Murray Royal Development

Development Control Committee - Wed 14 January 2009

08/02078/OUT Outline Planning Application 4th submission

Richard Salvin’s Deputation to Committee:-

I am speaking to you as a resident of this area.

I am also a community councillor and have been the liaison person for this project since it’s start.

This is the 4th time I have made a deputation on this Outline Planning Submission. The June 2007 submission was passed with certain provisos which you all have in your papers.

One of the provisos of your committee was to ensure that the community was to be consulted and included in the Developments progress.

We pushed hard for this inclusion, and I am pleased to report that liaison between involved parties in the form of Engagement Meetings with healthboard, planning, local councillors and the community council have been useful and productive.

Also as a member of the Design Quality Group I have been able to bring the communities’ views to the Bidders table.

Through the influence of this group the designs have progressed to the point where a revised Outline Planning Submission is now required.

One of the positive outcomes is that current Bidders have taken on board the importance of meaningful external spaces required for patient recovery.

This has resulted in a larger footprint for the medical development.

I can also report that the surplus ground and buildings that are left have not been forgotten and the healthboard is to form a sub-committee to look into possible uses for the listed buildings and their surrounding ground.

My vision is to continue to strive to use the whole site for healthcare or compatible purposes.

I am now confident we will end up with a state-of-the art hospital that respects it’s surroundings, and makes very good use of this exceptional site. At around £80m it will be the biggest investment ever seen in this community if not Perth itself.

That’s the positive side.

The traffic issues have always been top of the list of local concerns. The last committee instructed that the parties involved need to revisit this difficult and complex issue.

But the Traffic Plan submitted, has failed to address the critical issues.

It points out that the Lochie Brae via Bridgend Junction is the main route into this site, accepts that there is a problem, but offers no solution to improve the existing road network.

So, the onus is on Perth & Kinross planning department.

But they are looking to defer having to act.

They will say it is outside the scope of this outline planning submission.

They will say they are looking at the problem.

But I believe they must be instructed, as a condition of approving this application, to take responsible action NOW.

If we are to have a proper, safe access to the new hospital, this issue needs URGENT attention.

Work on the new hospital is programmed to start early next year.

Lochie Brae must be widened to at least current highway standards with safe access for pedestrians and cyclists.

The Bridgend Junction requires creative thinking to resolve traffic flow.

We need some expert advice and action NOW before its too late.

I have stated previously on many occasions the need to address this BEFORE work starts on site otherwise the communities of Bridgend Gannochy and Kinnoull plus Bridgend through traffic will be severely affected during the 4 year building period.

Already both Bidders are looking at large site vehicles going through the heart of Gannochy.

I believe the community will support this new development, understand and accept the disruption, IF and only IF they can see it is being developed sensibly particularly with reference to improving the road infrastructure.

I am very concerned if this is not addressed there will be major opposition to the detailed planning submission.

All parties need to work together to avoid roads chaos during and after construction by urgently giving the main route some serious attention.

I am advised by the healthboard that they are in full support of this request and are also very keen to resolve this matter.

Nobody wants to enter a state-of-the art hospital through an inadequate junction onto a sub-standard, narrow, polluted, dangerous corridor.

That is what we are allowing to happen here!

I urge that this committee put into place some safe guards to ensure this gets the attention and finance that befits this considerable investment and also provides essential road improvements for this area.