Tigers Weekly Memo

Week beginning 10thOctober


Prudence 8th

Hugo 13th

Parent Activities
Little Cubs: Bubble Room Tuesday 11th 10.30
Cheeky Monkeys (up): Play dough Friday 14th 2.30 -3.30
Cheeky Monkeys (down): Leaf Collecting Friday 14th 3-3.30
Chatty Parrots: Parents tea Monday 10th3.30-4.15
Happy Hippos: Leaf Printing Friday 21st9.30-10.30
Laughing Lions: ‘Spooky tea party’ Monday 31st 3.30-4.30.
Tall Giraffes:Halloween Crafts Friday 25th 2.45-3.45
Dates for Diary
Term Time children: Half Term Monday 24th – Monday 31st
We will be playing with play dough, going in the pirate garden and carrying on with our spiders and webs. We will also be making ghosts using tissue paper.
This week we will be playing in the sand, with the scoops and moulds in the tray. Water bubbles and sponges as a table top activity.
This week we will be singing with actions to find different body parts, making towers and knocking them down, making car sounds whilst playing with the cars, finger painting and dressing up. We are also having our parent activity to go and look for leaves to put in our nature basket.
We will be going up and down on the big slide in the pirate garden; we will be seeing who can go up and down independently with an adult stood nearby. Also playing with some musical instruments at singing time. Can you please bring in for your child a warm coat and wellie boots and make sure they are named, thank you.
We would like to welcome Shivansh to our room. To follow on from doing the number display last week, we will be doing a variety of counting and number activities
This week we will be focusing on language skills and confidence with talking by doing small group work, talking about our likes and dislikes and extending language skills through play by playing with different activities e.g. ‘blue cars, red cars’, barbies and Happy land.
We will be showing a selection of library books to help choose one book to create a display. We will be getting plenty of fresh air in the wild garden and playing ring games in the back garden. To continue building on their independence please ensure that the children have waterproofs and wellies as well as P.E kits to get changed into.
General Information
  • Now it is Autumn please can you bring in suitable clothing, coats and wellies can be left at nursery if you wish.
  • Please can we remind parents that we close at 6.15pm and if you are going to be late, please can you notify us and you can arrange for someone else to pick up your child and we would ask for a password
  • Thank you to the parents who replied back to me about how they love the new weekly memo, I am glad you all like it. If you are picking the memo up outside the rooms and not receiving an email version then please let a member of staff know your email address.