Jersey Heritage Media Release

19 August 2008

Take the tour, SeymourTower open day

A recent SeymourTower open day held by Jersey Heritage was so successful that it is being repeated on the 14 September.

Helen Gray, Head of Marketing for Jersey Heritage said: ‘In August we held our first ever Seymour Tower Open Day and it was a fantastic success with places booked up weeks in advance. 60 walkers were guided out to the tower in groups of 10, each group was taken safely out to the tower by one of our SeymourTower accredited guides’.

Whilst out at the tower for their ‘show around’ walkers were given a low water fishing demonstration by Seymour Tower guide, Bob Tompkins. Helen continued: ‘The feedback we had from the walkers was fantastic, it gave people the chance to walk safely out to the tower and ask lots of questions about the history of the tower and the bay and also have a look around this much-loved landmark.’

Due to this success an additional walk, low water fishing demonstration and tour of the tower has been planned for Sunday 14 September. Anyone wanting to take the guided walk and tour of the tower MUST book in advance and collect a ticket from JerseyMuseum. A charge of £7.50 per person is applicable.

Helen said: ‘The interest from Islanders in the last open day was immense and lots of people wanted to know if another day was planned. I’m pleased to say that the tide is on our side on the 14 September and we’ll be able to take out up to 50 people on the Sunday for a tour of the tower.’ For more information or to book a ticket call Anna Stevens at JerseyMuseum on 633 332.

Helen finished: ‘Of course, if a walk and tour is not enough, and people want to experience the thrill of staying in the tower overnight then private guided overnight stays are available by contacting Jersey Heritage’.

For further information contact: Anna Stevens, 01534 633 332,

Images from the last open day are attached with the email.


Jersey Heritage protects and promotes the Island’s rich heritage and cultural environment. We aim to inspire people to nurture their heritage in order to safeguard it for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone.