fund up to that amount.

AHS Principal Support Update

Ms. Gonzales reported that the team has not met this year but worked during the summer to revamp our school website. Ms. Compian stated that her goal is to get every teacher to also have a website. Ms. Barlow asked about having ambassadors to go middle schools to promote AHS. She will attend the LASA roadshow and let us know how it works.

Set Agenda Items for November 3, 2104 Meeting

1.  HB5 Review

2.  LASA Roadshow Report

3.  Amber Elenz – Shared Schools

4.  STARR English Test Feedback Update

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.