
Please go through this letter with your parents/ primary guardians. It is important for your family to understand the structure and expectations of this class. As you already know, your grades at this point are important. They will be evaluated by colleges and scholarship committees to determine admittance and financial aid (yikes!!) They will be evaluated by future employers in order to decide who will get a job. Sooooo…. Let’s take a look at what’s going to happen this year and make the most of this opportunity.

Should there be any problem and confusion regarding class expectations, disciplinary measures and/or grades please know that you have the ability to email me at any time through Powerschool. If you do not have access to the internet, please feel free to call the school, and I will promptly communicate with you in whichever format makes you feel most comfortable. It is important that parents/and students communicate with me as soon as a problem arises, so these can be resolved quickly and to the benefit of the student. My email is . You can find my via Remind by joining mscbraw.

Course Description

Sophomore English is a literature based class where we improve our reading, writing and grammar skills primarily through the study of literature

Over the course of the year, each student will read three novels, Julius Caesar, , and a variety of short stories and poetry. Students will be required to write at least two essays, several poems and two research based projects. All students must complete their sophomore research paper to receive credit for the class.

Class Policies

Make-up Work

Ø  Students who are absent are still accountable for all activities and assignments given out by the teacher in his/her absence. Students can check Powerschool, ask other students, and contact the teacher. It is each students own responsibility to stay on top of all assignments. If a student does not turn in an assignment claiming he did not know about the assignment due to an absence (excused or unexcused)- the student will still receive a “0”.

Ø  If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, he/she must turn in the assignment immediately upon returning to class or will be held responsible for a late assignment.

Late Assignment Policy

Ø  Most major assignments are due at the end of the assigned DAY: the time Mrs. Brawner leaves her room at the end of the last class.

Ø  10 points are deducted for each day a major assignment is late. No more than 40 points will be deducted for a late assignment solely on the basis of being late. Please remember, however that that is a “D” and it is harder and harder to remember late content.

Ø  Homework is late if it is not turned in at the time the teacher picks it up. Late homework is not accepted.

Ø  Reading quizzes and tests may be made up if a student is absent on the day of the quiz or test with no penalty. It is, however, the student’s responsibility to take all reading quizzes. Quizzes and tests not taken will be recorded in the gradebook as “0”s. The teacher will not remind students to take their reading quizzes.

Ø  Tests and quizzes may not be made up during class time.


Every student and parent is given by the office a password for Powerschool. This site can also be accessed through the Bartlett High School website. You may check grades and homework assignments at any time. Many of my assignments are already on my website. Of course, you must stay on top of the dates and date changes as these may be updated periodically depending on circumstances. The white board in my room is updated every day with assignment changes, and students are held accountable for anything on the whiteboard. However, anyone can email me at anytime to clarify ambiguities.

Classroom Rules

1.  Students may not get out of their desks at anytime without permission.

2.  Students may not talk when the teacher is talking.

3.  Students must treat all others and their property with proper respect.

4.  Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings or they will be assigned detention. Our class time is short and the tardy policy is strictly enforced.

Grading Policy

My grading policy is consistent Bartlett City Schools. The grading system has changed this year.. I WILL BE USING TOTAL POINTS. Most major tests will be worth 100 points. Every nine weeks students will be required to turn in a 9 weeks project. These are weighted very heavily the most heavily weighted one being the final research project at the end of the year which is worth over 700 points. Quizzes and homework assignments will be worth 20 points.

EOC Exam- It is important to understand that every student in this class is required by the state of Tennessee to take the End of Course Exam. This text alone is worth 20% of the student’s final grade. This is 1/4th of their total grade. The stakes for passing English have never been higher. It is important to work hard all year in order to be prepared for this final exam.


Every student will need a notebook or binder for my subject. I will be checking your vocabulary and your notes for a grade, so you need to have a notebook or binder JUST FOR ENGLISH. It doesn’t need to be shared with another subject. During research season you will need index cards and a manila envelope, but that is second semester.

Students also need to purchase and/or acquire on their own two outside reading novels. These are Night by Elie Wiesel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and one free choice novel. These books can be bought, borrowed or checked out of the library, but each student must have his own copy to participate in class activities.

Concluding Thoughts

Although this class is a very challenging course, it is by no means overwhelming. This class will provide opportunities to do many creative and interpersonal activities. It will be a forum for each student to analyze and express many personal beliefs in a non-threatening and respectful environment. A student who is not afraid of hard work will have a fun year in Sophomore English, he/she will also pass the EOC exam. It is my desire that this is your experience, and I commit to you that I will do everything that I can do, as your teacher, that you learn as much as you possibly can and are as successful as you want to be.

It is important to me that every student walks away at the end of the semester more prepared for life and college than when he walked in today. It is also important to me that every student passes his EOC exam. I will push and challenge every student to be a better reader and writer. I hope you somehow will find it in yourself to enjoy this adventure- however painful it sometimes may feel. I think English is fun and that we have the potential to have an outstanding year. Let’s work together to make that happen.


Mrs. Brawner

10th Grade English

Student Commitment Form

I have read and submit to the rules, standards and expectations set forth in this syllabus. I understand the demanding nature of high school level English and will apply myself to the best of my abilities.


Student’s name Date

Guardian Commitment Form

I have read and understand the rules, standards and expectations set forth in this syllabus. I understand the demanding nature of high school level English and will do what I can to encourage my student to apply himself and do his/her very best.


Parent’s Name Date

Phone: ______

Email: ______

Phone Email (please circle one) is the best way to get a hold of me.

Are you involved in sports? What sports?

Do you have any health alerts? If so, what are they?

Comments: Please let me know if there is any particular situation I need to be aware of that I my best help your student succeed this year.


Please write out student’s schedule below as best you can: