Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Journeys Big Ideas and Essential Questions

Grade Five

Unit 1 Big Idea: We never stop learning.

Lesson 1 What funny events lead Louis to Mrs. Jewls’s classroom?

Lesson 2 How do graphics help you learn about space?

Lesson 3 What can our differences teach us?

Lesson 4 What events lead a team to learn double Dutch?

Lesson 5 How does a character learn an important lesson?

Unit 2 Big Idea: Nature deserves our respect.

Lesson 6 What effect can one person have on a stranded sea turtle?

Lesson 7 Can nature bring out the best in a character?

Lesson 8 What persuades us to protect the environment?

Lesson 9 What conclusions can we draw about the sea?

Lesson 10 What are the most important ideas about cougars?

Unit 3 Big Idea: History is made by individuals.

Lesson 11 What effect can one person have on history?

Lesson 12 How do people’s opinions lead to a revolution?

Lesson 13 How do individual acts of bravery shape history?

Lesson 14 What events led James Forten to fight for freedom?

Lesson 15 How did two young people’s heroic actions differ?

Unit 4 Big Idea: Everyone has a story to tell.

Lesson 16 Why does an author want to tell a story?

Lesson 17 What problems does the character face?

Lesson 18 What part do facts and opinions play in a story?

Lesson 19 How do you persuade people to support your ideas?

Lesson 20 How do the beliefs of a character affect a story?

Unit 5 Big Idea: Our country is always changing.

Lesson 21 What events take the children across a changing land?

Lesson 22 How does knowing the right actions change events?

Lesson 23 Which ideas about vaqueros show how America changed?

Lesson 24 Why does a pioneer traveler record events in a journal?

Lesson 25 How does the author feel about Lewis and Clark?

Unit 6 Big Idea: Discovery takes many paths.

Lesson 26 How do graphics and captions help to show the paths animals take?

Lesson 27 What lessons can be learned from other cultures?

Lesson 28 What facts and opinions have people assembled about fossils?

Lesson 29 How do people sort through information to reach conclusions?

Lesson 30 Which details help to explain the important ideas about mazes and paths?