The Board of Aldermen of the City of Springhill, Louisiana met in regular session in the Council Chambers at Springhill City Hall on Monday, February 10, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. with Mayor Carroll Breaux presiding.

PRESENT:Carroll Breaux, Mayor, D. Nicole Frazier, Dennis Smith,Ross Fleming, Ronnie Dees, and Martha Edens, Aldermen.


Alderman Ronnie Deesopened the meeting with prayer.

Alderman Ross Fleming led the Pledge of Allegiance.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Ronnie Dees, to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting held January 13, 2014.




Mayor Breaux asked for the agenda to be amended to include the following item of city business:

A recommendation from Balar Engineering to award the LCDBG Project Bid to TGS Contractors.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to accept the recommendation from Balar Engineering.


Mr. Ernest Cook was to be present to discuss Lake Erling with the Mayor and City Council. However, Mr. Cook was not present.

A LCDBG Policy entitled “Communications Policy for the Physically Disabled” was presented.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Martha Edens, to adopt said policy.


Police Chief Will Lynd recommended to the Council that Cliff Causey be hired as a patrolman to replace Salvador Gonzalez who is retiring.

MOTION was made by Martha Edens, seconded by Dennis Smith, to accept the Chief’s recommendation.


Police Chief Will Lynd recommended to the Council to appoint Salvador Gonzalez as a reserve police officer.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Ross Fleming, to accept the Chief’s recommendation.


Mr. William E Weatherford, CPA, LLC was present to discuss the financial audit report FYE 6/30/2013.

Mr. Weatherford announced to the Mayor and Council that the City of Springhill was in good financial shape and the audit report rendered a clean opinion.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to accept the recommendation from Balar Engineering to award the bid for the LCDBG project in Pinehill to TGS Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $252,813.50.


MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith, to pay the bills for January 2014 totaling $75,729.50.


Mayor Breaux announced that Maggie Haskins has assumed the role of Main Street Manager, Jim Stevens, Accountant retired effective February 1, 2014, Jana Russell has been hired at City Hall to assume the Accounts Payable Clerk position, and the firm Jamieson, Wise and Martin, APAC have been engaged as Accountants to assist with accounting support services and fiscal year end assistance.

Mayor Breaux also welcomed the Youth for Change Committee who were in attendance at the Council Meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Shelli Malone, City Clerk Carroll Breaux, Mayor