Thank you for interceding on behalf of the choir, drama participants, technical lighting crew, the orchestra, ushers and greeters, and the many people who will attend our annual Christmas Musical.


·  Thank God for the powerful intercession of the Holy Spirit as He oversees every detail of this musical.

·  Pray that we will trust God with unwavering faith in His greatness and steadfast love!

·  Thank God for RHAM High School. Pray any logistical challenges that may arise will be resolved quickly& will not be a distraction.

·  Pray for great organization for technical staff -- we will have only Monday and Tuesday for prep at RHAM, with dress rehearsal on Tuesday.

Chris Abraham Charlene Abrahason Peggy Attardo

Dan Ayer Chris Bedore Chris Boudreau

Jerilyn Boudreau Trisha Bourcier Judith Brandi

Donna Brown Scott Burgoyne Marvourine Burgoyne

Karan Bycholski Karen Casavant Diane Cashman

John Chemin Pat Cipollini Sharon Cunningham


·  Pray that the familiar story of Christmas will come alive in a new way for God’s people and that non-believers will be tender to accept God’s free gift of eternal life in Christ.

·  Pray God will be exalted and lifted high in our praise and worship.

·  Pray for completion of the casting roles to fill- Baby Jesus for Thursday/Sunday performances.

Deborah Dalton Mary Dowding Janis Dudek

Allie Dunn Tony Falcetta Chris Grulke

Linda Hanson Sherryl Hauser Claire Holliman

Mike Holliman Rebecca Holliman Annalee Hughes

Jane Jachym Steven Jacobsen Gary Jodoin

Kristin Jodoin Seth Jodoin Emily Johnson


·  Pray the Message of the Gospel will be proclaimed with power & clarity working in the hearts of those who are searching and questioning.

·  Pray for endurance and stamina for all participants with 6 performances for strength in their voices and protection over their health. (Isaiah 40:31)

·  Pray for excellent weather for rehearsals & each performance that no one will be kept from fulfilling God’s appointment for them.

Denise Ketterer Eric Kincheloe Karen Kissman

Margaret Klukas Dale LaChapelle Brian Lammers

Judy Lampson Robin Lee Donna Levesque

Karen Maidment Jaime Markham Gino Marozzi

Claude Marshall Mary Marvasti Nadeen Maserati

Beth Melzen Courtney Morrow Debbie Morrow


·  Pray for the ushers and greeters as they welcome the community that their smiles and their words will reflect Jesus.

·  Pray that the presence of the Holy Spirit in God’s people, in the music and the Word will be irresistible to those whose hearts are hardened and resisting the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

·  Pray God’s Love and Peace will be over, in and around every detail and decision that His presence in His people will be evident to all.

Sheila Musiek Kara Nielsen Sue Pagano

David Pantaleo Cathy Pelletier Dennis Platt

Judy Quinn Tom Reed Jennifer Roggi

Pam Sargent Mercia Segovia Sherri Schallack

Debra Smith Jan Smith Jennifer Smyth

Tim Tassmer Donna Tedford Sheridan


·  Pray for the technical & lighting crews during each phase of the set up & throughout the performances.

·  Pray that the Holy Spirit of God will breathe new life into His people with a renewed passion and conviction for Christ.

·  Pray for Steve Nielsen, our Music Director, for overflowing joy, peace and renewed strength.

John Torres Rebecca Torres Sue Torres

Sue Tryon Susanne Vacek Alan Watson

Donna Watson Linda Wilson Jeanne Wright

Laurel Wrynn Steven Nielsen Phil Demand

Glen Jukkola Caroline Kron Liz Tinson

Jessica Maas Tom Maas Katie Morin


·  Pray for the children that their voices will be loud and strong. Thank our Lord for the beautiful sound of children’s voices proclaiming the birth of His Son.

·  Pray that we won’t forget, even for a second that this is all about Jesus who came and dwelt among us in the fullness of God

·  Thank God for the generous, very strong support from advertisers (in the program) this year! Even more awesome with the increased expenses of adding a sixth performance.

Maggie Corteville Tyler Gauruder Christine Kopcha

Erica Maas Ray Wilson Maurice Thomas

Melanie Chirignan Kathy Wilson David Cyzak

John Christie Sarah Beth Tonzi Tucker Barney

Kyle Dunnack Sam Eurich Tony Sisson

Alisa Danneker Keith Morrissette Jeff Shaw


·  On this Lord’s Day, pray for all the participants that they will not be fatigued, but amazed by God’s sustaining strength and power.

·  Pray that God will keep using us as He does so faithfully every year through this ministry for His kingdom purposes.

·  Ephesians 3:20-“Now to Him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly more than we dare ask or think, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen!”

Jim Lendvay Virginia Eurich Jessica Morrissette

Kurt Scimone Kerry McKinney Eric Serrell-Dube

Rich Guastamachio Eric Hutchinson Curtis Willey

Rich Abramo Elinor Colanti



“Good Tidings of




“And the angel said to them, ”Be not afraid, for behold, I bring you news of great joy which will come to all people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Luke 2:10, 11