MSCD 7-2Name ______
Career Program Concentrations and PeachState Pathways
Career Options Overview Table INSTRUCTIONSClass Period _____
Use the Internet to locate and fill in the information for the table below using the following web sites:
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ELECTRONIC ACCESS / Copy and paste the name of each Program Concentration in column 1. / Write the names of the program concentrations in Column 1. Must be complete name and spelled correctly
/ Copy and paste 3 pathways of your choice. (Education will only have 2 and Culinary will only have 1) / Write 3 pathways of your choice with a dash or dot in front of each for better appearance.
/ Click on a hyperlinked pathway (the blue ones) and locate career examples. Copy and paste 3 career titles and add bullets for better appearance. / Click on a hyperlinked pathway (the blue ones) and locate career examples. Write 3 career titles and add a dash or dot in front of each for better appearance.
/ Using Google Images, type the name of one of your career examples and locate a photo of someone doing that career. Copy and paste the image in the Career Photo column and resize it to a height of 1” using your picture tools. / Using Google Images, type the name of one of your career examples and locate a photo of someone doing that career. Paste images of all career examples on a word processing document and print it out, then cut and glue them onto your table
Option: Find pictures in magazines, newspapers, etc and glue them to the table.
/ Using the site above, search for career-related math skills. Briefly describe no less than one SPECIFIC example of how math skills are used in any of your career examples. You must list 2 examples to exceed the expectations. / Write the math skills you find in the column for “Math Skills”
Before turning in your completed work, use the rubric to grade yourself and make any necessary corrections or additions to your table to get the best possible grade.