Name(s) ______

Gag Grouper Assessment Sheet


  1. Data

Go to the SECOORA site and find a map where SST would benefit the larval recruitment.


Identify what from your screenshot illustrates the optimal conditions for larval recruitment.

  1. Model/construction of environmental conditions


Raw numbers / Percentage of larval population
Number of “larva” that hit the continental edge of your tub
Number of “larva” that moved away from the continental edge of your tub
Larva TOTAL / 100

Based on your numbers above, do you think the population of Gag Grouper will increase or decrease in the coming years. Make sure to give a brief explanation (and include your numbers and the lifecycle in your answer).


  1. Data

Which video clip illustrates a better environmental situation for the juveniles? Back up your choice with data. What is needed by Gag Grouper juveniles that was not illustrated in the clip.

The juveniles often move off shore in the fall. What environmental condition might prevent this from occurring (and back it up, of course)?

  1. Model/construction of environmental conditions


  1. Data

What the flowing short video from the 2010 Gray’s Reef expedition (it runs less than two minutes)

Record the times during the video when optimal habitat is shown.

Hungry adult grouper

What would a hungry adult grouper eat (you’ll need to seach for this, include URL)

  1. Model/construction of environmental conditions

The grade school students built a optimal adult Gag Grouper habitat. Using newspaper/papermache, build a suitable adult grouper habitat. Include a brief, written explanation of how your model fits the bill.


As you recall, Gag grouper are an important fishery (and if you don’t, go to this site to help you with your recall )

  1. Data

Summarize the following:

Current commercial fishing regulations:

Current east coast (not Gulf) recreational regulations:

Briefly explain the reasoning behind the closing of the season from January through April?

  1. Model/construction of environmental conditions

Upload your video to a VoiceThrea or YouTube and include the URL for access.