• Projects will be due onMon. May 15th
  • If you are absent, it is due the first day you return.
  • Projects will be presented in class on Mon. May 15thand Tuesday, May 16th
  • If you are absent, you present the day you return.

* Visit to find website resources for the

following projects. You may also use / American Memory.

Of course, your book is always a good place to start.

1. Create a poster that includes at least six images depicting an event

from the chapter. Include text to explain the significance of the event

on American History. The text must be in paragraph form using a

readable 14 point font. The poster should be no smaller than 12x18 in.

2. Dress as one of the people in the chapter. Pretend that

you are that person. Tell the audience a little bit about your life and the

significant impact you had on American History. This is a living history

project. Time period dress, dialect, and dialogue are a must for this

project. The presentation should be three to four minutes.

3. Immigration was significant to settling territories and increasing the

population of America during this time period. Create a poster that

displays the impact of either German, Irish, or Scandinavian

immigration. The poster should be full poster board size. It should

include text (readable 14 point font) in paragraph form explaining the

topic, and no less than six graphics relevant to the topic and time period.

4. Except for the Native Americans, all “Americans” came from

someplace else. We have studied exploration, colonization,

and immigration. Trace your family tree back to the first generation

of your family that came to America. When did they arrive? Where

did they come from? Where did they live? What occupation did they

have? What was their motivation for coming to theland of opportunity?

This project will require you to do some researchand to interview older

members of your family. The presentation of information for this project

is rather open-ended. You may wish to create a poster, write a report,

or make a heritage scrapbook. The scrapbook would be something you

would want to keep for future generations in your family.

5. The Hudson River school artists inspired American art during this time.

They are famous for their natural landscapes. Create a piece of art

workdepicting a landscape.This artwork needs to show the use of

color used during this romantic era, not a pencil drawing.

The minimum size requirement for the artwork is 12 X 18 inches.

6. Choose a partner and choose two differing views on abolition.

One person would be for abolition and one against. This project will

require research of the topic. Simply standing up and saying “I’m for

slavery, and “I’m against slavery,” is not a debate. A debate occurs

between two people who are knowledgeable on the topic and can

state specific reasons to support their views and persuade others

to share their view. The debate should be three to four minutes in

length and be planned. Note cards would be permitted.

7. Imagine your family is moving to America. You have left

the only home you have ever known, and your friends. Your family is

convinced they can build a better life inAmerica, but you are not so sure.

Keep a journal of your travels. This diary might include personal

accounts of the journey, the things you see, the things you encounter,

the hardships you face, and how you feel. Your project should include

at least 5 entries. Date your entries one week apart so you have enough

to write. If you made a journal for Chapter 13, you must choose a

different project.

8. There are many historical novels written on topics from this time period,

particularly immigration and slavery. Read a historical novel and

prepare a book report. The book and presentation format must be

approved by the teacher.

9. For those who are musically inclined, play and/or sing a song from this

time period. Many great songs were written during this part of

history. You may choose to perform a song that would have been

heard on a plantation. Your musical instrument must be time period

appropriate. An electric guitar has not been invented yet!

10. America became recognized for its writers and artists during this time

period. Memorize a poem written by one of the authors listed in

the chapter. Recite this poem for the class (without the aid of note cards

or any other written material) . The poem must be approved by the

teacher prior to the presentation.