Herbs that heal
During a national emergency, you may not have access to traditional food sources. The grocery store might be empty, the drug store could shut down, and general access to vitamins and medicine could be curtailed.
Unfortunately, very few Americans are self-reliant when it comes to their health. We rely on doctors, pharmacists, and grocers to keep us fit.
What if none of that was available? Would you know what to do?
One of the best ways to stay healthy during an emergency is through herbs. These plants grow in forests, flatlands, and even in your own front yard. Many are rich in nutrients and have vital healing powers.
Here's some common healing plants you should definitely know about:
Dandelions. Most people think of dandelions as an irritating weed, but their leaves are very healthy for you. Dandelions are great for curing stomach aches and constipation. They can also help with more drastic problems with digestive organs, as well as with gallstones. Mix about one ounce of leaves with one pint of boiled water for the full effects.
Chamomile. The flowers of chamomile are very versatile herbs with several uses. Moderate doses can cure indigestion, flatulence, and headaches. Chamomile is also a mild sedative. Other studies have found that chamomile is an anti-histamine and a good eye-wash for conjunctivitis (pink eye). Mix about half an ounce of chamomile flowers with one pint of boiled water.
Birch. The effects of birch bark doesn't have many scientific studies backing them up. But in an emergency, birch is easy to come by. Birch bark is historically a very common cure for fevers and rheumatism. Mix one ounce of the leaves and bark with one pint of boiled water.
Black Walnut. The inner bark of black walnut is thought to have healing properties. During the Revolutionary War, it was commonly used as a laxative. The Chinese have used it to cure everything from asthma to sexual impotence. The oil of the fruit is supposedly an effective anti-parasite -- good if anyone develops a tapeworm. Modern science has found black walnut to have anti-cancer properties. Mix one teaspoon of the inner bark with 1.5 pints of water. Slow boil the mix for half-an-hour.
Thyme. Thyme is a popular spice backed up by modern science, which has found that it cures colic, flatulence, and other stomach problems. Thymol, the active principle within thyme, can be applied to the body for immediate bloodflow, which can help fight inflammation. Historically, thyme has also been used to cure all types of coughing, including asthma. Mix approximately half an ounce with a pint of water.
Slippery Elm. The bark of slippery elm is very powerful thanks to mucilage-containing cells. Slippery elm is particularly useful for sore throats and coughing. It can also be used as a laxative and an enema. Mix one teaspoon of bark with 1.5 pints of water and slow boil for half an hour covered.
Seaweeds. There are several types of marine plants that have healing properties. One of the most useful (and common) is Brown Kelp. Seaweeds are a terrific treatment for cancer, particularly those anywhere in the digestive system. They can also be applied to treat skin condition and other wounds. Generally the whole seaweed plant is eaten and there is no known poisonous seaweed.
Parsley. Who knew this popular cooking herb had such great properties for women? Parsley has traditionally been used to regulate menstrual flow. The Russian medicine Supetin, comprised of 85% parsley juice, can stimulate uterine contractions during labor. Parsley has also been used to help with liver diseases, although the effects of this have never been verified. Mix one ounce of leaves with one pint of boiled water.
Marigold. Believe it or not, this common flower has healing properties. It's a natural antiseptic that can be used to treat cuts, bruises, and burns. Studies have shown marigold can also help lower blood pressure. Mix one to four grams of granulated flowers with a cup of boiling water.
For millennia people have used herbs to treat ailments and heal diseases. But with the advent of modern medicine, many natural remedies went out of style. Yet herbs can still soothe and cure. Here are a few common herbs that have a place in the medicine cabinet as well as the spice rack.
Rosemary is one of the most popular healing herbs. Rosemary is effective against indigestion and can soothe painful gas attacks. It is reputed to boost memory. Rosemary can also be used as an antidepressant and the essential oil made from rosemary is claimed to ease headaches and migraines and relieve sore muscles. Rosemary is also reputed to stimulate hair growth, and some research indicates that taking rosemary as a dietary supplement can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Eating chives promotes cardiovascular health and boosts the immune system. Research has also indicated that chives can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and help fight cancer. Traditionally, chives were used to kill intestinal parasites, improve the digestion and to treat anemia. The leaves or the bulbs of garlic chive, which are much like regular chives but with a flavor similar to garlic, can be used to relieve itchy or painful bug bites. Also, try growing your own. Both chives and garlic chives are hardy perennials that thrive with minimal attention.
Traditionally, parsley has been used to regulate menstruation and to treat liver and spleen ailments such as jaundice and gastritis. It is also believed to promote urination. Recent research has also shown parsley to have marked antibacterial and antifungal properties. Apiol, a chemical found in parsley, can be used to stimulate contractions of the uterus during labor. Because of apiol, it is believed that pregnant women should avoid parsley.
Ginseng is famous for its aphrodisiac properties as well as its abilities to increase energy and endurance, fight stress and regulate blood pressure, correcting both high and low problems. The Russians gave ginseng to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to help them overcome the effects of radiation. It is thought to improve reaction times and concentration in the elderly. The best-known type of ginseng comes from Korea, but there are varieties with similar benefits that grow in North America and Siberia.
Everybody’s favorite weed has been found to discourage gallstones. It also aids the digestion and can soothe constipation and tummy aches. Research also indicates that dandelions can help relieve jaundice, chronic inflammation and enlargement of the liver. Consume dandelions by adding the leaves to salads, drying and grinding the roots and adding the resulting powder to coffee or tea or by making a tea from either the roots or the leaves.
Cinnamon has been used for gastrointestinal ailments for thousands of years. Besides aiding digestion, cinnamon has antifungal and anti-yeast properties and can be used to fight painful Candida albicans infections. The essential oil from cinnamon bark kills bacteria and can be used against Staphylococcus aureus. Cinnamon is believed to prevent tuberculosis and aid in its treatment.