Academic program review | Full Program title |

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HDR Program Disestablishment | |Click to enter fulltitleClick to enter 4 digit program code

Contact details

Proposing College / Select College
Who is the convener of the program? / eg “Associate Professor Anne Bonny”
Who is the primary contact for queries about this disestablishment? / eg “Professor Mary Read”
Who is the secondary contact for queries about this disestablishment? / eg “Mr Edward Teach”

Program details

Full title / eg “PhD CRAHW Institute of Population Health”
Academic program code (4 characters) / eg 9000
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
qualification level and award type / Click to select qualification level and type
Program CRICOS code (7 characters) / eg “067890A”
External Accreditation body (if any) / eg “Engineers Australia”
First accredited by ANU (if known) / Click here to enter a date
Date of last review (if known) / Click here to enter a date

Reason for Disestablishment

☐Recommendation of review

☐Strategic fit

☐Viability (eg low enrolment)

☐Program to be replaced with new offering

☐Other: Click to enter reason

Joint programresponsibilities

Is this program offered in conjunction with another institution? In 200 words or fewer, describe how responsibilities for course delivery, fees, pre-enrolment engagement of students, student services and care and student visa requirements are shared.

  • The University’s Legal Office may advise on the legal requirements of disestablishment involving an external partner where contractual terms apply.

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National and strategic importance

Prior to disestablishment, Colleges should confirm whether or not the program is considered of national or strategic importance.

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Relevant internal / external consultation

Provide a summary of who has been consulted about the program disestablishment and the consultation responses.

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Students and enrolment

Enrolment forecasting

Provide an annual estimate of enrolment until the last student has completed.

  • Include students who are active and on leave.
  • Estimates should be based on the study load (full time / part time) for each student in the lastsix months of active enrolment.
  • Numbers should be given as individuals rather than EFTSL.

Cohort / Current year / Current year +1 / Current year +2 / Current year +3 / Current year +4 / Current year +5 / Current year +6 / Current year +7
Domestic / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number
International / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number
Total / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number / Click to enter number

Does the Collegeanticipate any likely scenarios or barriers to students completing satisfactorily and, if so, what measures will be put in place to address them?

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Proposed date to cease intake / Click here to enter a date
Number of students currently enrolled / eg “10”
Number of domestic offers made which could commence after the date of proposed disestablishment / eg “10”
Number of international offers made which could commence after the date of proposed disestablishment / eg “10”


All students impacted by the decision to disestablish the program must be advised in writing.

  • This should include active students, students on leave, students with a current offer, students in identified pathways, students who may be seeking to transfer into the program, and PARSA.
  • The communication should include the reasons for the decision and details concerning options that are available to affected students.
  • A nominated contact should be included to assist students with individual enquiries.

Give details of information about the disestablishment of the program that will be communicated to students, including the timing and forms of communication.

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Resource implications

Provide details of any resource implications to:

Colleges (e.g. staffing funds, marketing)Click here to enter text

Service DivisionsClick here to enter text


College Education or Research Committee

Date considered by College Education(CEC)or Research Committee (CRC) as appropriate / Click here to enter a date
URL of outcomes / eg “

CEC / CRC recommendation to University Research Committee (URC)


Do not disestablish (specified below)

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As approved by the Dean or delegated authority

eg “Professor Marco Polo”onClick here to enter a date

Higher Degree Research Committee

Date considered by Higher Degree Research Committee (HDRC) / Click here to enter a date

HDRC recommendation to Academic Board


Do not disestablish (specified below)

Click here to enter text

University Research Committee

Date considered by URC / Click here to enter a date
Document Number / eg “231/2010”

URC recommendation to Academic Board


Do not disestablish (specified below)

Click here to enter text

Academic Board

Date considered by Academic Board / Click here to enter a date
Document Number / eg “231/2010”

Academic Board decision


Do not disestablish (specified below)

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