Year 4 Home Learning Activities Term 5

Reading - a minimum of 20 minutes independent reading at least 3 times a week plus once a week with adult guidance, placing an emphasis on fostering a love of books. The aim is to develop higher order thinking skills - 'reading between lines' to understand the plot, predicting outcomes, becoming familiar with styles of genre and different authors, etc. Children should have their reading record/journal signed by an adult each time they read at home. Their reading book must be brought in each day in case they are asked to read.

Spelling –these will be sent home every Monday to be learnt for the following Monday.

Tables/ other Mathematical focus (little and often) -learn set class times tables (especially 8x and 6x tables) and individual ones (for Bronze, Silver, Gold awards). Maths may sometimes take the form of another mathematical focus e.g. division.

Hand in on the Week
beginning / Focus Home Learning Activity
This will take the equivalent of 30 – 45 minutes to complete. It may be completed over several sittings.
Set on: Monday
To be returned: following Monday
(unless otherwise stated) / Pupil Feedback
I enjoyed it a lot 
It was OK 
I didn’t enjoy it  / Pupil Feedback
I learnt a lot 
I learnt a little 
I didn’t learn anything  / Parents Signature/Comment / Teacher’s Comment
1.05.17 / Literacy:
Alien explanation. If an alien came down to Earth from another planet they would probably be very confused by a lot of things they would find here. Look around your house. There are a lot of things in your house that would confuse an alien. You probably take a lot of these things for granted. Things like a television, a computer, a vacuum cleaner, oreven a washing machine would probably be unknown to the alien. Imagine an alien did land on Earth and that you made friends with it. Choose an item from the list above, or use an idea of your own, and explain what it is to the alien. Write your explanation down. Think about what the thing is used for, how you use it and how it works. You could draw a labelled diagram to help you explain things.
8.05.17 / D&T:
Thrones – Design a throne fit for a Greek God or Goddess. Make it as ornate as you like.
15.05.17 / Maths:
Write a list of acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles that you find around your house. Draw a picture of a several of them and label the features.
22.05.17 / Science:
Make a food chain detailing where your food chain is found and how it works.

Year 4 Home Learning Term 5