Jacqueline Nadel

Centre Emotion CNRS USR 3246

Pavillon Clérambault, Hôpital Salpêtrière

47 Bd de l’Hôpital 75013 Paris

Tel: +33142161739, Fax: +331 53790770



1972Ph.D in Motor Development, Sorbonne, Paris

1984Pr Ph.D es Cognitive Development, Paris-X

Professional Career

2008-current Emotion Centre, French National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS)

Emeritus Research Director

2000-2008Emotion Centre, French National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS)

Research Director Director of the group Development & Psychopathology

1995-2000 Lab. of Psychobiological development, CNRS Paris

Research Director, director of the group Early communication development

1993-1995Lab. Language and Communication, CNRS, Poitiers

Research Director

1991-1993University of Montreal, & University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada

Invited Professor of Developmental Psychology

Visitor at the Colorado Health Institute, Denver

1985-1990Lab of Child Development, CNRS, Paris

Research Director, Early imitation development

1990-1991Lab of Child Development, CNRS, Paris/University of Geneva

Researcher & Invited Professor at the University of Geneva

1973- 1984Lab of Child Development, CNRS, Paris

Assistant researcher

International standing

  • Plenary speaker at more than 40 international conferences & International Summer Schools
  • Extra-Muros expert for professor positions in USA, UK, Canada
  • Expert for EU scientific projects
  • Reviewer for Developmental Science, Child Development, Infancy, Child Behavior and Development, Neuropsychologia, PlosOne, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Autism
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Interaction Studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, John Benjamins Publishing Company

Management experience

  • Workpackage leader in 4 EU projects
  • Organizer of 15 International Conferences
  • Member of the consultative committee for Research and Education in Autism, French Ministry of Health
  • Editor of the French scientific journal ENFANCE
  • Founding Member and Director of the French Interdisciplinary Network Autism-Science
  • Expert at the CNRS committee
  • Member of the organizing and program committee of more than 50 international conferences
  • Supervisor of 8 postdocs and 20 PhD students. Supervisor of master dissertations


Peer-reviewed articles

dumas, g., martinerie, j., soussignan, r., & nadel, j. (2012). Does the brain know who is at the origin of what in an imitative interaction?Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Special issue: Towards a neuroscience of social interaction, doi: 103389/fnhum.2012.00128.

grynszpan, o., nadel, j, martin, j-c., simonin, j, bailleur, p., wang, yun, gep,ner, d., le barillier, f., & constant, j; (2012). Self-monitoring of gaze in High Functioning Autism. J. Autism Dev. Disord, DOI 10.1007/s10803-011-1404-9

grynszpan, o., simonin, j, martin, j-c., & nadel, j.(2012). Investigating social gaze as an action-perception online performance. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Special issue: Towards a neuroscience of social interaction, doi: 103389/fnhum.2012.00094.

nadel, j., Aouka, n., coulon, n, gras-vincendon, a., canet, p., fagard, j., & Bursztejn, C. (2011). Yes they can! An approach to observational learning in low-functioning children with autism. Autism. 15, 2, 421-436

dumas, g., lachat, f., martinerie, j., nadel, j., & george, n.(2011). From social behaviour to brain synchronization: Review and perspectives in hyper-scanning. IRBM, 32, 48-53

eisseily, r., nadel, j., fagard, j. (2011). Object retrieval through observational learning in 8 to 18-month-old infants. Infant Behavior And Development, 33, 695-699.

Grynspan, o., nadel, j., constant, j., le barillier, f., carbonell, n., simononi, j., martin, jc, & courgeon, m. (2011). A new virtual environment paradigm for high-functioning autism intended to help attentional disengagement in a social context. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 25, 1, 42-47

Guionnet, S., nadel, j., Bertasi, E.,Delaveau, P., Sperduti, M., & Fossati, P. (2011). Reciprocal imitation: Towards a neural basis of social interaction. CerebralCortex, DOI 10 1093 cercor/bhr177

noris, b., barker, M;, hentsch, f., ansermet, f., nadel, j.,billard, a. (2011). Measuring gaze of children with Autism Spectrum disorders in naturalistic interactions. IEEE.

soussignan, r., courtial, a., danon-apter, g., canet, p., & nadel, j. (2011). Human newborns match tongue protrusion of disembodied human and robotic mouths. Developmental Science, 14, 2, 385-394

chammat, m., foucher, a., nadel, j., & dubal, s. (2010). Reading sadness beyond human faces. Brain Research, doi:10.1016/brainres.2010.05.051

dubal, s., foucher, a., jouvent, r;, & nadel, j. (2010). Human brain spots emotion in non humanoïd robots. Social, cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, March1, doi:10.1093/scan/nsq019

dumas, g., nadel, j., soussignan, r., martinerie, j., & garnero, l. (2010).Inter-brain synchronizations during social interaction. PlosOne.5, 8, (on line e12166)

Field, t., Nadel, j. et al. (2010). "Children with autism are more imitative with an imitative adult than with their parents." Early Child Development and Care 180(4): 513.

Sperduti, m., Poliveau, P., Fossati, P. & Nadel, J. (2010). Different brain structures related to self- and external-agency attribution: a brief review and meta-analysis.Brain Structure and Function (online, DOI.&0.1007/s00429-010-0298-1

nadel, J. & martini, m. (2009). Imitation in autism: the role of a playful adult. Autism, 9, 3, 327-333

Grynszpan, O., Martin, J.-C.,& nadel J. (2008) Multimedia interfaces for learners with high functioning autism: an empirical investigation, International Journal of Human – Computer Studies

verdon, c-m, fossati, p., verny, m. & nadel, j. (2007). Social cognition: an early impairment in Dementia of the Alzheimer. Type. Alzheimer & Associate Disorders, 21, 1 , 25-30.

Grynszpan, O., Martin, J.-C., nadel J. (2007) Exploring the Influence of Task Assignment and Output Modalities on Computerized training for Autism, Interaction Studies (8 (2), 241-266.

Grynszpan, O., Martin, J.-C., nadel J. (2006) Développement et évaluation de jeux dialogiques émotionnels – Application à des personnes autistes, Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), 20 (4-5), 639-663.

soussignan, r, nadel, j., canet, p., & gerardin, P. (2006). Sensitivity to social contingency and positive emotion in 2-month-olds. Infancy , 2, 128-139.

Billard, A., Robins, B, Dautenhahn, K. nadel, J. (2006) Building Robota, a Mini-Humanoid Robot for the Rehabilitation of Children with Autism. The RESNA Assistive Technology Journal,19,1

nadel, j., prepin, k., & okanda, m. (2005). Experiencing contingency and agency: first step toward self-understanding? Interaction studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 6, 3, 447-462.

nadel, j., soussignan, r., canet, p., libert, g., & gerardin, p. (2005). Two –month-old infants of depressed mothers show mild, delayed and persistent change in emotional state after non-contingent interaction. Infant Behavior and Development, 4, 418-425

field, T., nadel, J., hernandez-reif, m., diego, m., et al.(2005). Infants of depressed mothers show less negative affect during non-contingent interactions. Infant Behavior and Development, 4, 411-417.


nadel, j. (Ed.) (2009). Diagnosing autism: What is new?(Le diagnostic d’autisme: Quoi de neuf?). Enfance, 1, 156 p.


nadel, j., (1986). Imitation et communication entre jeunes enfants.Paris: Presses Universitaires de France

nadel, j., & camaioni, l. (Ed.) .(1993). New perspectives in early communicative development. London: Routledge

nadel, j., & butterworth, g. (Ed.) (1999). Imitation in infancy. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press

nadel, j., & muir, d. (Eds.) (2005).Emotional development: Recent research advances. Oxford, NY: OxfordUniversity Press

NADEL, J.(2011). Imiter pour grandir. Paris: Dunod.

Book contributions

revel, a., & nadel, j. (2007). How to build an imitator. In K. Dautenhahn & C. Nehaniv (Eds), Imitation in animals and artefacts (pp.279-300). Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

nadel,j. (2006). Does imitation matter to children with autism? In S. Rogers & J. Williams (Eds.), Imitation and the development of the social mind: Lessons from typical development and autism(pp. 118-137). New York: Guilford Publications.

NADEL, J.,aouka, n. (2006). Imitation: some cues for intervention approaches in Autistic Spectrum Disorder. In T. Charman & W. Stone (Eds.), Early social communication in Autistic Spectrum disorders (pp. 219-235). New York: Guilford publications.

nadel, J. (2005). Imitation et Autisme. In A. BERTHOZ et al. (Eds.), Autisme, Cerveau et Développement (pp.341-356). Paris. Odile Jacob.

tremblay, h., brun, p., & nadel, j.(2005). Emotion sharing and emotion knowledge: typical and impaired development. In J. Nadel & D. Muir, Emotional Development (pp. 341-363). Oxford, New York: OxfordUniversity Press.

Nadel, j. (2004). L’humain version bébé. In R. Lécuyer (Ed.), Le développement du nourrisson (pp. 346-370). Pais: Dunod.

Nadel, j. (2004). Imiter pour communiquer: un défi que peut relever l’enfant autiste sans langage? In C. Aussilloux, A. Baghdali & V. Brun (Eds.), Autisme et communication (pp. 28-35). Paris: Masson.

Nadel, j. (2003). Le développement émotionnel: régulations et dysfonctionnements. In M. Kail & M. Fayol (Eds.), Les sciences cognitives et l’école (pp. 55-89).Paris: PUF

nadel, j. (2003). Some reasons to link imitation and imitation recognition to Theory of Mind. In J. Proust & J. Dokic (Eds.), Simulation and knowledge of action.(pp. 251-280).Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Peer-reviewed proceedings

Grynszpan, o., Martin,j;c;., Nadel, j. (2007) What Influences Human Computer Interaction in Autism? In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, London, U.K. (6 pages)

Grynszpan,o., Martin, j.c., Nadel, J. (2007) Impact of emotional facial expressions on dialogue disambiguation for people with high functioning autism, “The Virtual Reality and Human Behavior” In Proceedings of the 9th Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC 2007), Laval, France (7 pages)

nadel, j, simon, m., soussignan, r., canet, p., canamero, l., & . gaussier, p.(2006).Human emotional responses to an expressive robot. Proceedings of the International Conference of Epigenetic robotics, 79-86

Grynszpan, o., Martin, j.c., Nadel, J. (2005) Human Computer Interfaces for Autism: Assessing the Influence of Task Assignment and Output Modalities. In Proceedings and Extended Abstracts of CHI 2005, ACM Press, 1419-1422, Portland, OR, USA.

Grynszpan, o., Martin, j.c., Nadel, j. (2005). Designing Educational Software Dedicated to People with Autism. In A. Pruski & H. Knops (Eds.), Assistive Technology: From Virtuality to Reality, Proceedings of AAATE 2005, IOS Press, 456-460, Lille, France.