Tsuen Wan GovernmentSecondaryTechnicalSchool Alumni Association (TWTSAA)

The5thExecutive Committee (Ex-Com) (2010-2012)

Minutes of the 7thMeeting

Date :22August 2011 ( Monday)

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Venue :Room 207, CCCRotarySecondary School

Present :Mr.FAN Ying-mingChairman

Mr. CHAU Ka-tak, Eric Vice-Chairman (Internal)

Ms.FU Sau-lin, Cindy Vice-Chairman (External)

Mr. CHUI Wai-sing Secretary

Ms. YAU Wai-ha, IrisTreasurer

Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-chung, Raymond

Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-ying

Mr. CHIU Kim-kan

Mr. TANG Wing-hong

Absent with apology:

Mr. CHAN Chit-wai, StephenChairman, HUCMS

Ms. CHAN Wai-lan, Winnie

Mr. CHAN Kwan-yau, Nelson

Mr. CHU Kwok-fai, Alex

Mr. LEUNG Tung-sing, Christopher

Mr. Mr. MAK Hoi-wah

Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the6th meeting of the 5th Executive Committee held on 13 June 2011 were confirmed without amendment.
2. / Matters Arising
2.1 / Photo Album of Mr. CHEUNG Chun-tung
Mr. KK CHIU reported that further sale of the albums were in progress, and the final account would be made in due course.
2.2 / Change of Office Bearers
The updated forms notifying the Licensing Office of the change of officer bearers had been sent to the Society Office. As no formal reply was received, the Secretary would follow up with the Society Office.
3 / TWGSTS 50th Year Celebration
The Chairman reported that preparation of the memorial book for the 50thanniversary of the TWGSTS was in good progress. It was estimated that 1,000 books would be printed, and advertisement would be arranged at $2,000 per page to sponsor the printing and operation of the Alumni. A further meeting with the editorial committee would be made on 27 August 2011.
Mr. WH Tang said that a visit to TWGSTS (now known as the Tsuen Wan Assessment Centre) was arranged on 31 August 2011 at 12:30 pm. All members were welcome to attend the visit.
The preliminary logistic and souvenirs for the 4 December 2011 (Sunday) were discussed. Ms. Winnie Chan would acquire quotations for various options.
4. / Charity Begins at Home
The item would be kept in view, and discussion would resume after the 50th Anniversary.
5. / Mechanisms for non Ex-Com Members to Voice their Opinions
Item deleted.
6 / Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report as at 22 Aug 2011 was tabled in Appendix I.
7. / HUCMS
7.2 / Ms. Iris YAU reported that thecontract signing ceremony for the大梳小學would be arranged before 30 November 2011. In view of the celebration of the 50thanniversary on 4 December2011, HUCMS would re-schedule the signing ceremony to 4 December 2011.
Ms. Iris YAU reported that the financial subsidy to “一中” had ceased as all the subsidized students under the scheme had already proceeded to the University. Only students from “二中” and “藤州” were still under the scheme.
8. / Publication and IT Sub-committee
The meeting noted that the next newsletter would be released in early December 2011.
9 / Recreation Sub-committee
No particular issues were reported.
10. / Any Other Business
There was no other business.

11. Date of Next Meeting

The next Ex-com meeting would be held at 7:00 pm on 24 October 2011 (Monday) at Room 305, 2/F, CCC Rotary Secondary School (中華基督教會扶輪中學). / All tonote

FAN Ying Ming


Encl. Appendix I - Treasurer’s Report

Distribution :

All Present (by e-mail)

Mr. Hung Tam Yuen (by e-mail)