2017 SIT Monthly Agenda: Meeting Summary

Noble Middle School

April 19, 2017


  1. Mrs. Hourigan for all she does, and she does her job well!
  2. Thanks to Jen Travaglia for her work on the yearbook! That's a big job.
  3. Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of support over the past few days as we grieve the loss of Demarie’ Hall.
  4. Great job to all of our staff and students involved in extracurricular activities and clubs. IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE AN EAGLE!
  5. Way to go, SyndyKevitz for scheduling the visit with Congressman David Rouzer.
  6. Thank you to Stacey Carilli and Sandy Behrmann for coordinating Autism Awareness Month for our school community.


  1. Can the faculty bathrooms be renovated? We would really like to have hot water in the bathrooms. Washing hands in cold water is unsanitary, and it makes us feel unprofessional. The toilet paper holders should be on continuous feed, not the kind the students have to use. Just small upgrades would be really helpful.

*Mr. Bostian will talk with Maintenance Dept. regarding continual feed toilet paper dispensers, hot water, and any other upgrades that can be done.

  1. Litter around campus / ISS students help pick up school grounds?

*Yes, will be effective immediately.

  1. When pulling students from class for various needs, it is difficult to anticipate and know when it is convenient to pull them from class and when it is not. Some form of better communication amongst staff would be helpful to meet student needs without too much disruption to the learning environment (for the student and teacher).

*Ideas were discussed to assist with this request; however, it was decided unanimously that we all continue to work together as a team and be flexible with everyone’s needs.

  1. Students in greatest need of attending Operation Organization and Study Hall are often times the ones that do not come. What can motivate and encourage more students to participate?

*Starting next school year, Megan and Paige will stamp student planners as proof of attendance if teacher’s choose to reinforce participation at Operation Organization/Study Hall with an incentive of some kind (extra points, homework pass, etc.).

  1. A large picture frame in the office or the mail room with all staff's photo, labeled with names.

*Next year staff pictures and names will be posted on the bulletin board outside the faculty restroom in the main office for internal use only.

  1. Reminder to staff to please be aware and respectful of ending class on time to ensure that students are punctual to their next class. Please do not use your planning time to hold students for make work, quizzes, tests, etc.


*Calendar changes and suggestions for next school year.

*Online Accommodation Lab Binder

****Thank you to all who attended the meeting! Please continue to voice your Kudos and Burning Issues along with suggestions/solutions to your SIT representatives and/or the SIT Monthly Feedback Form found on Google.doc.


Vickie Chenault and Megan Demolina

MCS Noble SIT Co-Chairs